If you notice high ping in every lobby

Every once in awhile when I start the game up I notice all my games have high ping. And it isn't just me either, everyone in the lobby is well over 100. The only thing that seems to fix it is restarting the client. Just thought I would let everyone else know.
My running theory is that the game is accidently putting you in a different region.
Looks like only you see the high ping bar on other survs, but never on yourself.
So if i would have a high ping, i wouldn't even notice it in the lobby. What a great system.
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I noticed a red bar on top of the "ready" prompt. I think that's what indicates your ping is high.
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it would be nice to see if the killer has red ping.
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But only as killer, right?
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i think they might like moving you to another region as you said to shorten the queue time, which tbh doesn't make any sense why do that, just give the players a server selection
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I only get the red bar above the ready button when it is very high (I want to say over 200-300). But, I could be sitting at 100-150 and the game will proceed without ever letting me know. Very annoying that I basically have to enter a game to know whether or not my ping is higher than normal. Just for anyone who is curious I am use to having around 50-80 ping.
Prior to the ping change patch, the lobbies showed me the lower high ping values and I could just dodge and restart my client. Now I have to play at least two games before I even know its an issue. By that time I a basically frustrated to a point where I don't want to play anymore.
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Yes -- I don't understand why they won't show us our own ping anymore. No one wants to be in a match where they lag the whole time.