Don't even think about buffing SoloQ until...

You have addressed SWF and/or buffed killer so that it can pressure survivors on most of the maps.
Buffing SoloQ efficiency to near SWF level without giving universal killer buffs is how you make this killer player count gone by 50 %.
And no - don't say that "killer buffs will come next". Knowing BHVR, that could take anything from 6 months to 5 years.
So no, either release killer buffs on the same patch or don't buff SoloQ at all.
Bhvr be like: guess i'll just wait then.
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Basicly my thoughts as well all the Solo Q suggestions are and then buff killers
Just buffing Solo to even half of Swf would likley make most killers leave
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Indeed, the bottom half of the killers and even some of the top half ones will be instantly dumpstered without changes to the killer side.
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Buffing Solo's will in turn make casual SWF's better
Buffing Killer's will make even more Solo's leave the game
I hate to type this... but there needs to be a balance in stuff like this
I would start with the UI change they had... Then making maps better... and see where that leads us
Also the servers and MM need to be looked at more seriously
Honestly at this point it goes beyond mid chapter patches
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BRUH, imagine complaining about buffing the weakest role in the game, how should they balance swf without hurting solo? What they should, and most likely will do is balance solo to have a similar level as a swf, then u can balance the game and buff killer to compensate, an S tier killer with 4 slow gens is unwinnable to solo, but a good swf have a fair chance, and how could u balance something that has a difference so ABYSMAL as solo and swf. Buff solo then buff killers so everyone can have a fair chance, solo can't be ignored.
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Buff solo then buff killers so everyone can have a fair chance, solo can't be ignored.
And why is no one talking about buffing killer? Everyone is just saying buff SoloQ this and that but no one is mentioning what killer buffs are you going to give. It feels like an afterthought of "we'll see". Are you going to add another of these meaningless "mini SBTFL" as compensation?
Give me a list of proposed killer buff changes, then we can talk about SoloQ buffs.
And the "weakest role in the game" is an illusion. It is weakest, but only at certain times, and I can 100 % tell you that it happens not as common as the community tells you. The community exaggerates massively as if every game is 4 SoloQ monkeys running around and doing basic mistakes. There are games when that happens, but if this was every game occurrence, then no one would play this game without being in SWF.
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There in is the biggest problem with solo que. Everything in DBD that is meant to give an advantage to killers hurts solo que by default, because solo que will never be as strong as SWF inherently is, because playing with others instantly gives advantages that solo que can never have.
Now the most common answer to this is "make solo que as good as SWF by default", but that in and of itself will be problematic because if solo que is raised to SWF levels, then every game a killer will play will automatically be against a SWF level group of opponents. And as a killer player, I dread that, because going against a competent level SWF friends group will most likely be (if i may use a work survivor mains use a great deal on this forum) "unfun".
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We even have some people that just want to buff solo q, and do absolute zero to help killers. Or they'll suggest minor buffs for the lower tier killers, and say the top tier killers can just suffer.
SWF can get a group MMR score that's higher than it currently is (even if it causes them to need a higher MMR soft cap). The problem with SWF is they can get a higher escape rate due to being in a SWF, and MMR doesn't account for this currently.
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BHVR could take the easy way out and just remove SWF so they can properly balance everything.
I honest don't think anyone would miss SWF besides SWF players.
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SWF players, also known as literally 98% of the playerbase.
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They aren't balancing anything except buffing SWFs, an example of this would be CoH.
CoH addresses the issue of SWFs on comms being easily able to find each other to be healed.
Now CoH is used in SWFs with 1 perk slot for the whole team to not bother healing each other
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Killers got enough buffs to win against SWF.
You are mixing balance with personal skill issues.
You are lacking skills to beat coordinated teams. That's fine, not everyone has the brain to beat coordination.
But don't say the game is unbalanced against SWF. Be humble and accept you are not a good killer and have to improve.
Solo Q is in deep desire for some massive attention now.
