Stop allowing Survivors to just hide forever and not touch a generator...

Why is this still a thing? Do you think people want to sit in a match for over an hour just because these people don't want to do their objective. Add a mechanic to your game that reveals where the Survivors are if they haven't touched a generator for over 10 minutes or something.
Aura reading i guess.
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Yes...anything to show that the game actually values our time spent on it.
The fact that Survivors can just endlessly screw around is ridiculous.
And oh yes...keep editing my posts.. Please. I'm already aware that blunt truths get edited on these forums way too often.
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The "afk" crows is easily abused. For a long time you could not get them if you spammed animations - that is how bad it used to be (this has been fixed).
As match time elapsed increases the amount of time you have before you start getting crows should go down. Furthermore the crow mechanic should be expanded to check if you have gotten meaningful points recently (hide/boldness points excluded).
Example: if the afk timer starts at 60 seconds it should eventually go down to 30 seconds after a game has been running for 5 minutes. If you didn't work a gen, break a totem, or open a chest in the last 30 seconds then you get a crow.
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I've had this issue not with full teams but in games with only two survivors left after I killed the first two. They hid the entire match until I eventually found one of them and neither bothered to do gens. They just hid until the other died.
It would be a dream to somehow prevent this as I imagine it's become more common in lower ranks
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Yes I don’t understand how this has not been addressed?? Reveal survivors aura for a few seconds like someone mentioned.
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I am as concerned as you. All they need to do is show the aura for a few seconds or even have the Survivor aura fade in and out periodically the longer they do nothing.
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Agreed. But there is also killer's version of SAME thing. You found 1 of last 2 survivors. Now you slug him. But 4 minutes are not enough and you HAVE TO deny possibility of hatch play. So you pick up survivor and walk with him around the map. Once he wiggles - there is nothing said survivor can do other then coop with killer (this is supposed to be bannable from that survivor BTW). He can't really escape chase. Even if he loops for 20 minutes, the other survivor is not doing gens. If he goes down it just repeats. There is no way how to get out of game other then DC (or help this co-hosting taking killer). Unhealthy and boring.
I say implement aura-showing stuff, but also allow suicide after say 2 minutes the last 2 survivors are up.
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Completely agree. Anything to stop the game stalling.
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That's just gross. I just downed the first one I saw then hooked him. I already had a 3k so I didn't care if the last survivor got hatch, what I did know is that they'd be forced to move now if they wanted to find it. In this specific match I found them in that way before the hatch.
Slugging and going through those lengths is just wasted time and toxic. Not to mention obscenely greedy
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Agreed. And yet there are killers that just do that (same as there are survivors that hide and don't do objectives)
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100% I can't stand killers that just HAVE to slug for the 4k! I'm ok with Aura reading for a few seconds every so often but only if the killer actually puts the downed survivor on a hook first!
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While I always laugh when a killer tries doing this with me, that's because I always and with absolutely no exception immediately get on a generator. Preferably right in the killer's face, to make it clear that while they're free to look for the other survivor, I will be doing gens and I absolutely won't help them find the other survivor. So that's one thing you can do.
But be warned, I've seen a bizarre amount of killers get very very upset about this. And I'm talking full on mask off moment, straight up bannable garbage in end game chat.
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How does that help? You will still get stuck in a game. Even more so that the killer will grab you (so 0 bleed out time). If you stay on a single spot you at least have to go down so that's 2.7s of bleedout for ~15s of wiggle free time
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If I'll already be kept in the game for a full slug duration and potentially extra, I don't really care if it takes a bit longer. And a lot of the time the killers that do this just walk around in a 10-15 meter radius of me for 3 minutes and 50 seconds while I'm on the ground anyway (in other words, the other survivor is honestly making the right choice just hiding and playing for hatch/gate).
