Disconnection rework suggestion

A good way to deal with disconnecting is that any disconnect ends the trial, remaining survivors get a tie game with killer, kills and DC's count as kills and escapes before the DC count as escapes. Very simple way to make the game bearable to those that get abandoned by their teammates, could include any survivor DC gives killer extra points while hindering their selves with extended ban timers. Perhaps returning offering to the survivors and killer left in trial.
It needs some time/event limit. 1deadhook survivor DC's after last gen pops because noed robs 3 survivors of escape. Similarly 4 deadhook survivors all on the ground with 1 DC robs killer of won game.
Frankly I don't know where the limit should be
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How about any downed survivors on disconnect trial end count as a kill for the killer, if the survivor side has the disconnect.
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Perhaps add a 30-60 second end trial timer when a disconnect happens. would give killer extra time to secure a down or survivors to help their team to not lose. During this period most functions would be disabled such as self pick-up, bloodlust etc. to ensure no last second tomfoolery would be enacted.
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Right. You want to remove everyone from soloQ. A lot of people don't care. He tunneled me I DC even if it's after last gen pops
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On my opinion, the game should instead have some type of system to forfeit the round once a person disconnects by vote, to either forfeit or continue playing, because each round is different, sometimes a person disconnecting half way, or by the end of the round doesn't necessarily mean the game is lost and the players might still want to continue playing.
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Actually it is quite the opposite as nearly nobody wants to continue to play a match whenever someone disconnects. It turns the match into killer favor and if killer disconnects the game gives all remaining survivors an escape even though they never escaped. Disconnects ruin a match for the killer and survivor. Playing a match with an early DC for 25 minutes and never being able to win or moving onto the next match immediately without wasting time and effort for minimal points.