Please make Borrowed Time a one time use again

The amount of matches I've been in with people that use the perk to farm other Survivors off hook in front of the Killer mid-game is overwhelming. I believe making the perk a one time use again would force people to want to conserve it for more necessary situations, and at more opportune moments.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I agree, one of the reasons I dislike going against SWF

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204
    Spork said:

    The amount of matches I've been in with people that use the perk to farm other Survivors off hook in front of the Killer mid-game is overwhelming. I believe making the perk a one time use again would force people to want to conserve it for more necessary situations, and at more opportune moments.

    Dont really have a problem with it. But if you like lets say 4 tokens for it that would make it more balanced
  • Spork
    Spork Member Posts: 122

    @XavierBoah17 said:
    Spork said:

    The amount of matches I've been in with people that use the perk to farm other Survivors off hook in front of the Killer mid-game is overwhelming. I believe making the perk a one time use again would force people to want to conserve it for more necessary situations, and at more opportune moments.

    Dont really have a problem with it. But if you like lets say 4 tokens for it that would make it more balanced

    I'd have to disagree, too many uses to have to worry about conserving it and using it at the right time.

  • Chicken
    Chicken Member Posts: 123

    Yes i agree, like, infinite uses on a perk that negates the need to save properly? what?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    The solution is what I've said before make it so that you get no points unless and until the safe unhook criteria has been met.

    In other words you don't get the 250 for the unhook at all and instead you'd get that rolled into being awarded at the same time as a safe unhook for 1250.

    So if you unsafe hook farm you don't get a WGLF stack, you earn zero Altruism points, and instead you lose those points the same way currently only it's more painful.

  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    Agreed, It already sucks that if you swing and don't get the grab you don't get the hit either even tho the survivors scream, then you have to hit again only to have BT Proc every time since the person with BT will always try and take the hit.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392

    They could also reduce the distance to proc to 15m instead of Terror Radius Range...

    There is a insance difference between New Survivor Gameplay (they can only take 2 HIts to go down and have no self care to heal up) vs "high level" survivor who have stuff like Dead Hard / DS giving em 2 more hits + Self Care when they manage to escape before gettin hit a 4th time...

  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    No thank you, the amount of killers who camp / soft patrol are too prominent and i'll take the down side of occasionally being farmed in return for being able to counter this to an extent

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Borrowed Time is good in the state it is in now.

  • Trial_By_Scythe
    Trial_By_Scythe Member Posts: 65

    Maybe they could leave BT as it is, but add the original version back into the general perk pool as a different perk.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2019

    @Spork said:
    The amount of matches I've been in with people that use the perk to farm other Survivors off hook in front of the Killer mid-game is overwhelming. I believe making the perk a one time use again would force people to want to conserve it for more necessary situations, and at more opportune moments.

    But Burrowed time already has a counter in Make Your Choice, just ignore the person, DONT TUNNEL, and 1 shot the jerkwad who farmed him, simple and you get the bonus of the farmed person being injured and needing to heal so therefor less likely to be doing gens, buying you more time.

    The reason I am against this is the number of killers that choose to camp and tunnel is staggering. And I usually play wraith! but every now and then I want to play with friends 3/4 games there is a killer who refuses to go after the guy who unhooks even if you, the unhooker, are closer and more vulnerable. needless to say camping just makes this worse.

    This being said I would be okay with this idea if it had like 2 charges and instead of like a bleed out timer it just shows aura or something.

  • etms51
    etms51 Member Posts: 607
    edited February 2019

    infact i don't agree this idea, because if a killer camp in front of the survivor hooked or if the killer tunnel the poor guy injured, he/she can't save. this perks is a balanced perk.