Does Eruption need changes?



  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I mean, technically all SWF that solo doesn’t is voice comms. So not only it would say this specific issue but also other ones as well.

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    It should have a second-two delay on exploding the gen, but the numbers should be buffed.

    So if a killer downs a survivor, they would have a very small window to react, but if they don't, they get screwed over massively. And overall gen regression would be bigger in both cases.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited October 2022

    Eruption is awful to face as solo survivor, there's literally no way to counter it because you have no idea of knowing when someone is gonna go down. Even if you know someone is in chase and is injured, you can't just not do gens because they -might- go down right then.

    Heck just yesterday I tapped a gen for half a second and that was of course when Euption went off.

    They need to reduce the Incapacitated effect quite a bit, and can buff the regression to make up for it.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    No it wouldnt, what about different languages? A chinese, korean, japanese and far east russian or an USA citicen, a haitian and a mexican.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Technically yes it is. Unless I am mistaken SWF does not have aura reading abilities at base. Which is why is mostly asked for solo.

    Sure, there would be a language barrier in some cases, but they could implement adjustments to servers so that someone from Mexico isn’t playing against someone from Canada. It shouldn’t be a thing anyway considering that many times lag is at stake and how much it creates ping issues where hits that shouldn’t happen, which makes for a miserable match.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I agree, I also hate when I'm solo and this perk is in the trial. I had a teammate flame me in chat for not healing them up but I literally couldn't do anything and I guess because they don't play killer or understand how it works, they didn't see how eruption kept me from doing anything, at the very least if it doesn't change they should at least notify the other survivors that you've been affected by it with an icon by the perks or a status effect on the picture, just so you don't get trash talked for being unable to help them

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    I feel the same way as many people here... change the perk to do more regression but give less time incapacitated

    15% regression and 15 seconds incapacitated

    No we don't need another perk that blocks Gens (there's enough of those)

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2022

    But SWFs are almost always done by people who share at least one language and comunication is what counters Eruption, not aura reading seeing your companion auras doesnt alert you when someone is going to get downed unless you are also seeing the Killer aura, you see someone hurt but you dont know how close is the Killer, he may be 20 meters away or swinging for the down.

    There would be a language barrier in more cases than not, Europe and Asia have more players than USA and even then USA can get paired with Mexico and the rest of central America, then there is middle east, Iranians and Israelis dont speak arab and the arab speaking world doesnt speak yiddish or persian, as far as I know Australia is paired with East Asia. You cant adjust the servers for Europe nor Asia because that would reduce the pool of players enormously in some countries.

    Hell even at certain times Ive got japanese people on my lobbies with full japanese bios on their profiles and speaking japanese kanjis on chat so Im 99,99% sure they were real japanese and not weaboos trying to put an act.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    All of this boils down to, solo q needs way more changes than nerfing one perk.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Think of vhs and the pings would work like that, also who the hell is in the uk region playing with someone who only speaks Chinese? that's not how the regioning works in this game you would have to be using a VPN. If you are well then thats on you for going to a region whos language you cant speak.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434
    edited October 2022

    I mean we have voice comms on Evil Dead the game and it’s not a problem there. This is the case in many other games as well. This isn’t anything new.

    I don’t know where you are located but I barely get anyone in my lobbies that doesn’t understand English, that’s not to say it doesn’t happen but like I said they could make servers based on whatever region they are in.

    How would you know to what extent it would be reduced? As far as I’m concerned the problem is the number of servers they have. VPN doesn’t count because they shouldn’t be accessing servers that way anyway.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2022

    In Europe, I played DOTA2 several years, a game with inbuilt voice comms, it was useless as a team tool, most often than not it was even a hindrance and I usually muted almost everyone who used it because they werent using it for its intended purpose.

    Lets describe how most matches where you actually had a team who could understand at least one language went, first of all teenagers screaming and throwing tantrums (this happened almost always), different nationalities bickering among eachother (in 2014 it was impossible to play if your team had russians and ukrainians because they would sabotage eachother, imagine nowadays...), people who could understand but couldnt speak fast enough to get any real use out of voice, burps, music, music spam, burps spam, music AND burps spam, edgelords being racist/sexist just for the sake of it, xenophobia, people repeating what others said but with a silly voice, people getting pissed at that, dogs barking in the background nonstop (special mention to dachshund, yorkshire and bichon frise owners, small dogs but powerful lungs), some weirdo playing Hitler's speeches over the mic and a long list of absurdity.

    That being said sometimes you could actually die of laughter, once there was this guy who started arguing with his wife/girlfriend over the mother in law and we got to hear ALL of it, it was 30 minutes nonstop bickering, some dude with a chatbox spamming Duke Nukem quotes, a guy trying to convince the team the world was ruled by the Illuminati etc.

    And as I said, this was when at least the 5 players could understand the same language (usually english) but usually around 50% of matches there was at least one or two people who couldnt understand a single word of anything but their native, they could understand written small orders like "defend" "go mid" "go top" "jungle" etc but other than that? not a single word, especially not spoken, in the end the inbuilt voicecom started to fall into disuse because it wasnt useful.

    You dont need a chinese player to have someone not understanding english, in my country I can guarantee half or more of internet players dont speak english very well and much less understand it when someone speaks at a fast pace and its not a small country you can find players from here on a daily basis, there are several countries with the same "problem" in Europe. Then again, you have Asia, I believe China, Japan and South Korea are paired together and they dont speak the same languages and english there is even less spread than here.

