Why don't you get a speed boost when unjured due to plagues sickness?

This has gotta be such a broken mechanic in the game. Any other killer who uses there power to injure you you get a speed boost (and overcome triggers) but plague just doesnt. IMO this makes plague the strongest killer in the game and the most boring because its just Vomit, infect, injure, instant hit, death.
Why is this still a thing when it would be so easy to fix by giving the speed boost on injury due to any killer action.
Strongest killer in the game? Idk I think nurse and blight are stronger than her. But it's just your opinion. I guess I never realised that it's kinda weird how you don't get a speed boost from plague. Bug maybe?
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So you mean when plague puts the broken status on you after constant vomiting? I can get behind this. Because it is technically an injury. And her mechanic is already pretty strong.
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I would not say nurse and blight are stronger than plague. The skill cap is to high for those killers so only those who put work in and really learn the killer get good with them. I've only recently started playing survivor more (killer main) and i enjoy going against nurse and blight because they are easy to counter unless as i said they are stupidly good. A plague however is just to easy to play to the point she is really good.
but yeah just my opinions everyons has their own. Honestly from a killer point of view i would say clown is a very strong killer but ask anyone else he sucks lol
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Exactly. The problem with plague is you can't heal without giving her even more of a buff with the red puke. and not getting a speed boost just means if she is right behind you when you are at full health then your going down instantly. she may aswell be an insta down killer at that point.
Another thing that kinda bothers me is her not losing colision when she is puking.
Myers was changed so when he is stalking he has no colision which means he can't block a survivor in somewhere and get free stalk. If this change was needed why can plague still block a survivor and instat down them??
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It's been like that since her release so unless this is a bug that somehow went undetected since March 2019, it's not a bug.
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That's a good question.
On the one hand, it is kinda busted and it's inconsistent with nearly every other method of damage in the game (I think Trapper's injure-when-disarming traps are the same, and so is For The People, but neither of those are half as direct as Plague following you around puking on you), but on the other, you can waste a ton of Plague's time if she tries to puke on you instead of M1ing you by using structures or just spinning in circles and messing with her FOV. You can usually force her to smack you or eat enough of her time that she may as well have M1ed you from the start, so I've never been too bothered by this.
I'm absolutely biased on having a reason to want to keep it, though.
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Probably because being put into the injured state is different from being damaged.
I do not believe Plague's power states that infection damages the survivor upon reaching max infection.
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If you got a speedboost from getting injured upon full infection, why would you not just puke on a survivor once and then m1 them as opposed to spending time going for full infection (assuming the survivor is not in a complete deadzone)? They’d get infected anyway over time.
She’s fine the way she is. And no she is not the strongest killer, she is pretty good but she’s not Nurse or Blight.
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I think the main issue is if a plague is right on you then you get infected nearly instantly. one full puke basicly injures you so not to much time is wasted by the plague.
Wish people would stop just saying nurse and blight are the strongest. They may be the strongest in "top mmr" but because of the high skill cap required to play them efficiently they are not overall the strongest killers. For example i could play 10 nurse and 10 nemisis games and i would most likely 1k or 0k all nurse games but 3 - 4k most nemi games purely because of the difficutly difference. How strong a killer is isn't dependent on just overly skilled players its an average from new to veteran players.
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Imagine you peepee sprinkle someone early on. Later, you're chasing them and right as you're getting close, they run off cuz they get an injury boost. Now, you've wasted your time chasing them cuz they were going to get injured anyways, and the boost made it so your chase can't lead to a follow up hit. Good job wasting time.
You're a survivor. You're being chased by the jolly green goo girl and you got spattered earlier by her nickelodeon gak. You're running a loop pretty tight, ready to get hug a wall into an opening and drop a pallet. As you approach the opening, you suddenly boost with little warning and completely clear the opening instead of turning into it, as you weren't expecting to suddenly go that fast. Now you've over shot the pallet, vommy mommy had made up the distance so you can't go back, and you're entering a dead zone where she will definitely down you.
Point being, it's for consistency. It allows you and the killer to operate normally without sudden bursts of speed making things wonky. In a direct hit, this isn't an issue. The killer hit you and is getting feedback. You got hit and are getting feedback. The infection mechanic is much more subtle, and would feel like a finger between your buttcheeks while you're trying to enjoy a leisurely stroll.
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No the change was made to avoid stalking and griefing a player stucking him
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It is what makes puking until injuring worth it, it is part of her power, without that she would be even more underwhelming at the start, since she already is a just a m1 killer if no one cleanses. Survivors should NOT get a speed boost from this, simply not necessary. Also, the Plague is wasting time if they are puking and the survivor looping and predropping, easy counter and not OP at all.
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I'm guessing you've never played as her. Most of the time you waste more time trying to infect them fully than if you were just to go for the m1 anyways. The only time you can infect someone fully very quickly is if you are right on top of them and they're running in a straight line. At that point it's a matter of player error and skill rather than issue with the killer's mechanics.
