vaulting speed should stack with bloodlust

ngl i play a lot of killer and honestly i never vault
vaulting for killers is the most useless thing, mainly because it doesn't give you anything you can't even close the gap with it, yes can be made better with perks but ain't talking about those
(and nobody is gonna run the same damn vaulting build 6000 times so for the love hell don't say things like well u are looking at superior anatomy or bamboozle IK THEY EXIST but again perks aren't suppose to be a core thing they are suppose to spice the gameplay)
how about making it so the more bloodlust the killer has the faster the vaulting speed, this could make those jungle gyms and even some dumb loops in maps really dangerous, this will not be a buff to high tier killer but mostly low tier, like ghosty and piggy, etc
but of course it shouldn't stack with perks, or maybe it should
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As killer I tend to use vaulting as a means of forcing the survivor in a particular direction, rather than actually catching up, if that makes sense.
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scared they will catch up to your lithe? lol
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i could kinda see that from some perspective, but let's say shack as an example, vaulting the window with no perks wouldn't do anything or force the survivors to change directions
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Bamboozled says differently
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No it's cause they a nurse main and would be sad that she wouldn't be able to utilize your bloodlust comment
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You know, I don't hate this. It could definitely be tested, and it'd help Bloodlust fill its intended niche without making it too busted-- it has the same downsides as Bloodlust's walking speed boost, after all. If you've reached Bloodlust 3, you've already messed up enough that this isn't going to give you that much value overall.
I don't know about it being a necessary change, but it could be a fun thing to test for sure.
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I neither use Lithe nor Nurse regularly. It’s just that vaults are one of the few permanent survivor defenses on maps; and Bloodlust needs nerfs, not buffs.
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It would need to be really minor, though. Otherwise specific windows are close to useless, or worse.
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Bloodlust should not even be needed as a mechanic but its there since map design is not good right now. They should be fixing maps, not buffing bloodlust even more.
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I admit, my initial thoughts to this are that it's not needed, because of various changes implimented recently regarding the shortnening of time it takes to hit bloodlust, alongside other quality of life changes to killer. I'd feel this would be a bit unnecessary, given this.
However, if they wanted to trial this out in a PTB I wouldn't be averse to it. Maybe it might spice chases up.
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i kinda disagree and agree, there are some loops that are impossible to get and a simply map rework won't fix them
and well loops are part of this game soo......if they somehow overhaul the game completely then yes it should stop existing
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bloodlust was so useless and now that its actually a bit useful u wanna nerf it, what?
and i think you forgot that perks exist to help the survivor, survive without having to rely on vaults.....
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The problem is not a loop on its own since even the god pallets can be broken and then they become useless. The problem is a lot of maps can have a god window/ chained tiles together. This can be fixed by closing god windows and reducing tile spawns (such as cowshed). If this is done and map size comes down then you could make bloodlust weaker or remove it entirely. Rewarding players for committing to a super long chase is not healthy since its not something you should be doing as a killer if you want to win.
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Bloodlust I is fine. Certain slower killers will never catch up at certain loops without it. Bloodlust II and III simply reward bad killers for continuing to chase a survivor they otherwise wouldn’t down. Part of the being a skilled killer is knowing when it’s time to drop chase and go for someone else.
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You know, windows are meant to be a way to make distance for survivors right ? Why would you feel like they should work in your favor ? :)
What's next ? run through pallets with bloodlust ? :D
Plus you have perks to get that benefit, if you can spare one of your slowdown perks for it.
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As someone who splits pretty equally between playing killer and surv. I am down with this suggestion.
On those double vault tiles as killer, it can feel almost impossible to hit a skilled survivor unless they slip up big time. And the whole point of bloodlust is to shorten a chase because it's going on too long.
Like certainly don't let the killer gain time. At bloodlust 1 or 2 just have it mitigate the distance lost in chase and maybe at level 3 have it equal to, or just slightly slower than survivor speed.
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If you think vaulting as a killer is useless outside of perks you are extremely incorrect.
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So why not increase pallet breaking speed too?
vaulting is suppose to give the survivors that extra time, you know cause you already move faster then them.
when it comes to vaulting you either force the triple vault fast so they can’t no more, or you bait the vault and get the hit.
if the player vaulting is your weak spot then you should run something to either speed your vaulting up, or block vaulting.
sounds of more a you problem then a general problem to be honest.
but I run clown to they vault into my cloud 🤷♂️
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Bloodlust is a bandaid to bad map design. They need fix the maps instead of touching bloodlust, so that it can be removed once the maps are fixed
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ah yes that ONE vault that might get u something because they don't have balanced landing...yes vaulting is very useful...
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Bloodlust is already a mechanic that rewards a killer for playing badly. they don't need to make it stronger. in fact it should be removed
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only in bloodlust, not outside of it
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Seems ight
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catching up to survivors = playing badly
makes sense
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Looping Badly for so long that you get a free speed boost = Playing Badly.
