Survivors Saboing to troll killers :(

Just had a game where survivors were following me around and saboing every time I downed someone so I couldn't hook and get energy. Then they have the gall to complain in endgame chat that I was slugging
I had mostly good games when playing survivor but first game as killer and I get survivors literally stopping the killer from being able to do the event.
Oh fun, you got to run into your first sabo squad!!!
Wait, did I say fun? I meant to say "I hope you bled them all out for the full four minutes each. If they so desperately want to not be hooked, grant their wish"
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Upcoming basekit unbreakable make me sad because i would not be able to slug those people
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I don't mind sabo squads too much normally but during this event they make it way harder to unlock cosmetics :(
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Simple... run Franklin's every game. Franklin's is a base kit perk for me now. Regardless how the match goes you can always take joy in knowing your taking their precious toys away.
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Yeah just dont listen to those types of people. The ones that prevent you from hooking then complain when you use another way to kill.
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Them getting mad at you for slugging is dumb.
but unless they refused to do gens i would not call sabo trolling or toxic
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Killer not having fun oh no, get back to me when camping, slugging and tunneling is gone.
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Get back to me when you have to do more than just run in circles around pallets and push 1 button on a gen.
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Love the post history.
Keep up the good work!
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As usual when you're reductive for the sake of being reductive to the point of throwing any compelling argument you may once have had out the window then you can make anything sound easy.
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Wait... What? If you don't have a hook, is there anything else to do besides slugging? There is none.
If you know there is no hook and you don't pick it up, what player is going to complain about that?
I remain ignorant of why Killer uses that strategy. Is there a filter that makes every event feel like harassment against you?
I don't understand. If slugging were to virtually disappear with base kit unbreakable... They would stop complaining. I'll hold my head up.
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How hard is it to run from pallet to pallet?How hard is it to push one button on gen?How hard is it when most survivors are getting 3health states now?
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If they sabo, they don't work on gens. Unless they all run flip-flop builds shouldn't be hard to just slug them all. Sabo squads usually make games unnecessary long and annoying , but they all die in the end
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Imagine getting trolled as killer.
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If you boil looping down to simply running from pallet to pallet then yes, it sounds simple. But as is proven every single day via my solo queue teammates, it is absolutely not that simple when you add in pallet efficiency, resource management, hitboxes and collision, mindgames, routing, chaining tiles, learning to counter all 29 unique powers, latency, etc.
But how hard is killer when you just slap on 4 regression perks and hold W after a survivor at every tile until you inevitably win the battle of attrition? Can't be too difficult if it can be that simple on paper-
oh wait what's that, being overly reductive also reduces your argument to nothing because you're being obtuse just for the sake of it?
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Ops issue is that they were not doing Gens so he can't get event energy from them which means the only way is pumpkins or downs if I'm correct
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So you slug 1 or 2 and deposit whatever you got, so you don't lose it
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Solitary!One month!
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Survivors are allowed to do anything, even all but force you to slug or get no hooks, because of gameplay like that…but it’ll always be the killer who is accused of playing unfair unfortunately.
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Sabotaging isnt trolling.
Trolling would be a springwood offering, a shack basement offering, and everyone running flip flop/boil over/No mither
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Are you kidding? These are the matches with the most fun. They tend to be all about the chases and almost not about the gens. You only need to think how to out-troll them.
I was in a sabo squad a couple of days ago (nothing planned, it's just how it turned out) and, if the killer had it hard at the start, he eventually managed to slowly win the war of attrition. He was pretty happy after the match (no better feeling than overcoming a challenge).
When go against such squads, it usually ends-up with a wipe too. There is always a moment they make a mistake, especially if you troll.
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I've been away from the game for a while and only really came back for the event. Only one of my match hasn't been good fun. (And only because a very high number over a head made me wildly overestimate the opposing team's strength and half of them gave up. Kind of a bummer.)
None of the killer I went against were particularly annoying.
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And I am facing way more Nemesis gamers with fuuming zombies or other zombie addons that makes them focusing survivors on gens. Idk if I'm just super unlucky but it's wild how often I face this killer. Last weeks/months I only saw Wesker, Nurse, Spirit, Blight, some Clowns, and other low tier killer here and there but not Nemesis.
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Then you will unlock it one game later... Big deal... Grow up...
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They took out my Shawshank Redemption quote lol.You said I was being
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Exactly. It took me a good year before I was decent at looping even now I still don't fully have it mastered. My 3rd game as a killer I ran noed and camped one guy at end guy that I had tunneled a lot, all the very smart soloq players came to save him at end game they all got downed by noed. A few rage quit and i got some salty messages, lol. Killer things hard.
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Also played killer today to finish the tome and got more sabo survivors than usual.
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Yeah I mean if my team is getting a lot of good sabo’s off I’m not surprised if I’m slugged because hey at some point killer has to try for a kill and if you can’t hook then you slug and bleed out.
If they are refusing to do the objective then it’s free pressure just keep smacking them down. Once someone is close enough to bleed out you can guard their body and bait more hits while they die, just be sure to keep knocking them down again.
It’s not a stock standard game of dbd but I wouldn’t call it trolling or toxic.
I would say this is a reason why base kit BT is likely a bad idea because it creates the scenario for this to become trollish when you know you’re all but safe to engage in it so can just do it all game largely risk free.
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I mean if anyone goes for the save when there's NOED up that's the survivors being terrible. Never go for the unhook when NOED is up :p
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Thats my point, most players in soloq are terrible, the majority of matches are duo or soloq. So killer ez, if mmr is working as intended and you keep slaughtering younglings in soloq, mmr should theoretically go up and you'll start to get better survivors. Dont slaughter soloq on the regular if you dont want to play tough 4man swfs on comms.
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are event hooks possible to sabo? I thought they removed that like years ago
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Sabo squad is fair play, dumb play usually (unless the UB changes go through). My only issue is with them complaining about being slugged. I play pretty fair, overly so at times, but mess with my ability to get hooks, and I'm quite happy to leave them face down in the dirt until they bleed out or I can get them or their teammates on a hook.