Strongest addon in the game

Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

Just out of curiosity what do you think is the strongest addon in the game? Both the addon itself and how strong it makes the killer it's on is a possible way to understand what I mean... I would like to throw in mother daughter ring, alc ring, Compound 33 and Tombstone Piece, you can feel free to add others you think are stronger or on the same level... I cannot really decide between those 4 but have to admit I think Alc Ring is probably the weakest one as the other ones are gamechangers and Alc Ring only helps you when you hit your rushes already... But what do you guys think?


  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    Guessing this was inspired by Scott's video. I'm inclined to agree that Tombstone Piece is the strongest individual add-on.

    There's no warning, a teammate can indirectly can get you straight-up killed because of it, and all he has to do is get to T3 and touch you. Not exactly the hardest thing to do when tombstone piece doesn't have any significant downsides beyond shutting T3 off once the kill has already happened.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I agree, but then again it is just myers depending on who he got his stalk on he might be screwed also on more open maps with not that much line up sight blockers Autohaven Maps primarily you can see him coming and act accordingly, the other addons don't have that sort of map dependance on them... Yes I've seen Scotts video, but i was not really that sure about tombstone... The addon is completely broken and needs to be reworked but even with it you will still loose the game against really good survivors but even comp players will struggle against MDR (when we look at the video Hens made..) or Compound 33... So I think it is not that clear

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,649

    I think pre-nerf iri head on Huntress was the strongest of all time

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    edited October 2022

    Myers loses because he's Myers - a Killer whose design hasn't changed much since 2017.

    He starts off the match barely faster than Survivors and needs to stare at them in order to become an M1 Killer.

    Comparing Myers with Tombstone Piece and Blight with Alchemist Ring is more of a comparison between the Killers than the add-ons. Obviously Blight is better than Myers.

    A good comparison of the add-ons would be imagining if Myers had add-on where hitting someone in Tier 3 meant he kept his Stalk bar 99%'d after that Tier 3 ends and comparing that to Tombstone Piece, or imagining if Blight had an add-on where if he performs 30 Rush actions in a chase without hitting a Survivor the next Survivor he finds outside of a locker he can just instantly Kill and then comparing that to Alchemist Ring.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Tombstone Piece by far, it cuts your objective by 1/4 and its not even hard to pull off. Judiths Tombstone while technically stronger has much more severe conditions to activate and get value out of it.

    You need 17,5 stalk points to activate EW3 (5 for EW1 -> EW2 and 12,5 -> EW3) even if you use it to get rid of the guy who was 100% full there are still 12,8 stalk points available, enough to trigger a second time, and even if you dont trigger it again you just have to deal with 3 Survivors and Myers may not be the strongest but he isnt THAT weak to not be able to overpower a team of 3 using only EW2.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    One of the following I guess:

    Blight: Compound 33, Iridescent Blight Tag, Alchemist's Ring

    Spirit: Mother-Daughter Ring, Dried Cherry Blossom

    Myers: Tombstone Piece

    Plague: Black Incense

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Yeah, but then again people can guess it is tombstone and just hide in lockers or play super safe, unless ofc he is albe to ambush them properly...

    I don't think black incense, just tracking so... Sure it is strong but not compared to the rest

    Dried cherry blossom is such a braindead addon xD I can at least admire people who can hear footsteps and all during her phasing but that thing is just way too easy to use ^^

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You cant really anticipate Tombstone Piece it doesnt take that much time to charge to actually make you think "hey this guy has to have Judith's Tombstone" and getting it to 99%, sneaking around with 8 meter TR with M&A, pop out of a corner close to a gen being worked on and get rid of one person is not an issue at all. Ambushing people as Myers is really easy, I do it all the time, even without M&A.

