V2 of DBD BALENCE. (The ball is Almost always in the Survivers Cort)

How old Dead By DayLight Worked. the Killer was Menecing Strong Relentless Pressuring. a Challenge to escape and to save a Friend. as Surviver to had to be Stealthy knowing if you had to enter a chase there was No Guarentee you would survive that Chase and that every Mistake could Cost you. that was Dead By DayLight Back in the Day. Fast Forword to (2022) the Survivers can easily Loop killers and are almost always Guarenteed to win a Chase. you can take Killers for 3 to 4 Gen Joy Rides around the Map. Killers no Longer have the power and pressure they Once Had. they have to take into account every possible thing playing Defence Camping a Single Gen not having a good success rate at wining chases like they once Did. survivers Sabo hooks within 3 feet of the killer. Body Blocker Duos Griefing the Killer and comming back when he picks up a new surviiver only to blind him then Heal then come back and body block again then run away Heal then come back. some Loops are to Strong for the new Perks. it turns into a game of "Catch me if ya can cause im the gingerbread man" it is no longer the game of "hes on me were can i lose him were can i hide" it is now "lets go for a joyride. ooh peice of pallet ooh peice pallet ooh peice of window ooh peice of window" the Killers Perks have been NErfed way to much making there effects so Miniscull that it has little to no affect on Survivers repairing Healing or almost any other action. its just a miner in convience. Backwads to (2018-20ish) if the killer had Ruin 1 surviver had to hit great skill checks. post Rework. it Now regresses from not Repairng. but the Regress Rate was Balenced. it forced survivers to come up with a Complex Plan the tackle the Dilema. 1 surviver had to trick the killer into thinking they were after another gen and distract him while that main surviver finished the Target Generater. (2022) that Tactic is no Longer Needed. Surver Duos can just work on the same gen and even when pushed off the regress rate has been Nerfed Way to Hard. survivers hardly have to worry about Ruim Regression. 1 surviver cane asily run the killer cross map and lose the killer by waiting till he gives up on the chase or locker juking then come back and finish the generater. (HEX RUIN) is Pointless to Use Now. Sruvivers No Longer have to come up with Complex Plans of how to tackle a Dilema or how to plan there Escape or hook Rescues or even End game hook Recues. they just run around on Auto Pilot wining chases compleating gens and escaping. The Ammount of Skill and Planing old Dead By DayLight Had in (2018) and even (2016) is no longer there. there still is Some Skill involved but not to the extent that it once Did. for Killers its a Sweat Fest. for Survivers its a JoyRide on Sunset Blv. I really want this Game to be Reworked again. so that Survivers have to be more Creative with Risky plans. and to Bring back the Risk facter to Survivers so it feels way more Rewarding and like you actually Achieved what seemed like an imposssible Escape. something to show your friends like "hey i did this i pulled this off i cant blieve i did this my self i thought for sure i was a goner"


  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,021

    A wild Zeita appears!

    Zeita attacks first!

    Critical hit! Wall of Text crits you for enough damage!

    (Street fighter character defeat echo plays in the backgroud.)

    You have died.

  • LastTourniquet
    LastTourniquet Member Posts: 43

    Reading this hurts my eyes. You need to learn to write paragraphs, not bricks.

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    Yes its is. But only to a certain point. As soon as the survivors know how to play as good as possible. Survivors are almost unbeatable. So the goal should be to nerf those super strong try hard teams without nerfing all other survivors.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited November 2022

    Have you seen starstruct range addon nurse? They can easily win against sweatiest tryhard comms survivors. Supaalf has very very long killstreak with her. To spice things up, he even plays endgame nurse (hides with insidious in a spot that nobody can go to but nurse) and does not do anything until last gen pops - even after these conditions he is able to 3-4K most of the time.

    And if you say that not everyone can do that then I agree. Not everyone can be best 4man military-style SWF capable of countering things like this (and even sadako - one of the weakest killers have a player with 100 consecutive game win streak under current MMR).

    Clearly killers in high level are weak and need even more buffs. 61% is way too little and Q times and incentives clearly show it /s

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    Nurse is something else and needs to be nerfed we all know that. But that has nothing to do with what i said. Very good survivors for example the team of Hens are just way too strong. And could only lose against certain killers. And even then only if the killer is one of the best. And i think such try hard teams should be nerfed but without nerfing solo q survivors. And that has nothing to do with the 61% kill rate. Since we only talking about that few swf groups. I dont think the game could ever be balanced if bhvr keeps the huge gap between solo q and swf.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394
    edited November 2022

    Old DBD you were matched with players of random skill-level. Old DBD people had less time to have accrued thousands of hours. Old DBD had basekit Decisive Strike with no deactivation conditions, Dead Hard for distance, older DBD had infinites, insta-gen parts, etc.