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Bloodlust is pretty much required at certain loops because of bad map design. If they fixed most maps to be less survivor sided then they can get rid of it, sure.
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welcome to bad map design
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Yep, don't bother trying to make the poster understand. Survivor main thinks maps are balanced and bloodlust is a crutch. What a shocker
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Well it actually does force the survivors to run in one direction. A survivor wants to run anti clockwise using the door and window for fast vaulting. If you step through the window & then back inside it forces the survivor to run clockwise and they can't get the fast vault easily anymore. If they use the shack pallet door they also hit the window at a very narrow angle and you'll most likely get a hit, so it forces them to use the pallet much sooner and you basically get rid of one of the strongest pallets on the map.
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I don't think buffing a mechanic that punishes survivors for playing good and rewarding killers for playing bad is a good idea.
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Especially for low mobility killers, I play Trickser a lot and it feels like such a slog to get anywhere on the larger maps because I can't cover as much ground as say Blight, Spirit, Legion or Nurse.
Like the most I feel I can do is hope the survivors trap themselves into a 3 gen situation or play arround the last gen pop, depending on how good the survivors are.
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survivors have speed PERKS, those are not crutch?
the fact u can out ran a killer by simply vaulting or dropping from a high place or oh yea WALK, is fair but the killer getting more speed because they can't catch the survivor in let's say midwich elementary is being bad
i really like this argument
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at least you have a bit of range in your attacks, i play pig and sadako and sometimes i drop chase simply because i can't deal with whatever jugle gyms bs the survivor is going, not because im bad but because its a waste of time and i need TO PRESSURE THE DARN GENS
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If you success hitting me at window, does Lithe matter after I vault?
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It is true that I have a lot of range as Trickster, but I'm also pretty screwed if I get lured into a jungle gym. Especially if I don't have Cut Through, Trick Knives or Edge of Revival equipped which has some counterplay.
In the long run, I think it would be healthy for the game if all the maps were completely reworked. But I also feel that some killers need a movement speed buff, especially if they don't have counterplay those jungles and deadzones.
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depends on the map, sometimes it won't matter sometimes it would
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- If I was hit from heathy to injured with Lithe on, does it matter?
- If I was hit from injured to down with Lithe on, does it matter?
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from injured to down no
from healthy to injured again depends on the map
since you know BOONS exist, and if the killer doesn't want to chase u, cuz PRESSURE then u are free to go
and even if a boon is not there, there is still medkits, teammates and perks to heal you so not only did u cover some distance and the killer dropped chase but u are free to heal unless they have nurse's calling which in that case gl
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Hitting survivor with Lithe at window.
1- If you hit survivor with Lithe at windows, Bloodlust would disable, you would get no vault speed bonus from Bloodlust though
2- So injured to down doesnt matter. Case closed
I have another 2 questions about not hitting survivor at window.
3- If survivors not getting hit at vault and have Lithe, does it matter?
4- If survivors not getting hit at vault and not have Lithe, does it matter?
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Killers are unbalanced at everything (see official stats). There are still maps like midwitch or shelter woods. Keep us some maps where survivor at least stand some chance the way they are. You are winning more then is fair already. 3 out of 5 is killer's kill. And you want to buff killers even more. Why?
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ah yes because stats and charts mean everything,
so uhh nurse has a 25% kill rate so she needs buffing right?
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if they have lithe again depending on the map they could make your life hell, because of the speed
even if they don't have it sometimes i can work out, again its all about map design
and with a blood lust instead of hitting them in the window vault it (because you have more vaulting speed then hit them so even if u lose bloodlust u are still behind them and you won't gett slow down by the window )
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It's 61% so she needs nerf. That's also in statistics
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Hit injured survivor with Lithe doesnt matter, because they're already down and not able to use Lithe. Chase end.
Hit healthy survivor, best they can go is to another titles for looping, which is the whole point of weapon cooldown + speedboost in the beginning. Plus you cant make vault speed bonus from Blood lust because you hit them.
Not hitting survivor without or with Lithe means they play well to make success of that vault.
The only time you can make good use of BL vault is both of you still at the same loops for too long without getting hit. Means survivor is doing good
So...why do you want Blood lust as reward for your failure and punish survivor for playing well?
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i think u missed the point, if u swing and miss that's ur fault, this whole change would help in tiles that are dumb to run, the whole lithe and other perks was an example for the other person who said that bloodlust is a crutch for killers, and sometimes not hitting someone in a loop doesn't mean they are always good but more of you either suck at looping or that loop is bs
i can loop the killer around in coal tower, does that mean im good?, no, but cuz i main killer i know the weak points and i take advantage of them, and mess up 3 seconds later lol