Prestige Option

I think survivors should have the option to be able to hide their prestige level at the start of a trial and only revealed (as is the case for the killer) at the end of a match on the results page. My reason for requesting this is because my favorite character is currently prestige 30, and since about prestige 25 I have noticed I get targeted quite a lot. To determine if this is because of my prestige level I've played several games as another character who is only level 3, and have noticed a significant difference in how much I'm targeted. If survivors can only see the killer's prestige level at the end of a trial, it's only fair that this should work both ways. It will also combat higher prestige survivors from getting singled out by killer's before the trial even starts.
I don't think it's just a coincidence that some survivors are hated more than others.
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No I like to have some idea ahead of time if I'm getting screwed over by terrible matchmaking.
Playing an add-onless M1 killer and seeing a bunch of P12-15's or higher, No thank you.
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any suggestions for when you don't have a favorite survivor to keep prestiging ?
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Constructive criticism is far better than sarcasm. But in any case, as I pointed out in my original post the devs have given an unfair advantage to killers by allowing them to see what level we are while their's is hidden until the end of the trial. We all know the matchmaking on this game sucks, so that isn't even an issue at this point. Also, having a high prestige level doesn't make you DBD Pro, it just means you play a lot as one particular character. I'm by no means a whizz at the game, but when you notice yourself getting purposely targetted due to an unfair advantage, that's downright infuriating.