Blight serum and using your killer power

So I’m playing as hag and the button to set traps is the same as if you use your blight serum when equipped with the add on. Soooo every time I hook a survivor I’m forced to use the blight serum to set a trap anywhere on the map. In the key bindings, I can only change my power binding to a different button but it would still just cause the same problem since it’s using primary power as the input. Can it be switched to Secondary power so that I don’t have this problem? It’s making it not fun to run the add on because it’s conflicting with my killer’s basic ability.
That's the point of the add-on. It's a joke item that mimics Blight's power. It overrides your main power till you've used it.
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Or one more button.
I am on the console version, but in Survivor, there are extra dead hard or other ability buttons on the killer side. It would be nice to be able to use that.
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Ohhh lame. I think it would be better if it gave you a secondary power instead of overriding your basic power. I guess I won’t be running it then. I found it frustrating rather than entertaining. Thanks!