Just completely rework Bubba at this point

I do not care how many people are going to tell me "i play Bubba and i don't facecamp" because at this point i do not believe anybody actually DOES use Bubba to play normal chases, i have seen a grand total of 9 Bubbas in the last 4 months and every single one of them downed someone and then either Insidious camped, or just normal face-camped, without fail
This isn't fun, I doubt the people playing this "strategy" are doing it for anything other then morose shreds of joy, the person on hook isn't allowed to play the video game at all, and the other survivors are basically forced to play "Gen Repair simulator 2022" and then leave, a grand total of 1 interaction happens in the entire match, it's boring
what makes this even more infuriating is that BUBBA KICKS ASS IN CHASES, his chainsaw is amazing for getting rid of pallets quickly, and there's even mind-game potential with it since you can back up and hide your red light, but nobody seems to give a flying ######### about that and instead just face-camps because "hurr durr consequence free downs because the chainsaw instadowns hurr durr"
Fully rework Bubba, he needs more incentive to actually use his power in chase rather then down one person and then effectively kill any form of fun that the match could have
They just need add an effect to his chainsaw that drains his charges when he's within x meters for x amount of time next to hook survivor, while there are no others nearby and he's fixed.
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I agree. In fact, I think that EVERY killer should have their power disabled and the power meter totally drained while they are within x meters of a hooked survivor. They can still attack with M1, but having their power disabled would eradicate the BS (face)camping. Bubba is awesome in chases, fun to play as, fun to play against.
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Nice, so Survivors can just free storm the Killer for (almost) free rescue no metter what with little no fear for the rescuer as well. Nice! I might just go open the exit gates myself when gens are done and just sit in a corner at this point.
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Play both sides. Don’t short yourself of the joy from both sides. I have not had a camping bubba In a long time but I’m also not seeing many of him.
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Nobody is asking for that... They just want a chance to unhook against certain killers. You should still be able to trade hooks easily.
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Bubba doesn't need a full rework, he just needs a power restriction on his chainsaw similar to Artist or Twins.
Personally I'd make it so that he can't charge his saw if he's been within 15m of the hooked survivor for more than 15 seconds without being in a chase, and he gets it back after moving 20m away or being in a chase for 5 seconds.
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So... camp outside the range to keep your charges and then move inside the range when the survivor is 10 seconds away from dying / reaching struggle phase?
I played Bubba normally yesterday and only got two hooks before they all escaped (it was RCPS)
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You can get a save, unlike when he's next to the hook
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I mean, if you want I can upload a few hours worth of games of me not facecamping with him if you really need proof that not everyone camps and tunnels with him. Hell if I dig I might even be able to track down some survivor play with some pretty normal Bubbas.
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STBFL ######### that over then.
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RPD is not a great map for him but also like that sorta sounds like a skill issue.
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My point was that I was better off just trade camping like all the other Bubbas
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I suppose in a situation like that but at the same time you could better learn the killer and get more 4ks rather than just 1 or 2 from facecamping.
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Sure, because RCPS and SBMM are simply that lenient...
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Well do you really care that much about the invisible MMR linked to specifically Bubba? And how often do you really get RPD and you can always get good enough to the point where thats not an issue,
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That's my only choice...
Losing until I get teammates/opponents at my skill will never happen because my playtime/Devotion affects the undisclosed and invisible MMR floor the devs put in place
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"the person on hook isn't allowed to play the video game at all" - this is a common misconception about DBD. Hanging on hook is considered gameplay, its part of the game.
"Non-participation" either being slugged or hooked is one of the threats you face as survivor and part of the killer's ability to build pressure. The more they remove these elements (i.e. built in UB) the less interesting the game becomes overall because there is a substantial lack of threat in the gameplay.
I realize people want a game of loopy chase where they get to feel safe and actively participate in the objective for the duration, but that game isn't DBD and when DBD becomes that it'll be a shadow of its former gritty survival horror self.
Because at that point as survivor, what will you be fleeing from? the answer is nothing, so why bother fleeing?
Its possible to outplay a bubba at the hook, give it a try. The threat he represents can also make for some very exciting plays, especially around the basement.
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My rework of him is making Speed Limiter/Iridescent Flesh basically how he plays. A non-instadown chainsaw killer.
There's a lot of his add-ons that I think support this playstyle. But you never see anyone use them because he just instadowns, hooks, end of story.
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How do you know Bubba kicks ass in chase if nobody plays like that?
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Because I’ve played him myself without facecamping and now damn well how good Bubba can be
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Are you trying to say that you played Bubba and didn't facecamp?
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Thats a net nerf, no matter how you look at it, and it doesn't address facecamping at all.
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we still have people defending bubba facecamping in 2022? really
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You can call it a nerf if you want, but it's a more fun idea and it does address face camping. If you want to address face camping, you have to address the multi-man instadown. There's no other way.
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After i saw your post, i had to do it xD
3K just because they tried to rescue basement face camp bubba
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This is smart approach
If you give to many 2nd chances, nerf camping, nerf tunneling, nerf slugging, you have to buff killers and you have to nerf gen rushing. There is no other way.
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how commen is this?
Because I have not encountet bubba camper, only other killer. Most times new players or people who try a new killer and too be honest, I am more mad when my team try to save me from hook when camp and not doing gen. because it end with a 3-4K and reward it so people will keep doing it.