    Congratulations on playing enough for the game to lose the horror vibe.

    Or playing to win with too much tunneling/camping that you get paired with loopers/gen-Jockeys better than you’re able to handle because you inflated your MMR so high.

    Go for 12 Hooks mate. You’ll normalize your MMR to the point that any deviation towards more punishing play will make it an easy win.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 272

    Survivors are almost always one mistake from losing idk why you would want to make that harder. DBD did have stronger loops back then but we also had killer bringing moris every other game and they would tunnel the unhooked and and mori them immediately after 1 hook. Killers also win a majority of their games now with a 60% kill rate. If anything they need to buff certain aspects of survivor

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Survivors are mostly loosing. Even Hens's group don't have it easy/guaranteed. Like they are very good, but it's still not 4 out every time for them (not even against best sadako where 2 of his group died against best sadako player in one game- and we are talking sadako out of all killers - but to be fair, they handicapped themselves some. Still. Sadako). And there are more killers then just nurse that are fully viable in top of the top of MMR. As for everyone else... I already spoke about stats. Add into it (I can call it survivor) incentives and still much longer Q times and it should be pretty clear which side needs help.

    Also there is no such a thing as nerf only Hens's group without it affecting everyone else.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Players have learned how to run loops... and how to counter them at the same time

    There were only 3 Killers when the game first came out... now we have 25 (with the Knight being the newest) (I may be wrong about the number of Killers... sorry) and a lot of them bring an anti-looping power to the game

    Players have learned all of the Killer's powers and how to deal with them (to a certain point... Nurse says HI... but it comes out as a screech... LOL I had to)

    Players have learned about what perks do and how to counter them as well... and some of them aren't worth using (just saying... wink wink, nudge nudge BHVR)

    The game went from a party game to play when bored to this competitive party hybrid (which doesn't make much sense... but that's my opinion)

    And with each iteration of the game... things change (for better or worse... again BHVR please realize this)

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    Then tell me why we see every where in competitive that survivors are not allowed to use double perks. And tell me why certain maps are allways banned from the tournaments. If killer is in such a good spot and dont need any buffs. Why we dont see that in competitive. In competitive it allways was, and still is, very common that survivors are not allowed to have double perks. And certain maps are allways banned. So do you think the best players that dbd has to offer, play tournaments with rules like this without any reason? NO they do it because they are aware of the unbalancing if survivors would play 4 man swf without any restriction.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    I feel like alot of Strength in Survivors, mostly has to do with imbalance or strong/bad maps that don't have any barely any benefits for the killer. Whatever is the proximity of nearby window/ safe pallet from one tile to the next; Whatever it is how far the gens are spread out, or how some Main Structures like Garden of Joy House (more like Garden of Pain House) and Dead Dog Saloons have gens or loops/windows so strong that it is pretty much a lost cause to defend that gen and never bother chasing anyone there.

    Sure, a few Killer like Nurse need some chances so that are not oppressive; but there is quite a few killers that need some nice quality of life improvement buffs/ reworks like Trapper, Twins, Clown, Freddy, Myers, Etc.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Sure. Also MDR on spirit is forbidden, haunted with undying combo, C33 on blight, etc. Both sides have severe restrictions, because the game is otherwise imbalanced. But sure enough - you only talk about one side

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    I only talk about survivors because you can only beat them in swf if you play one of the op things you mentioned. On survivors side its not like this you can play what you want as long as you r a 4 man swf. And you still able to win 90% of you r matches. Its just sad that you cant pick the killer you find cool because hes just too weak.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited November 2022

    I can almost guarantee you, that in your case it will be skill issue. There are like very few people that are truly limited and can't pick something because they would loose and they all are limited to custom matches/tournaments (and I don't even take into account which side you play). If you are not one of those people - then I can guarantee you it's skill issue (meaning no matter how good you are, there is always someone better - with the exception of some well known names, but I presume I am not talking to e.g. Ayrun :) ). As I already previously noted - there's a guy with 100 kill streak on sadako out of all killers. Meaning if you are super good and play public matches, you can bring anything and it's about skill if you win and you CAN win "every time".