    People always justify tunneling off hook by saying "getting rid of someone early and getting a 3vs1 is the best and easiest way to win" (which is true), this addon is literally an even stronger version of tunneling off hook since it bypasses trading hooks, OTR, DS, Reassurance, BT etc.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    Yeah, honestly, I still can imagine playing back then; it definitely was one of the worst ones, lol. Just hearing the lullaby and then seeing on the hud someone instantly go down in one hatchet, I felt my morale disappearing instantly because they likely had infantry belt.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Tombstone piece

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I can't argue with Purple Tombstone Piece. As has been stated, turning a match into a 3 v. 1 early is almost a recipe for an automatic win, not even counting that you likely can do it a 2nd time later in the match.

    For Iridescent add-ons, I'm partial to Demo's Leprose Lichen. It's a mini Lethal Pursuer at the start of the match, and during it's instantaneous info on every survivor's location on-command. Need to know where people are on gens, where someone is coming from for a rescue, who's hiding right next to you? The Lichen does all that. It turns Demo from a solid mid-tier killer into a killing machine. I've lost matches playing Demo, but I'm not sure I've ever lost when running the Lichen.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I would argue that the only issue with tombstone piece is the fact that it is very difficult to know that it is in play until it is too late if it was more telegraphed so you knew you had to counter it I think it would be fine.

    As an example if Myers runs tombstone piece have him actually have it as a necklace/medallion that can be seen.

    I dont really have that much issue with it though, I just play like he has it by default not much difference between getting one shot vs grabbed out of a locker anyways

    Pre-nerf Iri head would have been my vote

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    I still vote iri head, at least when it's paired with the fox. Being permanently undetectable with a ranged instadown is nuts, and you can snowball and end games way faster than tombstone if things go your way. My typical game using it is just walking up and 1 shotting people in the first ~15-20 seconds of a match because you can just toss a hatchet when you spawn in, reload, and 1 shot the first guy you find before they even realize you are using the fox

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    The power of iri head is not that it one shots, it's that it causes people to disconnect.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Iri head + Wooden Fox Huntress does insidious basement bubba better than bubba. If you get an early basement it's just game over, and people feed into it nonstop because they won't know you are undetectable until they are in the basement as well. I regularly get the fastest 4k's against good players using that build compared to any other killer I want to say. Tombstone is better against potato's though.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Myers - Tombstone, Fragrant Tuft of Hair

    Clown - Pinky Finger

    Blight - Compound 33

    Plague - Black Incence

    Doctor - Iridescent Queen

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    i think you mean Iri king for Doctor, Iri Queen is nothing but a meme addon

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    There's many addons that can absolutely win you the game even if you are an absolute potato as a said killer.

    Doctor - Iridescent King - combining bits of all of his notes addons, making it basically 4 in 1.

    Huntress - Iridescent Head - even after being nerfed it's still one of the strongest addons in the game.

    Pinhead - Engineer's Fang - considering how bad survivors are when facing Pinhead, this addon makes everything even worse xD

    Hag - Rusty Shackles - unless you're a god tier survivor, i don't think you can outplay it

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Myers - Tombstone Piece

    Spirit - Mother-Daughter Ring

    Blight - Alchemist Ring

    Hag - Rusty Shackles

    Clown - Pinky Finger

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    Easily Tombstone piece.

  • Entitled_survivor
    Entitled_survivor Member Posts: 828

    Oooh gawd Scott Jund viewers ,,,god save us

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited October 2022

    at the moment tombstone piece, and sicne we are talking about INDIVIDUAL not combination of addons i think its the strongest ever existed in this game.... then we could say that back in the day iridiscent hatchets and infantry belt combo was even more stupid you had 3 noeds at your disposal, that was utterly dumb and nothing caused so many DCS as that, it was instant. u get hit by iri hatchet DC, i still remember those days clearly.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Tombstone Piece. And I don't think it was ever anything else. In a vacuum, I don't see how one can argue "cause an instant 3v1" is weaker than another add on. Yeah, Myers might not become unstoppable with it, but that's a testament to Myers weakness, and not really the add on. Imagine if Nurse had tombstone piece. In a vacuum, tombstone piece is just inarguably the most powerful add on. It turns Myers from a near-joker character to a major threat that you need to fear.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,254

    Wouldn't mind if they switched up his signature Halloween music for it too.