Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Nerf strong killers

Member Posts: 64
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

You must nerf nurse,blight and wesker they have no balance .Nurse must have 15 seconds cd before next blink ,blight must have 4.4 speed and no pallet destruction with his ability ,wesker also longer cd.Each match apper this killers because people who play them know that they are imbalanced and take advantage .You must consider nerfing this kind of killers to avoid them .

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  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Wesker is fine. It's easy tonrun rings around him and his terror radius is huge. Blight is strong but i wouldn't say he's broken. I do like your suggestion on nurse though, she can blink to rapidly after exhaustion. A longer cooldown between blinks would be good.

  • Member Posts: 696

    All 3 are fine. You just need to learn how to move unpredictably so the killer can't guess where you're going to go. All 3 you have to watch them during chase or they will get you. Also, make sure you're using walls/objects to your advantage by breaking line of sight.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Honestly, Wesker and Blight are fine. They are very annoying to go against, but they're balanced. Blight could use some addon changes though (Specifically Blighted Crow and Alchemists Ring)

    Nurse is the only problematic one. Her power is too strong and needs a complete rework. It's an outdated power from a different time of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,721

    Not saying I'm against changing Nurse, but giving her a 15 second recharge when she's 96.25% would be ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Yh his killrate stats surprised me, because his power is pretty easy to dodge. Guess I just haven't ended up against any good weskers yet

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    That's a bit extreme, it's not like he can phase through walls.

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    Blight and Nurse are "fair" against try hard SWF. Nerf SWF and then we can nerf Nurse and Blight. I would really like for this to happen btw.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    Its ironic how nurse is said to be the best and most opressive killer in the game yet she has the lowest kill rates

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    Nah he just wants killers to be as strong as (base kit) sadako

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Skill issue. Her power requires a lot of skill and practice. Good nurse killers are absolute machines, hard to play against because they can go through walls so pallets and vaults are worse than useless. bad ones are utterly useless and easy to run rings around.

  • Member Posts: 333

    Regarding Blight and Wesker, you are talking #########.

     You are a bad survivor, it is especially that which must be seen in your remarks.

     The new player and the weakling from the bottom of the class are able to avoid and counter Blight and Wesker.

     It's not complicated.

     In addition most of the weskers and Blight use their powers to essentially move or in certain situations if they think they will hurt you but their failures are punitive for them so they think twice about it, unless they are No brains.

     The only killer who really poses a problem is actually the nurse.

     But asking for a 15-second CD before his second teleport is admitting that you never played the nurse.

     The only most viable solution so far to update the nurse is this:

     - Base Speed: 4.6

     - Teleportation: 1 only.

     - Cooldown: 3 seconds.

     - Removed distance addons.

     - Removal of addons increasing the number of teleportation.

  • Member Posts: 828

    All 3 are fine,, i can only see nurse gettin her blink strikes count as m2 rather than basic attacks, and maybe blight add-on pass similar to spirit's, he has some disgusting add-ons ngl

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    The only thing about Blight that needs a fix are some of his addons (Alc Ring, C33 mainly). Nurse just needs maybe Blink attacks= M2 to remove annoying combos on her.


  • Member Posts: 182

    No Wesker is a actual pain. Every game ends up with him having 3/4k, disconnects, suicides at first hook etc., even the noobest and easy juke killers, and 8 games out of 10 are Weskers for the simple reason that is unbelievably unbalanced.

  • Member Posts: 799

    Want to know what makes all these killers strong? They have mobility, the best mobility in the game and mobility creates map pressure. Map pressure turns into gen pressure and viola. They're all great in chase when in the right hands of course, which is only natural given their mobility to get around the map quickly.

    The only killer that's an issue on this list is Nurse who doesn't need a longer cooldown but just a rework because she ignores all in game mechanics, I.e walls and pallets

  • Member Posts: 333


    The nurse is forced to use her power to move.

    It's unfair to make his power an M2

    I suggest instead that she have a base speed of 4.6 with a single teleport.