Post edited by CoDismylife on5 -
no :) you got 6.1.0 already sweetheart. if you are struggling as killer right now,you're not playing well
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I seriously don't understand why people are complaining about SWF, like a year ago when I used to have a stable group to play SWF with we had 2 guys who barely knew how to loop. Me and another mate could loop the killer for like 60+ seconds if we got lucky, those two guys went down in like 30 sec, often even less. Not every SWF is a comp squad that just wrecks havock over a killers match, some of them just want to have fun, and when people say bring SoloQ up to SWF level what they really mean is: Give SoloQ players an indicator if somebody is already going for the unhook, or the cube, or is in chase those simple things are probably enough. This would also help the problem of either several people going for the unhook or nobody going for it so the survivor might even die on hook.
Thats all there is to it. I don't even know if those basic things need a killer buff on the other hand? Maybe just some basic tracking so the killer doesn't wander around aimlessly so often but besides that I don't really feel like these changes make the killers match so much harder...
And to be honest if they seriously do make matches harder that's kind of fair because when you rely on people playing ineffectively to win your games you might just need to step up your game to keep up with it... Or maps are just terrible and the survivor is just way better than you, one of those at least... Basic communication really isn't that big of a deal...
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no. They do make a valid point, buffing SoloQ to swf level would cause many killers to feel significantly weaker and more map dependant.
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It’s not going to happen and it will kill the game if they did that. Just get over it already.
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Killer vs SWF was always unbalanced since the inception of the DBD. Even average SWFs do get various small/medium advantages by communicating simple things and being more efficient than solo survivors. While a coordinated SWF is breaking the game by being efficient in every game scenario by communicating information that should be not available to survivors.
None of these buffs or nerfs had any reasonable impact on killer vs SWF. I think you're projecting a lot here and misusing the term "personal skill".
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Who is struggling here, honey? The game is the most balanced it has been IMO. Good players get rewarded, and bad players get punished. 4 man SWF is still problematic, but when it hasn't been?
The post is about the constant barraging of requests for SoloQ changes but ignoring killer compensation and buffs.
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I project nothing. Yall just bad but still want to win all games.
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I don't agree. Most killers are well playable right now. However the SoloQ situation really is terrible. It would have been better if BHVR had focused on SoloQ first and then buffed killers. Doing it in the order they did means they'll have to buff killers again once they finished the SoloQ changes. So they actually made it harder for themselves.
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Killers don't need a buff beforehand for solos to get status icons and someway of knowing if someone is going for a save. I doubt they would even need a small buff after. Knowing that someone is going for a save isn't going to stop someone who's too scared to take a hit from letting their teammates second stage or one hook. Knowing they can't hide their lack of participation might stop low MMR survivors from hiding behind rocks and in lockers and they might actually touch a gen but nobody is worried that low MMR survivors might start dominating at low MMR.
Status icons and solo buffs are needed for solo queue. Mid MMR survivors might rise a bit in MMR but, once they hit an MMR where Killers are used to SWFs, their MMR progress will slow back to normal.
Sorry, I don't see any reason why Killers would need a buff before status icons and info buffs that let survivors know what other survivors are doing. There's a difference between knowing something and acting effectively on that knowledge.
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Killers don’t need any buffs because of SWF.
Solo queue doesn’t need a “buff” it needs QoL changes. As in things that give them ability to coordinate like SWF. Period.
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What are your arguments that most killers can deal with coordinated SWF? Looking forward to the answer.
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"Doesn't need a buff"
"Ability to coordinate like SWF"
Are you reading what you wrote? How is this QoL change lmao?
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Killers were buffed in the meta rework so dont think they need another one just yet.
But agree with you that SWF needs to be held in check. Currently cant nerf them without needing solo q further into the ground.
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This is the problem with jenga balancing. everything is so lopsided and back and forth that each previous buff/nerf gets used as an excuse to exclude the next buff/nerf. Whataboutism is practically encouraged by how the devs approach prioritizing balance adjustments with this game. Just fix things unilaterally so both sides benefit.
