Franklin's Demise ruins solo queue
I just can't take anyone seriously when they excessively make use of thingss like: bro, bruh, lmao, omfg, lol, rofl or omegalul and the like in their arguments. 😑
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With every post like this I want to run Franklins more
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The killer is sacrificing a whole perk slot just to try countering items. Yeah it might suck losing your item with good addons but you have the advantage of only playing against a killer with 3 perks then.
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I only run FD on hag because it is so entertaining to trap downed items.
Since i stopped running hag. . . I don’t remember the last time I ran FD. Maybe I should just for giggles.
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Did you seriously just compare dropping your little toolbox with being EXPOSED?
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Compose haiku.
It is bad chess to adore the queen and get the king killed.
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It was a joke lmao
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It sucks, but if it's happening a lot think about running Built to Last in your build if you have it available, least you can recharge your items.
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You're acting like a killer with 3 perks is severely underpowered. First off they do have 4 perks, and their 4th perk is prevented you from using items which is a huge deal. Second off 3 perks is still powerful as #########. I mean I've gotten 4ks and 3ks with one perk on a killer I've never played before, it's not hard.
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Gamesense issue? Sorry I didn't know my teammate was gonna be crouching in the corner hiding from a killer across the entire map. And yeah I've won without bringing in items too, but that's just because others did bring in items. I'm saying if survivors never brought in any items then it would be a slaughter with how long it takes to heal and do gennies.
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You aren't prevented from using items. You can still use up a toolbox. You can still flashlight save. You can still heal with a med-kit.
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Not if you get hit, drop it, have to go in a chase and then it's entirely drained when you get back.
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You can see exactly where everyone is every time you get downed or hooked, you can look for disturbed crows in the distance, you can look for blood on the ground, and if that's still not enough you can bring aura reading perks like kindred/bond/empathy to see them when you're not hooked. It's quite literally a skill issue if you can't find even a single survivor with that much information
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Franklin's Demise is very weak.. The cost of a perk slot is a huge price to pay, considering that the perk has competition like Barbecue & Chilli, Save The Best For Last, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Dead Man's Switch, Overcharge, Call of Brine, etcetera.
Please, don't tell me that you'd rather face a gen. regression build than a rare Franklin's Demise.
I do run the perk myself, and although it's weak, it does provide me with the effect I really like, especially while playing with Anna. If they're in open sight, I do let them decide; M1 or hatchet? In most cases, they pick M1 and drop their precious item aswell.. That'll teach them to step into my hatchets! 😎
Regardless, as has TWiXT mentioned, the perk used to be numerous times more effective and punishing.. This.. This is nothing.
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And you still always had the option of dropping your item before getting hit.
Your refusal to adapt is your own issue. Not one with the game.
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But that's the whole point of running Franklin's... Due to last second switching more Killers are running Franklin's even before they load into the pre-match lobby
But now think of Killers... They just got done with (whatever number) of match(es) of seeing how strong Items got the Survivors to all escape... and then they read up on Franklin's (or watch a video on it)... Franklin's was designed to make Survivors think twice about carrying an Item
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The only thing Franklins does is trying to prevent you from using items, which is not even guaranteed. If I know a killer has Franklins I'll just drop my item whenever I hear the terror radius and I can come back to my toolbox/medkit right after. Not even mentioning items are not mandatory to win games so it's not a huge deal to lose yours.
A killer with 3 perks is significantly weaker than a killer with 4 perks, that is just a fact. If you don't know how to capitalize on a killer bringing Franklins instead of a slowdown/information/chase perk that is a you problem.
Your last statement means nothing. I've won dozens of games perkless both as killer and survivor.
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This is why I bring Sloppy Butcher on most M1 killers, sometimes Dark Devotion and Coulrophobia, sometimes Forced Penance, reducing the effectiveness of healing entirely, or outright preventing it, can be a powerful tool when used right. Also you have the added utility of having effects that extend beyond just items.
Franklins counters items, but since it only counters items, it's kind of bad, it has one job that it does extremely well but it's limited application is a huge turnoff for me. If anything it is just a minor inconvenience for survivors and that it is really.
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You mean, at least once?
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I would much prefer to have this version back, as it had actual counterplay. Spend precious time to search for and pick up your dropped item, all is well. Current Franklin’s does not have meaningful counterplay. Never getting hit once by the killer is not realistic. It’s akin to the ‘DoN’t GeT cAuGhT’ argument people use against those who complain about hook camping. Plus, we all know current Franklin’s was designed as a bandaid fix to keys and hatch, which have now been nerfed to the ground.
Maybe we can get the survivor version of Franklin’s one day. The longer the killer chases me without hitting or downing me, they will eventually lose their add-ons for the rest of the match. Seems fair and balanced, right?
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If you think Franklin's is unfair, wait until you find out about life.
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The reason why survivors won't ever get a perk to disable killer powers or addons, is because the killer is the single player vs a team of 4.
Plus the other version of Franklins was terrible, because it could be completely negated making the entire point of the perk useless.
I get it's an annoying perk to face, but it only attacks items and can already be completely played around by manually dropping your own item.