  • Member Posts: 828

    I don't think you understood,,,if her attacks from blinks become m2 she doesn't get to use exposed perks as good + sloppy+ jolt won't work unless she actually walks you down (nurse is slower than survivors )

  • Member Posts: 333

    It is an M1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Do we play different games? Or are you talking about Starstruck Nurse on Midwich? Because that's were all the people DC in my matches

  • Member Posts: 4,300

    You don't need midwitch btw. Just add range/recharge addons and you can pick any map you want. Even lery's (by far worst map for her in my experience) for a decent nurse to absolutely slaughter all the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    If they nerf the strong Killers it's just going to bleed into whomever comes next

    People are going to start complaining about Huntress, Spirit, Pig (LOL), Legion, ETC...

    SO why not buff the weaker Killers to be better then Nerf SWF's and the Strong Killers

  • Member Posts: 4,300

    because there is 0 counterplay against good nurse. I mean blight is really tough. But at least there is something. For nurse it's just matter of how quickly you all die. Not fun. But I agree with you that pig/ghostface/shape/clown/onrio/.... needs buffs. Against good survivors these killers don't stand a chance (I am disregarding iri addons)

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    There's 0 Counterplay to SWF's (and don't sit there and type "some SWF's aren't that competitive" it doesn't matter they can flip that switch faster then Huntress can throw a Hatchet)

    Gens go by fast as well... what are you going to do when this game has no Killers cause we don't want to be the test subject in matches that feature Bully Squads, Gen Squads, Noob Stomper Squads... Where the match time all depends on how the Survivors feel\

    But at least we can agree on the Weak Killer needing buffs... But that's also my point they need buffs before Nurse gets Nerfed cause SWF will still exists... I am not saying that we need a SWF proof Killer but we do need Killers to be stronger against SWF's

    So here's my change to Nurse.... Make her have two Blinks base kit and make it work like (that one addon that makes her be unable to Blink through walls), add more downsides onto her Range Addons by having a longer Fatigue and longer recharge... and make the opposite a thing as well decrease her Range but give her faster Fatigue and recharge, and make the Blink through walls an addon that will increase Fatigue and recharge for going through walls while also making the 2nd Blink Attacks Special cause if we make all Blinks Special Attacks then change more perks to activate on Special Attacks... also can you imagine a 1 Blink Nurse STBFL will see use on Nurse

  • Member Posts: 4,300
    edited October 2022

    SWF does not mean strong. There CAN BE strong SWF. But you can take 4 Ayruns together without comms and you will swear they have comms and are actual SWF. Then again. You can take someone on at least Otz level (and there are much better killer specialists) with nurse/blight/artist/wesker/spirit and even huntress or twins and you will get loong 4k win streaks all the time.

    You can't take 0.01% players and say this is norm. Because otherwise there is also really good onrio player with 100 kill winstreak - does that mean she is OP and needs nerfs?

  • Member Posts: 1,721

    God almighty, no! Then you can play like a bot, hold W, and only blink when the surv commits to a vault or some other animation.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    SO do you want them to "fix" Nurse or "solve" SWF's

    All I'm saying is to do both at the same time if they can't then Buff some of the weaker Killer to have a shot at "sweaty" SWF's

    Since SWF's are always going to be a thing... But Killer tier's will always change

  • Member Posts: 4,300

    It was stated many times here, but I agree with it so I will repeat it. Give to soloQ same amount (not more) of information that SWF has. Together with it balance killers around swf (because everyone is swf now).

    Nerfing nurse specifically has nothing to do with it. She is outlier from all the other killers (blight included). There should not be any outliers. If one killer didn't have any power and he would be just basic say 4.8 killer, I would also say there should be no outlier and make him do something more (or delete him). I mean - I already stated that there are several killers that should get buff. But none of them are as urgent as nurse - because only nurse is so far detached from everything else in the game.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    Information is not communication...

    Right now there are 3 Killers that match power levels with SWF... Nurse, Blight, Wesker

    So if Nurse does get changed... then only 2 Killers may be worth running

    I think we agree on these things but find ourselves coming up with different solutions... Do you agree???