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Killers got their buffs, Solo Q didnt receaved one in a looooooong time. SWF's doesnt happen that often. Solo Q is a major part of the player base.
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And here in that thread we have the oppositve, someone wanting to buff killers but dont want buff for soloq... So your point is...? And also as mentioned, killers got buffs recently. Quite huge ones.
Solo Q didnt got buffs like ever.
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My own experience and watching good players destroying them.
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Good SWF destroys everyone bar Nurse and maybe Blight. There is no discussion regarding this. If they didn't destroy the killer, then it wasn't a good SWF. SWF has every tool in the game to win - they just need skill and to actually try (:
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It is a QoL change because Solo Queue doesn’t have the ability to communicate. So by giving them comms they can and coordinate accordingly.
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And Killer has every tool in the game to win. How many stacks of basekit STBFL do Killers need? How much more would you nerf Survivor distance after an injury? How much more would you expand Huntress' mini-fridges?
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Yes, its QoL change which results in a massive buff. Same as you'd give hook count per survivor for killers - QoL change into a buff.
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Tell me you play only one side without telling me that you only play one side.
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Lol a “massive buff”, how is adding voice chat a massive buff when you can already communicate on other platforms like discord etc?
Explain that one.
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Do you understand that you're adding this feature for ALL survivors? How many solos/randoms do communicate via Discord?
It's as if you're suggesting that 4 random soloq players send a discord link in-game chat and talk. And adding in-game HUD indicators is just replacing Discord, except it's not.
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I play Solo Survivor and Killer on Old Gen. You wanna bet that new gen and PC have higher kill rates than old gen Killer? You wanna bet that SWF has a higher survival rate than 39%? The Kill Rate is 61%. How much higher does it need to be?
Tell me you do not know what you're talking about. You're messing around.
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Outdated + biased stats. Irrelevant.
Outdated - been already many buffs for the survivor since that data was gathered.
Biased - lots of survivors were killing themselves on hook/DCing/refusing to adapt during the first weeks of the new patch.
61 % is a delusional statistic, especially now.
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Isn't that still a buff, though?
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You're not serious, that's why you call yourself AlmoFan. You're trolling.
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And Killer has every tool in the game to win.
Only Nurse, and maybe Blight.
How many stacks of basekit STBFL do Killers need? How much more would you nerf Survivor distance after an injury? How much more would you expand Huntress' mini-fridges?
I was going to address your points until I read the last point. You're really biased to a survivor side - just don't hide it, because it looks very ridiculous ;)
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Ah yes, focus on my name. Great way to admit that you lost the argument, buddy.
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You propose Universal Killer Buffs. The Kill Rate is 61%. Old Gen is harder to play than New Gen and PC. The Kill Rate is lower for Old Gen. How much higher does the Kill Rate have to be for New Gen and PC to satisfy you? Answer the question.
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If I called myself SluzzyFan, I would admit that I'm trolling.
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I won't address 61 % because it's irrelevant. If you can counter-address my points why it's relevant - then go ahead. The very likely fact is, it's definitely not 61 % anymore, therefore, there is no point discussing it.
Also, Nurse is 40 %, I think she needs buffs.
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I do agree that the kill rate is inflated but I reckon BHVR can tell apart matches with and without dcs so that should not add into it. However survivors killing themselves or simply giving up definitely impacts the stats.
The kill rates without those would probably still be higher than before 6.1.0. Definitely not 61% but better than 53% at least.
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What is your proof that I am trolling? As far as I can see, you're the one who is trolling here the most + throwing false accusations. If you don't like my name, maybe don't participate in the discussion. Must be hard, but I know it's doable ;)
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Doesn't stop the community from preaching the "muh 61 %" like it's some holy truth. I am getting so sick of it being referenced everywhere as the only argument. I wish BHVR never released those stats, it was a mistake.
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The numbers are only a month old, that's very relevant.
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The DBD playerbase mades youtube videos of Almo making fun of him. Whenever his name is brought up, it's more often than not to ridicule him. You know Almo's name so you know how the playerbase reacts to him. That's the proof you're trolling.