If camp is a big problem take perks that make it harder too camp, people do it because it have big pay of for littel well work and that is because surveiwes play right in to it and does nothing to chanse that...
9 out of 10 the first one getting hook aginst a camper killer, has it comming with the way they play.
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Don't get caught, can't get camped.
Camping fixed.
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I think I've had one camping Bubba out of the last 5 or so that I've faced. I know he has a reputation for it, but in my personal experience it isn't the norm. I actually see more camping from Huntress and Blight.
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I have 9 out of 10 facecamping bubbas. Making it (by slow margin from nurse) my most hated killer in whole game. And yet I love to play (even getting outright destroyed) by that 1 out of 10 exception bubbas that chase
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Bubba just isnt op all you have to do is rush gens if he face camps then you allways have a 3 man escape especially with that one new perk which can stop the hook timer...
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If survivors don't have reassurance and use correct bubba build, it's more like 1 or 2 out.
And it's not just me. Check this out:
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So you allways want to be able to get a 4 man escape? And even if the killer has Set up to get 1 - 2 kills. Which is btw a draw. You still want to be able to allways win... seems like you should just get that there are 2 sides and you r not the only one who wants to have fun. You just like these nurse players who allways try to get 4k and never try something else...
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Absolutely not! I always want to have fair match. I want 50% kill rate. No more, no less. But at the same time I want to have all cheap tactics gone - this means that I love key/hatch update that no longer allows 3 people escaping before all generators are completed just because someone brought/found key. But I also don't want for bubba to win the game just because he was able to get 1 good chase at the beginning (by e.g. finding someone in dead zone one time) and there is no counter for it.
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And who decides whats a cheap tactic, you? There are many tactics that could called unfair or cheap.
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I never face camp and I play bubba sometimes….NEVER. I have played a few games against Bubbas recently and maybe 1 didn’t face camp. I just do all the gens
i had one camp me yesterday, the door opened I jumped off and escaped 😁
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Cheap tactics is everything that provides much more value then effort. Staying on a single spot being AFK and still getting kills out of it is precisely it.
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So hideing is a cheap tactic aswell and pressing E in front of an window or pallet arent the hardest things to do. So we need the nerf those things or make them harder. because those are cheap tactics.
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And btw you can almost allways get 1 kill out of every match if you just camp 1 survivor. So thats nothing that onl bubba can. The only differens is that if the Team dont get it that they need to rush gens then he can get more then 1 kill out of it.
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Hiding is not as easy. I mean not effective hiding - if you go from locker to locker far away from gens, you are not playing game. About E. Well this is hard one. You have 0.5s window of invulnerability that can't be used mid vault or mid any other action. Considering lag hits this is hard. And if you say "i mentioned at pallet), then all killers are also easy. All you need to do is start 0.1m from survivor and press m1. Oh but you need skill to get there? Yes. Precisely 🙂
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So just like i thought at the start. You decide whats a cheap tactic and whats not. Too me its not cheap tactic if you camp for 1 or maybe against a bad Team 2 kills. Its boring so i never done it. But almost evey killer can camp for 1 kill so i dont see the problem with bubba
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yes, i am, i don't camp unless it's end-game because actually playing the game and getting into chases is significantly more fun then staring into a survivor's eyes for the entire match
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I'm finding that hard to believe.
Video or it didn't happen.
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If you're saying that because what you think i said is hyperbole, don't play coy and just say so
i am not downloading video recording software just to satisfy your request
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Indeed 1 out of 10 bubbas will take baboozle, scourge hooks, sloppy, etc. These will probably not camp and will not hook you in basement even if it was closer then hook. They do exist! They are just rare
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I enjoy that some killers have completely different strategies than others. That's something to be celebrated.
I agree that it's not fun though. Both as a killer and the survivor. But Behaviour keeps giving us really dumb challenges in our Tombs. Like "Hook 3 survivors in the basement." This may as well say, "Play as Bubba and basement camp."
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oh for sure, some of the tome challenges defintely do not help with getting people to play Bubba normally
Doesn't stop me from playing normally on the once in a blue moon occasion i do play him, but i digress
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Well yeah its just part of the game the year has nothing to do with it.
I've never understood the "it doesn't belong in 2022 DBD" statement, its not some progressive social structure, its a game about being chased by a monster in a slasher flick scenario, the nastier and more threatening the monster the more exciting the game.
"Its 2022 there should only be un-scary safe survival horror that's always fair, why because its 2022!" If you dislike/misunderstand the confronting and potentially unfair nature of asymmetric survival horror that much, why play it?
Fall guys is a fair game and great fun for the whole family, I love it, maybe that's more your kind of game.
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Can we stop trying to bring realism in this game?
its a super unfun mechanic. Does not matter if it makes bubba more threating. the game shouldn't be balanced around realism.
and when has DBD ever been a horror game? past the first week of playing?
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Lets say this nerf goes through and Bubba facecamps. Someone comes up to the hook for a save. Bubba charges his chainsaw, gets the first chainsaw hit on the unhooker while the unhooker is stuck in animation from the unhook, and gets the second hit from the chainsaw just as that same animation finishes, while also hitting the person who was unhooked, and since you gave Bubba iri flesh basekit, Bubba could then stillchase the unhooked person with the chainsaw and easily catch up, getting that second hit and downing them again moments after being unhooked.
This idea would actually make facecamping worse