If you get into a chase and get fully infected and downed in the first 20 seconds that's a skill issue, they simply outplayed you.
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If you go from healthy to broken during a chase due to plague vomiting on you constantly, you have already cashed in plenty time it took for that to happen when she probably could have just m1 at some point.
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Thing is it takes several hits of vile purge, or ages in a chase, to get to broken status.
It's kinda like exposing with Ghostface or Myers.
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Not when effectiveness addons exist.
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Well because nurse and blight literally ARE the strongest. MMR or Difficutly doesn't depict the fact of their strength. Sure certain killers might be the best for you, but the fact nurse and blight can end chases in seconds reliably and with good map mobility is what makes them the strongest. Which is why killers like dredge are so bad in comparison because no chase power with map wide pressure.
Or think of it like this.... the best billy or bubba player vs the best nurse. Obviously the nurse is gonna win because even though they have an insta down people can throw pallets extending chases while nurse ignores basically everything and has to make the survivor mind game the nurse.
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No. It's not a traditional injure so it doesn't reward the survivors with a traditional speed boost.
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I always thought that this was part of her kit and identity: instead of M1-ing a survivor in a chase, giving them a speedboost and then chasing them down like any normal killer, she pukes on you and slowly infects you till you are too weak and feeble to run away and THEN strikes you down in one, fell swoop.
If survivors would just get injured after getting fully infected, the speed boost would just feel wrong. At that point you could also just give them the faintest lick of the plague and then M1 everyone, like every other killer, too. This mechanic sets her appart and this is her niche.
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Plague is very strong, but no need to nerf her
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I've played against many Plagues and this is only an issue if you're running straight, which is your fault.
Try spinning and moving unpredictably so she has a hard time infecting you. By the time she fully infects you, you should already be at a safe tile.
Constantly puking loses her distance even after the little buff they gave her.
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Because you can cleanse with the tap of a button.
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Because survivors get a speed boost upon a hit, not necessarily upon taking damage.
The inverse is also true for Nemesis, who hits and thus grants the survivor a speed boost, but doesn't always deal damage.
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you heard it here from the man himself that nurse is not the strongest killer but instead plague is
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it's only your mistake if you let her do this to you, compared to myers she would have a harder time actually instadowning you this way.
don't be in a deadzone and spin so she has a hard time fully infecting you.
and even if you were in an open spot she needs to have effectiveness addons to be able to fully infect you fast enough.
it's ok for plauge to be different it's not op or anything plus she's not easy as you're trying to make her in my opinion she's a pretty complex killer and is decently hard to get good with her and fully understand her kit.
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Y'all can go nuts and discuss whether or not it should be that way, but I'll chime in really quick on if it's a bug: No.
Full infection doesn't cause damage, it inflicts the broken status effect. For example, if you're already injured and become fully infected, you won't go down because it doesn't cause damage. When the broken status effect kicks in, it's normal to not receive a speed boost. The same happens when you use a perk like For the People: You become injured due to the broken status effect, but you don't receive a speed boost.
Speed boosts are typically tied to attacks rather than health states.
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Because Nemesis giving three health states wasnt inefficient enough, lets introduce Plague granting survivors a free sprint burst for being puked on forever.
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Interesting. So the Broken status effect itself is what sends the survivor into the injured state?
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I did this 2 years ago so maybe something has changed with broken, but I landed Deathslinger's spear using the perk Forced Penance and the healthy survivor was broken but not injured.
Is it just Plague's broken status that makes survivor injured or is broken suppose to always make the survivor injured?
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def not the strongest but could easily make top 5
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That's cool to know.
That gives some interesting utility to Deathslinger's spear, Cenobite's possessed chain, and Artist's crow swarm with forced penance since I believe they all trigger protection hits, but don't damage. I might have to play with that now.
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If broken status makes you unable to heal and you can't heal a healthy survivor
You could say that being healthy makes you 'broken'
dont ban me
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Is the adrenaline + renewal interaction also a bug then?
Currently, adrenaline actually ignores renewal’s broken status and heals you anyway, leaving you broken while healthy. If you get hit again during the 20 seconds renewal takes to heal you, you can actually get a second instant-heal to healthy after adrenaline has already triggered - this is especially important if you get unhooked with adrenaline on hold. This is the only source of broken status that adrenaline ignores like this.
But yeah I can confirm that deathslinger + forced penance can cause broken while healthy since the spear itself triggers a protection hit, even if the deathslinger breaks the chain off early to avoid the stun (and not injure you).
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If that's currently live, then it might also be an issue with Artist crows and Cenobite possessed chain.
Are you able to test those killers? We should probably make an actual bug report for that.
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Iirc, it is a thing with artist too. I haven’t tested pinhead.
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i use forced penance and play deathslinger frequently and this is still in the game
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Does Huntress M2 give speed boost? I thought it didn't.