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Why are console nurses weak?

Member Posts: 60
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

Why are console nurses weak?

Console nurses are often unable to hit even blink attacks performed at short distances

Why is this?

Post edited by Shi283 on

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  • Member Posts: 590

    I don't know what consumer Nurse means, but it's because that Nurse is relatively new or just having an off day, which happens to most people. Nurses' ability can be a hit or miss sometimes, with some games going perfectly and then all of a sudden, the next is full of misses. My first game as a Nurse is typically my worst, and as I play more, it gets better as I don't have time to play every day, so I am often out of practice.

  • Member Posts: 6,030
    edited October 2022

    I didn't want to assume from "し" in the name. but i guess that confirms it

    to actually answer the question, Joysticks are usually pretty hard to control. its harder to come to a stop in the right position then with a mouse and keyboard.

    to me Controller gives the feeling of like use the arrow keys on the numberpad in old games

  • Member Posts: 60

    I am Japanese.

    sorry for not telling

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Hard to control than on PC I would quess.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    Thanks for answering.

    I am guessing a few reasons why the blink attack on the console nurse has a shorter range than the PC nurse.

    I believe it could simply be a low fps issue or possibly Aim Dressing.

    Many other things besides the nurse on consoles don't allow the killer to show its true playing potential.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Less accurate controls and lower FPS make it harder... they are the main reasons anyway

  • Member Posts: 570

    Mouse and Keyboard are far superior in terms of precision than sticks tbh. I play on both platforms and that is so for many fps games as well.

    Its all a matter of practice tho

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    It just depends on who's playing her really, alot of people seem to forget SupaAlf came from ps4

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    People overreact to how difficult playing some killers on console are. Imo nurse doesn't even cracked the top 5 in difficulty on controller. Trickster,huntress, cenobite are all harder because you need to be much more precise. You can swing and move you weapon to still catch the survivors.

    I'm not saying that she's not harder on controller just not as hard as people make her out to be.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Thank you.

    It's rare to see a big gap between consoles and PCs in today's games

    Console users I know aren't playing the game anymore, but that disparity may be a factor as well.

  • Member Posts: 52

    And is there anything that BHVR wants to implement to help console players to compensate this issue?

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    That's what I hate about nurses. They're either too easy or too hard, so games are pretty boring either way.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Because we console players don't have a mouse for twitch aiming. Or I could be really cynical and say it's much easier to havk the game on PC and they might just have way more cheaters lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    We just have to wait for the console optimization promised a few years ago, i.e. 60 fps (but we have to wait even more, since the developers have made it clear later that it was an overconfidence).

  • Member Posts: 867

    Playing with controller is generally worse across the board, not just Nurse.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Before Nurse was updated to have that power bar, I was learning to play her on PS4. It was difficult but rewarding. Then BHVR updated Nurse, gave her a Blink cool down with a power bar on top of her fatigue, and she became a miserable slog to use. It's so punishing to miss a Blink. I dropped her completely.

    Watching videos of people playing Nurse on PC makes me so jealous. They can see survivors. So much of my time spent playing Nurse, I couldn't actually see survivors. I had to Blink on top of survivors, and I'd have to swing immediately. By the time my button press registered and Nurse would swing her weapon, the survivor would either have run to where I predicted and the hit would connect, or the survivor would react in time and change directions so my swing would miss. The low framerate and frame drops only made the issue of needing to guess where a survivor is worse.

    Trickster is miserable to attempt to play on controller. If I have a challenge to do, I stand around and if the survivors want to get some healing points they will stand still and let me hit them. Even when they stand still, trying to adjust for the recoil is frustrating; attempting to aim when they're moving and dodging is me throwing my controller out the window into incoming traffic. Forget it. Huntress and Death Slinger without the necessary controller options are bad enough, but releasing Trickster without those controller options and still not having them all this time later? BHVR knows these things are issues on console and they don't care. It's one thing if old killers didn't port over to console well, but for new killers to suck on console is an insult to DbD's paying customers. If BHVR for some reason can't add these controller options, then Trickster shouldn't have gone live with this power.

    If I seem like I'm in a bad mood about this game, it's only because doing the killer-specific tome challenges on Switch makes me want to uninstall and set fire to my house to make sure it stays uninstalled. Anything beyond "break pallets/gens" or "chase survivors for 320 seconds" is painful. Down survivors? On Switch?? Why do you hate your players, BHVR?!?!

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    When I first started playing killer eons ago I tried for weeks to learn Nurse on my Xbox1. Then she did not have the recharge bar thingy, but several things all combined to make her too difficult to control for me:

    First is the slow turning camera that suddenly whipps around wayyy to fast, making it harder to track survs. This is a dead-zone problem with controller and some input lag sprinkled on top.

    Second is the micro-freeze with each and every blink made, causing miss after miss after miss, and that rolls into the longer fatigue time. Hag suffers from this too, making insta-hits from a teleport impossible.

    Lastly is all the known fps drop triggers ganging up on you, be it from Sloppy or an unhook or Exposed or Exhausted or a gen popping or (back then) even a chest being searched.

    And that was before a host of bugs moved into her. Couldn't imagine playing her now, or what tf our Switch cousins do with her.

    Not fun. For all those on PC and familiar with running Nurse, borrow a friend's PS4 or whatever and roll her out. Tell us what happens.

  • Member Posts: 60

    I knew there was a lag after Hag warped where attacks wouldn't hit, but I didn't know Nurse had it too.

    Even if she blinks in a great position on the console, it's often the case that the attack doesn't hit for some reason

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    Exactly. The vast majority of the playerbase is on the consoles, yet the vast majority of the killers are on PC.

    I wonder why???


  • Member Posts: 473

    Bad framerate + lower FOV makes it harder.

  • Member Posts: 1,210

    No stable 60fps (even on "Next gen consoles"), no quallity settings, no filters, no M&K support.

  • Member Posts: 309

    You can in theory become as good as a pc player, it just takes much longer since she becomes astronomically harder on console.

  • Member Posts: 52

    And still no answer from BHVR!

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    That might as well be a rhetorical question at this point.

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