Locker Blind Immunity - completely uncalled for

So you're saying a completely avoidable, skill oriented tactic on survivor side, and limited to flashlight charge situation needs IMMUNITY. You say the survivor with the flashlight can be a distraction for the injured survivor? Is that NOT THE POINT? Since when does this happen SO FREQUENTLY that it became a "problem"??? I have 3.6k hours and I've only seen this happen in YouTube videos.
1: Locker Blind Immunity
Some lockers are positioned in such a way that a clever Survivor can blind the Killer as they are grabbing another Survivor out of it. While cool in theory, there’s not a whole lot the Killer can do to counter this: Even if they do chase away the other Survivor waiting with a flashlight, the Survivor in the locker can take advantage of the distraction to make a break for it.
To prevent situations like this, Killers will receive blind immunity while grabbing a Survivor from a locker.
In my opinion, it's clearly a nerf to SWF. You aren't going to set it up that often without comms. Makes you wonder what other little tricks they are going to 'fix'.
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Yes SWFs abuse it and the killer can do nothing about it. They would either have to remove a lot of lockers and nerf Dredge in process or nerf bully squads. Easy decision!
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How exactly is it avoidable? The whole point of locker blinds is that the killer is locked in place while it happens.
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I have 3.6k hours and I've only seen this happen in YouTube videos.
So this change literally doesn't affect you. It's a change to reduce the gap between solo and swf, hardly a big deal to be upset over.
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Locker saves are cheap and hardly take any skill to pull off. All you need is a unsuspecting killer and a friend who can count. The fact that you can create a sitution where two people can run around a loop from a killer and continually jump in and out of a locker, preventing the kiler from being to down either, is not intended game play.
The flashlight blind save buff however is questionable, but I understand why they are doing it. Latency/ping can easily rob you of a flashlight save, and this is likely an attempt to remedy some of that.
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It was so abused by survivors and the killer couldn’t do anything about it, so this is a good change.
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It wasn’t avoidable at all if done properly though.
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I will mention it also in this thread. I think they went 1 step too far. All they needed to do was disable immediate possibility to use items after exiting lockers (meaning create ~2s CD for item usage after exiting locker) to prevent abuse by 2 survivors in locker waiting to save each other.
But for all the other cases lockers were avoidable. You just had to make sure nobody is close enough to get that flash save (same as for regular flash saves when picking up downed survivor).
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Or they could've chosen an easier route and just removed the double locker spawns.
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i remember before MMR some duos would pull this stuff in brown and yellow ranks.
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Its literally something thats only used to bully and is uncounterable with no action that can be taken on the killers part whats wrong with removing it
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Its literally something thats only used to bully and is uncounterable with no action that can be taken on the survivors part (camp and tunnel).What's right with it being in the game ?(for years)
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I have over 5.4k hrs and I also think that the locker immunity is too much. It is so hard to pull off and is only done in swf.
You could argue that swf could bully the killer with this, which is true, but when do you meet these people? I only had one of these squads once and I brought Franklin's. Simple solution. Lightborn is also a good alternative with this and depending on the killer some addons also help.
The easier solution would be to limit the double locker spawns that were added with Dredge or block visibility on some of them (so you don't get the angle anymore without the killer using FOV enhancers)
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"unrelated argument" well guess that proves my point
also just for tickles
borrowed time
decisive strike
off the record
old mettle of man
deliverance (as a combo)
sprint burst
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this is not easier they'll have to remove them from almost every map and that seems to be a tedious job for no important reason i imagine.
plus it'd be a huge nerf to head on, quick and quiet and deception..etc plays
and it'd change some mecanics related to dredge.
why do this to help bully swfs do their things? and this isn't even a thing that only works against noobs the best players can't do anything about this (there are clips from ohtofu and tru3 where they had to deal with this kind of swfs) it's about time this got changed.
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You forgot that survivors can use shift.It's just an article you wrote to be able to say I answered without thinking about its message.And as I understand it, you are writing empty things to increase the number of posts.If you think you wrote it and put it in a logical framework in your brain, then we can argue with you.
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Step 1. create post
Step 2. someone disagrees
Step 3. create empty non argument
Step 4. they call it out
Step 5. you act like they are here for empty posts to farm something that doesn't matter
Step 6. they call you out again (we are here)
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I'm glad you explained yourself.If you want to argue with real arguments we are here
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The killer can equipped light born if it's that much an issue. If you feel like you shouldn't have to use a perk slot for it either deal with it or equip it, simple as that
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You can hold games hostage with this on some maps. It basically never happens so im glad the potential for games to be held hostage is going away.
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I'm fine with this change. Killer should always be the dominant role.