    Heck even Otz - who does not specialize in 1 killer (so he can't ever be the best in any killer) but play them all - is able to get kill streak of at least 20 consecutive wins on every single killer without addons (ok recently he changed his rules to include addons up to yellow rarity). And he does not use offerings that would help him in any way (so no, he plays all maps against any survivors be it even 4-man SWF bringing BNP's, best medkits and all of that).

    And I am not saying it's fair - if he handicaps himself and the other side brings whatever they want, then it's clear those 4-man SWF should have huge advantage. And yet he is able to win. And if he - generalist is able to have so many consecutive wins while being handicapped, then your argument was just proven wrong and it in fact is about who has superior skill. This would not hold true if say Otz was low elo - but I am sure we can agree that's not the case :)

    But I have to agree with you on one thing - not all killers are created equal. If I have to compare say Freddy against nurse, or trapper against blight, then it's clear that devs have long way to go to equalize things.

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    Its clearly that you never been in high mmr with lets say clown or Trapper. There is a bottelneck where its almost impossible to win as much as you would win with a other killer. Its nothing about skill. I can play blight and do my 100 win streak. But i want to play other killers as well and thats just not possible with those swfs around. So either swf needs to be nerfed or low tier killer needs to be buffed.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    If we nerf SWF, then playing strong killer will be like literal free win EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Even in high MMR stats clearly say 61% kill rate on average. Can you imagine what would happen if strong nurse came to a high MMR match against such 4-man SWF? I can tell you what. Boring 4K. Meaning the nurse player would not even need to be really strong to 4K consistently.

    Also for trapper - I have to repeat myself. If generalist Otz is able to make a winstreak without addons in high MMR, then it means it's skill issue and even if you are in disadvantage, you are still capable to take trapper with best perks and best addons and win more then your fair share of games if you are cracked good (true savant) with him. I am not saying trapper in high MMR is fair against same-experience 4-man SWF. Same as I am not saying 4 solos have a fair (or even good) chance against starstruck double range nurse. All I am saying is, that if you are way better, then you can still win.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    sure enough. And yet he is able to win quite a few games with sadako (arguably almost as bad killer) with just yellow addons.

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70

    Survive with friends shouldnt be Nerfed. but to me as playing a surviver most killers dont feel threating and challenging to go agenst. they can just easily be ran. i guess maby the Developers should add a Surviver HardCore mode or something. also i miss the older Rankign system. last time i played consistently was when they still had the Rank 1 stuff. and i play both surviver and killer i main Both ina way.. and when you said its a skill issue. then maby its they added a "Skill Based MAtch Making System" thats putting me an Average player with High level pro Players. i play the game to have fun not chug 40 gallons of game fuel burning my ass off all day everyday. if there is such a system they need an Option to turn the thing OFF.

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70

    for Killers i Mostly Main [Freddy-Myers-Onryo-Dredge-Nemisis-ghost face-Wesker. with freddy sometimes i get 3k. Dredge its 3 to 4k. Onryo it can be 2 to 4k. Nemisis it can go either way. Myers Average is 1k and ghostface its all over the place and Wesker its 2 to 4k

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    Yes because sadako was new and he isn't in high mmr with her yet.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    There's a skill cap for MMR, because beyond certain level there are very few people that can be matched together. This would create too long wait times for those people. So to "fix" this, if you are beyond certain skill level, then you basically won't get fair matches any more.

    By what you are saying, your survivor skills are way too large compared to your killer matches. Because this ceiling works for both sides. That's also reason why supaalf can have 500 win streak. It does not mean that there isn't a single team in whole world that could get 2 out at least once. It means he is so good, that in standard random games - the chances for him to get team that would be capable of countering him + be prepared for him is so slim, that 500 win streak is very possible.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    how could he not be in high MMR? 1, there's a cap above which there is no "even higher MMR" and that cap is not really that high 2, you don't start from 0 when playing new killer. You take average of all your existing killers and lower it a bit 3, after a few wins he would get to that MMR ceiling anyway.

    So if I don't count wesker - then all of them are not particularly strong. I mean Nemesis is OK. But Freddy, meyers (without OP addons), Onryo (without IRI), Dredge and ghostface all need a buff to be closer to other killers (on the other hand nurse, blight, artist, spirit and tunneling-part of wesker need nerf). It's understandable that you don't get 4K every game with these killers.