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Your suggestion would make nurse even stronger removinh her counter play losing line of sight as nurse could just walk now and see where you are and blink to get you downed but now she has to blink and quess were you went.

  • Member Posts: 212

    Nurse's power has always been a major problem since they removed infinite loops. She should not still be able to blink between floors and through every defensive obstacle anymore.

    Only issues I have with Blight are his OP add ons (c33, alc ring, double speed combo) and also the hug tech that lets him quickly slide around corners while sticking to walls at the same time.

    I think Wesker is ok aside from players abusing his power and terror radius by tunneling and using exposed perks + aura combos. (Using his power to get multiple Devour stacks quickly and coming right back to tunnel unhooked survivors and repeating the process. Starstruck + aura reading combos)

  • Member Posts: 4,300

    If all of these things would be done at the same patch, I would be ok with it. So I kind of agree (it's not worth talking about semantics so take it as full agreement).

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I don't know if your suggestion for Nurse would work. Imagine her on The Game, Midwich or RPD (and maybe Springwood). That would be a nightmare for her with her slow speed.

    For Blight they just need to fix his op addons (mainly C33 and Alc Ring, speed is barely OK though). And Hug Tech is said to be a bug and will get fixed.

    For Wesker, he's OK besides some of the things you said. But even then PH can also easily tunnel and Nurse can also abuse exposed + aura. And the best killer for TR based builds besides Wesker is Doc. So basically there is no problem with that.

  • Member Posts: 209

    Instead of asking for nerfs learn how to play against and with them, then you will see the dumb thing you are begging.

  • Member Posts: 212

    Maybe if they removed Nurse's ability to blink through floors on multi leveled maps and through pallet loops but left her ability to go through walls and also gave her a boost to her movement speed then? Kind of like a similar but almost reverse Wesker power?

    Or just increasing her cool down between blinks? Or only being able to blink once but she got a movement speed increase to compensate?

    I'm just spit balling ideas here but she is just too broken how she is right now being able to ignore every obstacle and have a massive lunge attack coming out of her blinks too.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I think that

    1. Nurse blink attacks should be M2 attacks - > fixes Exposed combos as well as continuous use of perks like Sloppy Butcher or Jolt. They are not necessary on Nurse.

    2. Removing range and cooldown reduction addons (anti fatigue is fine I think)

    would be enough.

    Removing her ability to go through walls would just destroy her (that's why the 3 blink addon was so bad). And the 1 blink addon which increases her speed to 105% is also quite bad tbh.

  • Member Posts: 212

    Those two things sound like a good start. Any potential nerf is better than just leaving her how she is now.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I'd rather go step by step on this than do it all at once. Else, usually stuff gets nerfed hard for no reason or buffed to the moon.

    Best examples: MoM and Boil Over

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    2. Oke I can see that but 1. Not.

    With that you would just go there and say nurse can't use m1 related perk cause let's be real how often does a nurse hits you without her blink?

    That would be pretty scummy cause you would rob dedicated nurse mains alot of perks they but time and money into and it would set a dangerous example cause then the flood of people woulnd not end that complain about perks on other killers as well. Killer x should not use perk x cause he is good with it killer y should not use perk categorie y cause they can use it to good.

    When you start that flood it will never die down and people will rage like hell because "you did it on nurse".

    And if you spin that wheel longer you will come to stuff like swf should not use flashlights or Sabo cause they are to good with it

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I'm not sure if you are missing my point here so I will elaborate.

    Many killers can't make use of all perks the same way or in all scenarios. Freddy or Huntress for example cannot make use of Unnerving Presence like a Trapper or Doc can. Pyramid Head cannot make use of many hook related perks if he chooses to use his cages. Blight and Legion cannot make use of Exposed perks while using their power. The list goes on.

    You see many killers cannot use everything with the same effect or only while not using their power. These killers are not even that strong in many cases.

    Making Nurse's blink hits special attacks would only limit the use of already strong perks combined with a strong chase and high mobility killer like Nurse.