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But it's not 4 minutes slug time. It's potentially ~30 minutes slug time if the killer picks you up immediatelly and you minimize this time by immediate wiggle and then getting hit immediatelly (which realistically won't happen). Sorry but 30 mins slug in 10-15 mins "normal" game is waaaay too much.
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Personally I have never experienced a killer trying the whole "rat on your teammate, I'l tooootally let you go if you do ;)" thing as anything else than a last resort, when I'm already almost bled out. And most of the time they don't down me and try again more than once or twice before either going off to actually look for the other or (more often) they just hook me.
The entire situation in general is very rare for me so I don't really care too much about the time investment. Like this kinda stuff happens like once every 3 months at most or something at most if I had to put some sort of estimate on it, it's far beyond "normal" slug for 4k.
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Even if they'd need to touch a gen, they will just tap it.
You need to add something like "doing the main objective for at least 20s" or similar
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Make them do 5% of the Generator then or they will be shown. No way around that. 10% if you have to.
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According to BHVR. Killers cannot hold the game hostage. Only Survivors can do that so..
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I think some kind of aura reading should be basekit for killers. Hiding survivors are the worst, and its even worse if they manage to do gens while hiding. I got a game with people with maybe 100-200 hours in game as a 1700 hour nurse on boneyard and couldnt find anyone for 3 gens. They couldnt last long in chase so it was pretty frustrating to not be able to find anyone. That was the match I vowed to always have a perk slot open for bbq.
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Killers can body block a survivor in a corner and not hit them (reportable, according to BHVR). The game ends when the server shuts down. There is literally nothing the survivor can do about that.
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i am sorry but you play nurse. What would you expect? If legitimate hiding (all hiding against nurse but 2+ gens for last 2 people) is problem for you, sacrifice 1 perk slot for spies from shadow or whisperer
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I played nurse once. Im not a good nurse, I had a daily. This just happened to be when I was playing nurse.
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Very rarely happens... Whereas Survivors hiding and doing nothing goes on about 50% of the time. Unacceptable according to me.
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and stop allowing Killers to just kick gens forever and not commit to a chase
If a survivor escapes a chase, the killer should be barred from kicking gens for the next 10 to 15 seconds
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This is the usual case, and its a thing of where its neither sides fault, and rather a fault of the game. If the killer plays really well, but just not well enough (or is unlucky) the game ends in a weird stalemate where touching a gen is certain death, so they have to hope the other guy dies so they can get hatch. It sure looks annoying from the killer's perspective, but for a survivor, touching a gen at that point is just a guarenteed loss.
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Run Whispers then... you'll catch them eventually
Hiding has been in the game since it's inception...
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Sounds like you don't have much experience playing AS Killer. Why would a Killer leave a 3gen situation that the Survivors idiotically put themselves into..
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Sounds like you don't have much experience playing AS Survivor. Why would a Survivor attempt to repair gens when the other survivor is also hiding, waiting for the hatch play situation the killer put them into..
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Because its holding the game hostage as Survivor whereas the Killer camping a 3gen is not.
Post edited by pocajohnny on0 -
I see no difference.
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Totally agree, there is 0 value for either side if the last 2 decide to hide on maps with a ton of los blockers/bushes. We do need a bit more since even with crows you can hide for a long time.
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Glad there are some on the forums wearing their brain cap correctly! Ya crows don't do #########. Agreed.
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Whispers, iron maiden, and doctor basically negate hiding altogether (unless the hiding survivor has calm spirit, in which case you should still be able to find them with whispers eventually since 32 meters isnt a lot of space to hide in for very long)
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What do you mean shut down? What does that look like? Is everyone alerted to it shutting down? Does it display an error message? And when does the server shut down exactly?
Usually the only thijg a survivor can do in that situation is DC, and idk what a server shutting down would look like but i assume it would take a very very very very long time
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The server will end the session after 2 hours (devs said in an update they are considering dropping that down to 1 hour). Anyone still left in the trial will be removed without any disconnect penalties.