  • Zeita
    Zeita Member Posts: 70

    it could just be that back in the day when i didnt take as many breaks from burn out. i hardly ran into higher skilled players. 90% of all my matches back then were people around my skill level or just a little Above. i never realyl had all 3 people hook body blocking me and chain blinding me and running circles around me trying to get me to quit the Game. now i run into those griefers Alot Now. and it realyl forces me to Play Toxic which i dont like having to do cause it takes the fun out of the match for me. forcing me to camp hooks. just yesterday i had to leave a guy on the ground to bleed out cause they kept sabo hooks right in my face and body blocking me. so in the PTB i had to spam Guards as the Knight to patral that 1 downed surviver while his 2 other buddys werent even doing gens and were patralling him waiting for a moment to heal him back up. so once he died i got the 2nd guy Mori Him then i got the 3rd guy and the last one Escaped via Hatch. there was little to no chases and most of the game i was forced to Guard this one Guy and use him as bait for the 2 Griefers so they wouldnt focus on gens and instead focused on this one Guy so when he died i could then pick the rest off. they need to Turn off SBMM most of the gaming community in general Hates SBMM

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    how is trying to rescue your teammate a grief? Would you say downing a survivor is griefing them? Body blocking, sabotaging and chain blinding on it's own is only trying to win the game by taking the advantage when it's possible. And all of those provide very viable counters + pose quite a substantial risk to survivors doing it.

    Griefing is when survivor tbags you. Or points at you. Or head nods at you when you miss. Or otherwise doing things that are done out of malice/bad manners instead of trying to take an advantage. And sure enough, bleeding someone is one of viable counters to sabotages (not the best one mind you). Also if you don't down a survivor in a corner or some obscure place, you are almost guaranteed to have 3+ hooks within your carry distance.

    Just 2 days ago a fellow survivor fell down right under a hook. Killer had scourges so he ignored that hook and went for another one. I was there prepared to sabo and did that perfectly - he even swung at me and missing me. After that I went away thinking there's no way he will be able to bring him to yet another hook. But he did. No agitation, no iron grasp. And it was on springwood so not even a small map (like I don't even try to sabo on saloon as that makes almost never any sense). What I am trying to say is, that it's not that hard to bring survivor on a hook if you only focus on it and watch for sabotages.

  • Marius1234456918
    Marius1234456918 Member Posts: 106

    "how is trying to rescue your teammate a grief? Would you say downing a survivor is griefing them? Body blocking, sabotaging and chain blinding on it's own is only trying to win the game by taking the advantage when it's possible. And all of those provide very viable counters + pose quite a substantial risk to survivors doing it."

    You can say the exact same thing about camping. So if you are beeing serious about this. This only shows that you are a survivor main who is seeing the game only from the survivor perspective. The things that he mentioned are the exact equivalent of camping and tunneling.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    No not really.

    1, I don't really blame killer players for making easy camp and tunnel so rewarding. I blame developers

    2, flash blinds (outside pallet) and chain blinds in particular are not trivial and very easy to play around (just look up when you are blinded). Body blocking opens you for being killed yourself. 1 body block rarely does anything, so body blocks can actually be more beneficial for killers. Especially if the killer is able to down one of the rescuers. Sabotages take time, can be totally wasted effort (as killer can decide to go to different hook) and again can do nothing even if executed perfectly.

    So you have 3 survivor tactics that can help you a lot against a killer, but those can be at the same time reason why killer got 4K instead of 1K. I think this is fair. Now compare that to camping bubba with deadlock and NOED. How much effort does it take for him to get 2 or 3K? just 2 quick chases and 1 NOED chase? Wow. Such an effort. So fair! What a huge risk that bubba had to take. Or tunneling - with DS being nerfed and OTR being able to disable when survivor can't even move - you just get 1 injured (mending) survivor that is the most vulnerable of whole team and the worst one to be chased at the same time (because it quickly provides 3v1 situation). So you really want to compare those things?

    I mean - I am not complaining about wesker dashes - because they provide high benefit (great movement, slowdown to survivor, risk of being instadown-able, strong hindered if he did not spend time on slowdown) for quite a substantial risk (hitting a bound is not trivial, missing especially 2nd bound can create quite a distance between you and survivor). This is fair interaction. High risk, high reward. Camping and tunneling is problem, because it's low risk, low skill but high reward (in case of tunnel medium risk huge reward). So I hate the current state of these mechanics only because of disparity between how easy it is to do vs how much it provides. If flashlights were super easy (say timing would be like PTB and you didn't have the condition flash at the head of killer), then I would think flash saves are as stupid as camping or tunneling, because again it would be very easy to do with rather low risk but high reward.