This player base is horrible

All night iv had abuse from killers after most of my matches. Frankly its disgusting.


  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    What kind of abuse? chat abuse? in-game?

    Chat-abuse is bannable, you just need to report them in-game and that's it.

    For in-game, you'll need to record footage and submit a report here:

    Submit a request – Dead by Daylight

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Always has been. They aren't even happy to just keep it here either. Any new asymmetrical game forum gets filled with DBD fanboys attacking and ridiculing everything like it's a DBD post chat lobby. It's quite pitiful the community has been so vile for so long.

    That being said, just move on from post game chat that turn sour cause there's no use to sticking around. I'll typically say nothing or a quick GG with some compliment or sharing of something funny in the match to test the waters. It's a toss up whether other people get salty or actually respond like reasonable adults. It does make the more chill or supportive post game chats really special between players.

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285

    Been called crap. A dog that deserved to be slugged, and just horrible things in general

  • Turtlesrock
    Turtlesrock Member Posts: 50

    Yeah. welcome to dbd where at least 70% of this community is terrible people. Lol i remember when cross play wasnt out. where every single game there were 5 people that all could chat end game lobby to each other... you think its bad now? you had no idea when every single end game chat was death threats, racial slurs, attacks on you irl, etc.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    If it's not chat abuse, it's allowed, same with survivors

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    Well, that's post game chat, and it's as bad or worse from survs. My advice is to hide/disable it. Anything you'll lose out on will be heavily outweighed by what you are spared from.

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    All you do is say gg wp. Game interaction in the trial is fair game. But after that its best to have good sportsmanship and move on. This is the story of an asymmetrical experience.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Turn off your Next Gen Console of Personal Computer you're welcome.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    It was easier for bad people to hurt others via end-game chat years ago. I still have PTSD from 2016/2017. Those were the last years when I tried to engage in the chat. The end-game chat was a mistake and should be ignored. While you can occasionally make friends after a perfect match together, it is usually best to just move on to the next match and use these forums or some other moderated venue to talk about DBD.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    I think it's just modern attitudes towards gaming in general. These days there are more and more people spending all their free time indoors playing games, and it becomes their life and only outlet.

    If people are finding they're behaving more aggressive online towards other people then they need to set time aside for the gym or go for a run or something. Let that pent up energy out. There needs to be a healthy balance.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    I'd say DBD was in a lot less of an annoying state back then. You had the Nurse / mori spam but beyond that the gameplay experience as survivor was pretty enjoyable even in solo Q. A super intense billy match was a standard thing and it was a very skillful dance by both teams.

    Now? All the killers are on steroids and even the most potato wraith is liable to murder you given enough time no matter how good you are at the game. Lots of perks were added that remove most skill from the gameplay (spirit fury). Not to mention the slew of utterly horrid killer designs that have made their way into DbD (legion) since.

    If the killer isn't fun to be chased by, then there isn't really much game left to be had in DBD. Hold M1 on gens and....hide? That's it. So when you load into a match with a killer that is a total snoozefest to face (even if they are balanced power-wise) I can see why people just dip. There's no game to be played.

  • TheDraco
    TheDraco Member Posts: 23

    Blocking the obsession in a corner with Rancor and waiting until the gens pop is pretty abusive NGL.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Well, it's 'you reap what you sow'. When you drive off nearly all the decent players with excuses for bad behavior on either side, constantly bemoaning how 'X is a totally legit tactic' and other 'git gud' level nonsense, respond to people pointing it out in condescending on mocking tones like 'do you want us to hold survivors hand/stand still for the killer/etc'... well, how are you surprised people who try/tried to make matches fair, fun and challenging left for greener pastures or only play swf/kyf?


  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    The salt has been pretty evenly distributed throughout the years in my experience. People don't like losing and that will never change. What a player should be entitled to is a balanced match where both sides have a fair shot at winning. And that's definitely not the case; if anything it's probably only gotten more unfair in the last year or two

    Why should anyone ever be able to go on a 50 winstreak? It's essentially unheard of in other competitive video games. When an above average killer player can basically pubstomp 24/7 with only a 3-4 man SWF on comms as any sort of threat; why do they keep getting matches with pubs and not SWFs?

    The balance is a joke, people are starting to realize that, and more people are saying "Why am I wasting my time?" and leaving the matches to save themselves 5 minutes or whatever

    That's my theory anyways

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Killer mains are more physical toxic than text toxic.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,065
  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    There are much worse. Try LoL, Valorant or Overwatch. Even R6S.

    This playerbase is pretty tame in comparison.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    I've just recently purchased PC version with chat available (been playing console last few years) & I'm actually pleasantly surprised because like 90% of my games as killer people just don't actually say anything. Couple of times I've had some salty survivor giving it the old you dirty camper/tunneler/slugger etc etc & a few GGs, but mostly just nothing.

    On the other hand when I started on Xbox I actually had to turn messages to friends only because it was so toxic. Maybe console is the bigger problem.

  • This. I always respond with a "gg" and let survivors dictate where the chat goes from there. If they wanna talk trash, I'll oblige. If they say "gg" or want to strike up a friendly convo, that's great, too.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    Have a break :) do something you like and come back when you actually feel to.

    Every game from time to time may feel too much. Don't let it bring you down!

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Don't forget any multiplayer from the anime community