    Post edited by HectorBrando on
  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    No, this perk is way too good to be nerfed. It's like the old Decisive Strike but instead of making the game unbalanced, it makes it balanced and it require skill to use (get a down). When this didn't exist then what would happen is you would accept your loss in a 3 gen setup (very common scenario btw) due to survivors retreating to circle of healing zone and you can't follow to down them because you would lose the gen if you did. This perk allows you to follow the chase and finally get a down while also stopping gen progress. Also it can be half countered by swef but it's not always as ppl dont have the best reaction time.

  • Malkraz
    Malkraz Member Posts: 112

    It does nothing to "make it balanced" because it has virtually 0 effect on SWF who can just call out that they're going down, making it a worse Jolt. Solo Survivors, the weakest role in the game, get absolutely demolished by it moreso than any other single perk.

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    So i'm a killer main but recently I've wanted to try out survivor a bit more. I had a game against a wesker yesterday on eyrie of crows and he was running eruption with Pop. Now i'm not a good survivor. infact im terrible at it, I can't loop very well as im still learning.

    I didn't find that erruption was to "OP". Is it annoying, Yeah of course it is, but is it OP, Don't think so. I was playing solo and every time someone got downed erruption activated however it will resulted in us getting to end game and 2 people escaping.

    I could see a slight reduction to 20 seconds to the incapacitated but other than that the perk is fairly easy to counter be either letting go of the gen after someone has been injured once or just moving to another gen. There will always be another generator that doesnt have erruption and if a killer is going to spend time going to each and every gen to kick them then the amount of time they waste doing that doesnt really match the time they save by having the perk activate.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Letting the gen go after someone has been injured? You know someone injured can still run the Killer for a lot of time, right? Are you supposed to not touch the generator until you see the guy being downed? Eruption is totally busted, every activation adds 9 seconds per gen affected and if someone is caught adds another 25 from incapacitation for a total of 34 seconds of stalling, no single perks gives so much with such meager requirements, a kick and a down.

    Lets compare it to other similar shaving progression and mostly unavoidable perks

    • PGTW: same exact requirements and it can give you max 18 seconds of stalling on one gen (assuming you kick a gen at 99%).
    • Surge: requires only a down, gives 8 seconds per gen affected and it may affect 3 gens tops for a total of 24 seconds (except on layered maps which can affect many more).
    • Pain Ressonance: requires a down and a Scourge gives 14 seconds on one gen.

    Now you put Eruption in 3 gens and you get 27 seconds (9 per gen) and if you catch 2 Survivors there is only 1 person being able to progress the objective for 25 seconds, on top of that incapacitated players cant do anything but hide in a locker and wait, they cant even unhook.

    Enjoy Eruption while it lasts because its time will come eventually.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Yes eruption is really really obnoxious,, they need to remove or heavily nerf the incapacitated effect,, like regression is one thing but being useless for 30 seconds is too much

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    Yeah, they should reduce the time the survivor remains Incapacitated but increase the instant regression.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    I think Eruption shouldn't disable Survivors actions bc for solo players there is no way to counter it. A SWF can just call it and the big benefit of this perk gets just ignored.

    I think this perk should rather just regress the gen or block it. You can increase the numbers here to compensate.

  • duygu
    duygu Member Posts: 333

    I have literally never heard of eruption being called a worse jolt, even against swf. Not all the time can swf call out their down (sometimes they dont expect it) and even then you're assuming every single survivor is in the same group. Even if they do call it out, you're still buying yourself extra 10 seconds multiplied by generator kicked which can be game changing. Jolt doesn't regress that much and you have to be within the generator's radius for it to actually work.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Perk is not fine.

    When a perk has no counterplay for a massive majority of the playerbase (soloQ), no that is not healthy.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    I don't like the idea of a perk, that is weak against SWF but super oppressive against SoloQ. I hope they'll rework that perk.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452

    The Incapacitated should be removed entirely. It makes the perk absolutely braindead on 3 gen situations. Maybe buff the regression to 15% to compensate, although it would still be a decent perk even without this (this just shows how broken the perk is currently, when it can be nerfed and still be one of the strongest perks)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    As a killer, you benefit less from Eruption against SWF. Them being able to call out downs can effectively render the perk useless, and a game against a SWF is already stacked against you, why would you want to make those odds worse by rendering an entire perk obsolete?

    Killers and solo survivors alike should want this perk changed into something that doesn't disproportionately hurt solos and effectively aid SWFs by removing a killer perk from play.

    As I suggested before, change the 25s Incapacitated to 20s of blocking the gen. It might be 5s less but it will affect all survivors equally, gaining you more value out of it.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    So an unavoidable DMS+Pain Resonance that can affect multiple gens at the cost of a kick and without the need of using a Scourge Hook, yep, sounds super balanced.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022

    Oh you're problem is that's too strong? Then nerf it by all means. 15s? 10s good enough?

    FYI, if you think that suggestion is too strong, that is exactly how it affects solo survivors. So why is it not already too strong? Oh because it doesn't affect SWFs, so it doesn't always work. Totally fair, right?

    Thanks for agreeing that Eruption needs to be changed.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Yes, I think that suggestion is still too strong for a perk with no counterplay for half the Survivors and very little investment, Eruption needs a bigger nerf than that because your suggestion is just a better version of two already good perks paired together.