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The best way to combat Franklins is to not give a damn about your items. When I go into a game, I'm going to be relying on my perks, not the medkit or toolbox I brought in. Perks are the meat of the game, Items are just the icing on the dessert, and if they get smacked out of my hand, too bad, maybe one of my teammates will pick it up and that will help the team in some way.
I can understand the frustration but honestly, Franklins is by no means Op. It sounds more like an inconvenience at worst, and considering I'm usually just toting a brown medkit or toolbox in solo, a waste of a killers perk slot at best.
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Honestly...what doesn't ruin Solo q?
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Honestly if the killer is that insecure they want to waste a perk slot with Franklin's, they probably need it in all honesty .
I have run it in the past though but not very often, it is such a mean spirited perk too lol
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I can see where OP is coming from, franklins basically rinses your item, because if killer has just hit you the chances of you escaping the killer, and getting back your item without being hooked or taking to long to get there while there are still charges are pretty slim. And that's if killer doesnt double back to the item's aura.
Imo franklins would be more balanced if killer couldn't see the items aura or it didn't lose charges. Could also give the effect a cooldown or trigger condition.
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The only problem I have with franklins is that it effectively disables your "White Ward" offering.
I have no problem losing a valuable item for this round, but I do have a problem losing it completely despite white ward. That's why I use this offering. Also, the killer player shouldn't mind if the survivor gets their item back at the end of the match after the result screen, unless it's a jerk whose only reason to play DBD is to make other people feel miserable.
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I only run it when there's 4 medkits. I haven't seen to many last second switches since they changed keys.
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Franklin's isn't that bad.
What's more, if you want people to read your essay on why a decent tier perk is bad, you should consider more line breaks and less ranting.
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Franklin's demise is fine get good
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That cause the Hatch changed... instead of giving the unlock and animation they made it not spawn until 1 Survivor is left
Then they haven't touched keys since that
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Survivors did it was Iorn Will and it totally countered Stridor.....that was bad design because no one perk should hard counter another perk. It's one thing there are steps to set it up or it partly countered it but not a 100% counter.
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Now I do agree with this. I think White Ward should be used even if FD was used to force drop it.
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Franklins isn't hard countering another perk and survivors still have options to play around Franklins.
Not to mention OTR, Self Preservation, Bite the Bullet, Low Profile, Parental Guidance all hard counter Stridor still.
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I wasn't saying FD hard counter anything I was saying no perk should in a general sense.
Yea but the difference between those and original IW is that IW was always active and never shut off, even OTR has a limit to it's silence. They counter Stridor but it's not a absolute hard counter since they are I'm certain situations or limited time
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Items are not perks and items are completely optional and can even be looted during the trial. I see no issue with Franklin's dealing with items as well as it does for the same reason that lightborn hard counters flashlights is fine. They are very niche perks for the killer to deal with potentially strong things a team of 4 survivors can bring against them.
And frankly it's okay if the killer has tools that can shut down certain things survivors bring into the trial, because their advantage is being the more powerful player. Survivors have the number advantage.
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Thats my point and I almost never see last second switch to flashlights. I just don't find it useful very often so its never pre equipped in my loadouts.
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I call killers who use Franklin's Petty a** killers. because when you are in solo que it is hard to get help from randoms.
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I have had it happen a number of times
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You can get a total of 60 charges if you use purple (32 charges) medkit green gel dressings (16 charges) and yellow gauze roll (12 charges)
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I agree, I'm new to killer and I run NOED due to not having better perks. It could just be my lack of experience, but I'm lucky if I get 1k due to NOED and that's if the totem wasn't cleansed before the endgame.
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Exactly. People in here are really like "well you don't need items to win" like it's not obvious they don't play survivor lmao. "Noooooo you cant bring in a medkit it means I can't one tap youuuuuu"
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It sound more like you never play killer and want to win every match, without any bumps on the road. But you say it is hard to play with strangers you can't talk to, well I think that's the point of your play.
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I just had it happen I was playing survivor but I stopped find it funny.
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That's a teammate issue and not on Killers who use FD.
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Yeah, items are guaranteed to make you win all the time. Looping the killer, giving your team enough time to work on gens doesn't matter in the equation at all...
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Yeah, its gonna be very hard to not get hit during the match unless the killer is afk farming, but current Franklin's still has Built to Last as a counter if you do end up finding your item out of juice. Even if you don't have the perk equipped, you just find it if you can, go from there and use it/drop it at your own discretion to keep it from losing charges once again if you care about the item's value.
And there's no way we're getting a survivor version of FD. That pretty much ruins the balance of the game and you'd have bully squads running it just to weaken the killer.
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You don't need items to win I have escaped many matches with NO items brought in at all and never found a item.
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Us survivors get a perk that shows us where totems are if we're in a certain radius. I think that balances out NOED. Yes it takes up a spot but it's worth it.
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If you have 4 medkits with a mix of greens and purples, franklins basically turns that off and its extremely powerful for that. I agree if you slap it on for just like 2 items or less its a waste. If you see 4 medkits though and your a weaker killer, you actually need it since 4 decent medkits on even a less favourable map for you is basically unwinnable.