Perk idea: Fatal Cut

Fatal Cut:
Each time you hit a Survivor with a basic attack that would put a survivor from healthy state to injured state, Fatal Cut gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 6/5/4 tokens.
After successfully acquiring 6/5/4 tokens, Consume all tokens for the next basic attack to put a survivor into the dying state.
When any survivor is put into the dying state, all tokens are lost and reset to 0.
On hit exposed. That would make hit & run killers way stronger. IDK what to think about this one
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Nurse would be berserk.
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it could work as a hex but would still be insane on some killers
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I was expecting you to say that the perk is overpowered like Stridor. It is hit & run perk designed for stealth killer like Dredge and Wraith.
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It sounds good but we'll have to see it in game
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I dunno if I'd call that INSANE since Devour Hope only needs 3 stacks. Granted those stacks are harder to get.
I'd say yeah either make it a Hex or make the tokens based off putting survivors into the DYING state not injured.
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the perk resets all tokens if any survivor is put into dying state. for example, if you hit 2 survivors, you will gain 2 tokens, but as soon you down a survivor. the 2 tokens are reduced reset to 0.
You have to injure 4 survivors. The 5th injury would instead result in an instant down encouraging hit & run play style.
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Oh well you wanna turn every killer into Legion. This will also be really good on Legion. Idk about that either chief.
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Stridor is not OP and I never said it was. It would become OP if it's buff would make it loose killer's chase music. For this perk idea I said I don't know what to think about it.
It will maybe bring too much frustration even if it was perfectly balanced same way as getting downed by meyers by his microsecond stalk into T3 when it's first time he saw you. Or it might be perfectly ok the way spirit fury+enduring feels (but this one gives you prio warning if you are able to notice enduring). I just don't know what to think about it.
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only works on basic attacks. Yes it turns every killer into legion but not every killer wants to drop chase. The perk counters healing such as med-kits.
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Idea says basic attack. Not special attack
Legion's frenzy counts as a special attack
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Insane might be an exaggeration, but it would be fairly strong on hit and run killers and imagine the camping potential with this perk, if you hit everyone once or even just their off the records/dead heads and then proxy a guy on the hook. It’s basically bubba camping but in a perk. Putting it in a hex would counter the camping though and make it more of an early game pressure perk like blood favour.
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It is not on hit. it is on injury. It uses same trigger condition as killer perk hysteria with an extra condition that it only works on basic attacks. It does not gain stacks when hitting endurance.
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Well the perk would just be counter intuitive then, the time it would take to hit everyone once, let them go and then find someone who healed would just be too much of a time sink compared to just committing to the second or third survivor you chase. Once you do hook someone you’d have to almost throw the game to get 4 stacks as well, because if you hit the unhooker you can’t commit to them because you would lose all stacks, can’t hit the person off hook because even if they don’t have endurance you lose stacks, then if you decided to just find the other two there is no guarantee they would give a free hit and after that you would still need to get another hit from someone whose healed in that time and by that point the survivors would notice the perk and just pre drop everything to make the down less valuable. In unhook scenarios like that the killer could try to plan the hits around the survivor who was unhooked and use the Insta down on them, but then they might as well tunnel off hook I guess so idk.
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I have considered making it 3 hits, though I'm not entirely sure if the perk would trigger too often at 3 hits. I have also considered the idea that the perk resets on-hooking the survivor instead of putting them in the dying state. This enables the killer to slug although the goal of the perk is not to make the killer slug though. its suppose encourage the killer to spread injure pressure even when in the presence of med-kit and healing perks which largely reduce incentive to spreading pressure.
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what if instead it was after a survivor completes a healing action from being injured by a basic attack you get one token, the perk would incentive hit and run and would almost be like an alternative to devour for killers like wraith, Sadako and dredge.
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i suspect that the perk would have delayed rewards where your waiting for a survivor to heal to reap the activation of the perk instead of just playing normally and letting the perk trigger through natural decision making in the game. I think upfront token is more direct for the killer.
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Fair enough