    If Nurse would be almost exclusively M2 than mainly these combinations would vanish:

    1. Starstruck + Lethal + Awakened Awareness (yes this somehow still works like it did in the PTB) or any other combo with Starstruck which are widely disliked by many players

    2. Full Regression builds with Jolt (she still has PR, Pop, Pentimento etc

    3. Sloppy Butcher with anything anti healing

    4. Franklin's

    5. Exposed builds

    Mainly points 1 and 2 are why I want blinks to be M2. They are just not fun. Other killers with unfun builds are mostly not that strong (e.g. Impossible Skillchecks Doc).

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    But there is a big difference in working bad cause the terror radius is short or stuff like phead can't use certain perks when he uses the cage because he can choose not to use the cage and even huntress can have use from unnerving presence as a Legion main I can tell you noed has safed me a bunch of kills when I was new cause I just don't have to use my power and run them down but nurse can't use m1 perks without the blink cause she is slower then a survivor so she will never catch them so she can't use them and that is not OK and I think bhvr thinks the same cause making her blink attacks m2 would be so easy and they like the easy way

  • Member Posts: 4,300

    Oh that's not true at all. Nurse can m1 outside ability. Being in loop with nurse requires mindgames or you go down in 2-3s. So you sometimes end up vaulting into (not blinking) nurse.

    Also this is much less common (I think this is low elo exclusive thing), but nurse still can get bloodlust. Meaning she eventually is quicker then survivors. 100% with active agitation. She is just to very high degree not good with hitting people without ability. But it's far from impossible

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    I mean if she was as fast as hag or atleast as fast as a survivor but I really struggle to see that I may look it up later maybe I can find some videos to this matter

  • Member Posts: 4,300

    Believe me. I mained nurse for some time and (ab)used it when playing against her. Sometimes best mindgame you can do against her is going to her. But if she suspects, she will just not blink. Those situations are not super rare. M1 hits without M2 are very possible. Lunge is much quicker then movement speed

  • Member Posts: 2,437

    One instance of the killer's totem is here - spotted mid chase or telling a friend to work on your gen that is 75% completed can save 40 seconds. Imagine if the killer got a buff because they were playing vs SWF that they could activate with the "T" key where a survivor loses a hook phase immdiately after being hooked.

    SWF even not so great teams save lots of time and it breaks the game for killer. The counter is nurse/blight. Asking to nerf strong killers and not touch SWF is not fair.

  • Member Posts: 4,300
    edited October 2022

    Totem stuff makes no difference in vast majority of maps after certain skill level. Even (old not the very old) Ruin was not prefered in higher skill level, because it was usually gone at most after first minute (exception with lery's and maybe you can find one more map) - if you spawned on say ormond - then you had no hex perks and only 14s+travel time slowdown. So this is bad example on it's own.

    About generators - well this one is better example. And with even better survivors this does not matter too. Because after several thousand of hours you as a survivor will start to track not only killer's position, but fellow survivors too. It helps you to know which generator to go fix next, where not to take the killer and also - where to go finish the gen if the killer moved to that region and there was fellow survivor there for say more then a minute. I mean - SWF is still a huge buff for this, because you don't need that huge level of game sense to (correctly) guess the situation. But you should also keep in mind that most of SWF's are bad enough to not relay these kind of information.

    To sum up - even information-wise you can have better-informed solo team then SWF team. The difference is mainly in skill level. But I agree that for most of players SWF is considerable buff. That's why I repeated on this forum many times what other people said - buff solo with same information that SWF has (making SWF being able to relay those information superfluous - even if they SHOULD still get it) and balance killers accordingly. The idea is to buff solos as much as possible with buffs that are as useless as possible to SWF. Once the gap is closed (you don't even need to close it fully), you can adjust killers for a fair game. And sure - you can make all this in single patch.

    My idea to close the gap (as I already said in different thread) - show in lobby and in game other survivor perks, add pings to distinct actions and add action indicator (of what is survivor doing at this moment). You don't need to add basekit stuff (like kindred) because good ping options could substitute it to SWF-like level.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    There is even an addon that no one uses which makes you 115% after you hit a blink attack. With that you could still use powerful M1 triggered perks if you want to. You could even make use of STBFL.

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