Can we get dance emojis?

If you do then the killer can have a rage meter that buffs him up or something?
Add some more fun too the game.
I mean Fortnite has made insane money from it, and I'm quite frankly amazed that they haven't capitalized on it yet?
Its harmless fun that can help take tension out of the game.
I've been an advocate for this for years but only if the killer gets new taunt moves as well, that way it's not just one side doing it to the other.
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Meme dances doesn't fit DBD in my opinion, this is not Fortnite.
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Yea but having new emotes does fit the game they would just have to do it right
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Ok, please elaborate on how you think they fit the game.
Post edited by tenoresax on1 -
Honestly I'd find it more hilarious if a Killer had some emoji. Like shake head in disapproval of the survivor (if they're being annoying). Granted I am the friendly type, so I'd like to express myself more than just nod
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I don't think it fits the horror atmosphere that is arguably still at the core of the game.
I also think giving more BM potential to a community that's already famed for its toxic elements is not a good idea.
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Too many people take this game way too seriously! I agree, some more emotes would be fun.
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Does every pvp game have to devolve into Fortnite kindergarten emote fests?
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Nah, people come here in droves to complain about tbags and pointings imagine if you could flip them over...
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Oh god, no please. T-bagging alone can crush your soul in certain moments. An actually humiliation dance and flipping the bird would make the game unsufferable.
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No, that would be cringe.
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Elodie emote after kicking Victor
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Why not give killers alternative moris? Survivors could use something like taunts but tea bagging is enough. Don't wanna see someone doing the lasso in the exit gate after gen rushing.
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I’m all for custom emotes for killers. They would make a nice addition to the Rift to replace the piles and piles of charms that probably never get used.
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They can add a flip off the killer emote that will instantly kill the survivor that did it and add 24h DC penalty. It should be called "Toxic RageQuitter".
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Please no BHVR. There's already way too much toxicity and jerks
Never mind. Please add more emojis to DBD
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Yh my first thought when i saw the title was this is not fortnite. Wouldn't fit the game. And ######### having an option to flip off the killer, game is toxic enough as it is.
I would like to see more emotes though. Maybe some positive ones like a thumbs up/thankyou gesture. Or a "stand still and let me heal you you goon" one
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Let's hope so. If DBD ever collaborates with Fortnite, Solo Survivors should get Take the L and an expanded emote wheel.
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Not a good idea. Griefing would be an issue, and it's really naff anyway.
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On some level, I have to respect that you straight up asked. But no.
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Taunting dances and rage metter?
You just want DbD to become Friday the 13th the Game, don't you?
My answer is: hell no!
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It would certainly be better than more useless charms.
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It doesn't have to fit. Pretty much any cosmetic in DBD that isn't dirty, torn and bloody outfits doesn't really "fit" but people like them anyway. What matters is what players want. I think they could make some money selling emotes in the shop.
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I agree some outfits doesn't fit, specially the more meme ones like the new Dwight cosmetic, but a dance in a game based on a slasher in which a killer wants to kill you is way too much anti-immersive imo.
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Play DBD with 3 drunken friends and you'll have a whole new perspective on immersion in this game. 😂
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imo it would be a great addition to the game
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I love your art ... but please, for the love of The Entity, DON'T give them any stupid ideas. I beg of you :V
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Pls seks.
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Giving both sides emotes obtainable in the rift would be a good idea.
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The last thing this game needs is more toxicity
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I don't think I'll ever understand the compulsive need to have tools specifically designed to disrespect opponents in pvp games.
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Yes this too.
It depends though.
Aside from a little open gate tea bagging motions or torch raves, it is quite harmless and player dependant.
It doesent have to be a flat out dance but emojis could be based on the character, i.e. Ash has a lot of attitude, Bill could light a cigarette etc.... just adds a little more personality to the game, its fun to do and BHVR make extra cash for those who want it.
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Go play f13 if you wanna do the funny dances at a murderer
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pls stop
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We already have the point and beckon gestures. Why not more? Doesn't even have to be like a dance emote, could just be more specific gestures i.e. 'thumbs up' or 'go away'. I don't see how it wouldn't be atmospheric or fit the game, just look at some of the cosmetics. They could also be included in future rifts instead of the 3 dozen charms that never get used.
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Flipping off is a bit much, but I wouldn't mind more silly stuff like this. I mean, as long as killers can get them too. And they have a cooldown so people don't sit there spamming.
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A thumbs up would be nice, or just something that survivors would reasonably do in a trial that makes sense. But dance emotes or flipping off the killer is where it starts crossing into the realm of being ridiculous.
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"You can't hear images" 🤣
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Could you imagine having four middle fingers waiting at the exit gate it would be glorious and the killer could do it back, or when you finally catch the survivor that was trying to troll you have a way to troll them back
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Having Dwight dressed up as the PUBG guy or having tricker or having the current Halloween killer weapons doesn’t fit dbd, so shy can’t we have emotes
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The emotes are way too much, the meme outfits are not that anti-immersion.
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I don’t think immersion is important anymore in this game, YOU might not care about the outfits but I think it’s irrelevant as they both ruin immersion