Just completely rework Bubba at this point

DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I do not care how many people are going to tell me "i play Bubba and i don't facecamp" because at this point i do not believe anybody actually DOES use Bubba to play normal chases, i have seen a grand total of 9 Bubbas in the last 4 months and every single one of them downed someone and then either Insidious camped, or just normal face-camped, without fail

This isn't fun, I doubt the people playing this "strategy" are doing it for anything other then morose shreds of joy, the person on hook isn't allowed to play the video game at all, and the other survivors are basically forced to play "Gen Repair simulator 2022" and then leave, a grand total of 1 interaction happens in the entire match, it's boring

what makes this even more infuriating is that BUBBA KICKS ASS IN CHASES, his chainsaw is amazing for getting rid of pallets quickly, and there's even mind-game potential with it since you can back up and hide your red light, but nobody seems to give a flying ######### about that and instead just face-camps because "hurr durr consequence free downs because the chainsaw instadowns hurr durr"

Fully rework Bubba, he needs more incentive to actually use his power in chase rather then down one person and then effectively kill any form of fun that the match could have

Post edited by Rizzo on
