Stridor discussion

Continuing a series of threads on the least picked perks according to Nightlight, next up is Nurse's perk Stridor (0.41% usage)
Stridor - Breathing of Survivors in pain is 25/50% louder and regular breathing is 0/25% louder.
Stridor's upside is that if a survivor is crouching kind of nearby or hiding in a locker it might help you hear them when it otherwise might be hard to pick out. Also, now that Iron Will is 75% noise reduction instead of 100%, Stridor is no longer completely cancelled by Iron Will (which despite Iron Will's nerf is still run about twice the average rate on Nightlight, around 6-7% usage rate, so it's still something you'll see in matches.)
That's the good news. The bad news is kind of bad though
- Off the Record is one of the most popular survivor perks and it gives survivors 100% sound reduction which means it completely negates Stridor as well. So even though the old Iron Will situation was mitigated it was replaced by the new Off the Record meta and you still will have a lot of situations in games where you can't hear an injured survivor despite using Stridor.
- It's not obvious when you hear a survivor using Stridor when you would have heard them anyway without it, cutting into its perceived benefit. Even if the perk is actually helping a killer might not realize it and will think it didn't do anything at all. (Personally I've run Stridor now and then and I think, maybe, it's helped me find a survivor hiding sometimes, but who can tell? 🤷♂️ )
- And lastly even when the perk is working it can mess up your perception of how far away they are unless you use Stridor all the time. Basically if you normally don't use Stridor, and then you use it for a match and hear someone, you'll intuitively think the survivor is a lot closer than they actually are which can mess up your reaction to it. You can hear someone behind a wall, for instance, and think they're on your side of it and be confused when you can't see them.
Stridor does therefore feel like a perk that could use a buff to boost its usage. Some possible ways to do it might be:
- Increase its sound amplification from 25%/50% to maybe 75%/100% so the sounds are much more obvious and picking out normally inaudible sounds is much easier. The downside to this would be the muscle memory thing of not knowing the distance, but then again if the louder amplification helps find enough survivors that you'd otherwise miss than that would outweigh that downside.
- Reduce Off the Record's sound reduction to 75% or so similar to Iron Will. That way it doesn't completely negate Stridor in the meta.
- Let Stridor amplify ALL survivor noises, including walking and running and also sounds from dying survivors on the ground. Maybe even include sounds of ongoing gen repairs.
- A more unusual but maybe interesting buff would be to have Stridor give you an actual compass direction type indicator to nearby injured noises (similar to how you get a direction indicator for loud noise alerts). That way not only do you actually hear the noises more easily but you also get a really strong sense of where it's coming from. Plus this approach could have an added upside of being useful for hearing impaired killer players who might otherwise be having trouble picking out survivor noises. (In fact I could be wrong I seem to remember DbD Mobile has a feature similar to this built into the game.)
So by adding more sounds that Stridor can pick up... It'll be better
And do I see you suggesting nerfing Surveillance (even though it's just the added effect of that perk)
Just making Survivor sounds easier to pick up... Walking, Running, and yes Breathing... would help this perk out
But I have got a feeling that a new perk is going to come out that increases the noise of footsteps... Just saying
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There's actually a bug with lockers. They don't reduce survivor sounds (so @dugman is not fully correct this time). This helped me a few times already to pick up correct locker. I think one of the buffs (not sufficie t on it's own) is to keep current state for lockers when stridor is equipped - and fix it otherwise.
Also making the noises generally louder would be strong buff for one specific killer. I would much rather add amplification of other kind of noises - cleansing/booning totems, opening chests, ... And make it start from larger distance (say 6 more meters).
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only useful for spirit to counter old Iron will. the tracking is too situational to be worth perk slot. This is one of those perks that killer never want to equipped but want base-kit because while sound is important for killer, its not important enough for killer to use perk slot on.
I would make perk remove chase music on the killer side. perhaps the perk would be more useful in the chase for red glow mindgame purposes.
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if it removed chase music for killer, it would become way too OP. Footsteps would be almost permanent short distance wallhacks. Especially for people with good headset
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that is the point. i am equipping perk so i can hear survivors properly in the chase. Imagine hearing survivors, what a crazy OP perk. DBD 2022 where QOL perk is imbalanced.
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Well there are perks and there are perks. I think you would agree that perk that gave perma 5% speed boost to survivors would not be healthy. What you propose would be same.
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5% perma speed boost is far stronger than muted chase music and would be useful in almost every single scenario. You can already reduce chase music volume with sound software (I have done it before). Did I suddenly become unstoppable playing spirit? Of course not, it just helped me pinpoint better.
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IDK. It feels almost like wire trap where instead of it being gen that needs to be worked on (and can be kicked), it's you all the time. Without chase music steps are very loud and breathing is clearly audible - you don't even need injured survivor. You just need good headset and maxed out audio for full immunity to all mind games. Like sure aura is a little bit stronger, because you see the distance better, but not by much
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Stridor is fine how it is, especially with Iron Will being nerfed to what it is now. It’s niche is all. With 213 perks in the game, it’s expected that some perks will never be run - especially the niche ones.
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The other issue which makes aura reading like say im all ears better is how jank the audio occlusion is in this game, with or without chase music.
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Imagine 150% injured noise effect freddy
The only time i used stridor outside of a challenge was when i was doing a meme build with freddy with his increased pain sounds addon. Suprisingly, it worked astonishingly well, im honestly curious to find how 150% would sound like
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Maybe not remove chase music but cut it down to 50% and then give it some utility as anti stealth eliminating the quiet bonus of crouching and increasing the sounds/range of non rushed moving actions like vaulting or locker entry