DC problems and maybe how to prevent them!

Most survivors dc because they don't want to go up against specific killers so give them a chance to dodge the lobby before the round starts! Put a picture of the killer you have to face somewhere on the lobby screen and they can decide to play or dodge the lobby , just like killers if they see 4 flashlights most of them dodge . I think this would prevent a lot of dc's . Games where survivors dc in the beginning of the round are no fun and just punish the other 3 survivors!
First off you have no proof that every dc is solely because of not wanting to face a killer nor any proof that people are d/cing more against certain killers.
Second we shouldn't cater to children who rage quit from games.
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But then again it may be used to just jump to a build that hard counters that killer... imagine hag vs 4 flashlights, doctor vs people with calm spirit... and so on...
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Why do you think they removed killer specific hooks?
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Never seen someone DC because of a specific Killer. It is almost always a result of being camped or tunneled.
Being able to prepare against the Killer ahead of time would somewhat cheapen the experience in my opinion.
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Oh I have seen it plenty of times. When I hear blink and play soloQ, I know there's very good chance the game will suck, because if she has starstruck, odds are someone will DC (or kill himself on hook or something like that). Not that I blame them tho
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People dc because they don´t like that specific map. Or the Killer. Or they go down first when they think they are amazing.
Or they get hooked first. Or their teammate misses a skill check and they think their teams sucks.
Learn sportsmanship. Just don´t dc. Or ... yourself on first hook.
BTW there are a lot of children playing. You won´t change that.