Lethal Pursuer on Pinhead

Okay so I have been trying to practice with Pinhead, trying to be as good as I can be, but I am having issue because of Lethal. Clearly it is an S tier perk on Pinhead giving him info of not only where all the survivors are but deducing where the box is based on that. I want to use this perk, but I am having issues because of how demoralizing it seems to be for survivors if you actually track the box with it. Like I played two games today both finding the box in the first 20 seconds. Both games the first and second people on hook just took their pulls.
Like I really don't want to stop using the perk because I want to do well with my box locating abilities since chain hunt is Pinhead's biggest strength, but if survs give up when that happens thats the only real practice I am getting and not really getting to play the game. Like I understand that it can be demoralizing having chain hunt start the match but I think its far from over especially in indoor maps. Anybody also having this issue or have thoughts on what I should do?
Don't play Pinhead.
That's it. Your perk combo isn't the issue and changing it likely won't matter.
He can be super oppressive in Solo Q and very annoying to deal with. People are just gonna hook suicide rather than sit through a long game they aren't having fun with.
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People DC and give up for all kinds of reasons, so I wouldn't read into it too much. I'm fairly certain you'll get plenty of normal matches if you keep playing that same build.
You just never know what kind of opponents you're going to get. You might get 4 strong survivors who will absolutely roll you unless you bring the strongest perks/addons, or you might get a team who you could crush even without any perks/addons. You might be bringing too much or too little in any given match...You won't know until it's too late.
You can't control the kind of match you're going to get, but you can always bring the stuff you want to bring (whether it's super strong, full-on meme, or whatever). You can, of course, deliberately handicap yourself, but that's your choice.
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It's not your fault for playing him efficiently. All killers have perks that have the most synergy with their power like Bamboozle for Legion or Iron Maiden for Trickster/Huntress, it's what makes them unique. However, if you wanna make it easier for the survivors and help them have fun, you can do what I do and equip no gen regress or blocking perks. It has made my games way more fun personally and I haven't experienced any survivors dcing against me.
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The build I run on Pinhead has Jolt and thats it for gen regression (Lethal, Hoarder, Jolt, and NWO). People generally dont even know I have it when they give up. I am almost certain its because the chain hunt is triggered early and they go down before it stops, meaning little to no gens have been done.
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I certainly haven't seen a big push for survivors to not bring a CoH to matches just because it's demoralizing for the other side.
Play the way you want to. Pinhead's passive is the only good part about his kit. They nerfed the hell out of all his addons that made that part of his play better, so by all means: use the perk. His active ability is atrocious, so any help you can get is totally fine.
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It's really not your responsibility to make sure survivors don't d/c. Regardless of what you play, survivors will still rage quit. Just play what you want.
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Well, like Pulsar stated, the chain hunt is very oppressive against soloq players with no communication. That's not your fault though, BHVR should have released soloq buffs quite a time ago. Its the reason my main build is Empathic Connection, Empathy, Kindred and Situational Awareness just so I can try and coordinate with my other teammates. Just keep playing and doing your best as you have and you will most likely be put into better matches for you to learn from.
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Really? Like I do get that chain hunt is annoying but he's a low A/high B tier killer. I feel like if I am only playing killers who arent considered annoying I don't know whose left. I guess Hillbilly probably as the least annoying but even that I am not sure of.
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You are a braver survivor than I. I would never run empathetic connection with randoms because I would be 100% certain of getting chases dropped onto me whilst doing gens.
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He's definitely not A or B tier. I'd put him in C.
He's probably the second most annoying Killer to face, right behind Legion. Neither of them are strong, they're just designed really really poorly.
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It's why I also run it with Empathy: I know where they are and they know where I am so we can coordinate where the chases are and what to do. I could help take a hit, take cover before they get to where I am, or if they arent in chase then it makes it easier for us to run towards each other and heal. It has been very helpful for me personally. And both Kindred and Situational Awareness helps me and my team with information so we can coordinate even better. Obviously it doesn't always work out, but I've noticed overall that my team efficiency and performance has improved. However, these should just be soloq communication buffs anyway.
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You get an early chain hunt once, big deal. Probably the only one you're getting that match. If that's not the case, you're facing bad survivors.
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you absolutely did not put pinhead in c tier.
please never make tier lists opinions again 😭😭
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I wouldn't worry about it. Survivors will stop the dcing once you break the mmr floor.
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If u have fun playing Pinhead, then continue. If u have no fun, then choose another Killer.
I myself play every killer besides Bubba, so have fun in your GAME.
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With hoarder and good map awareness you can generally get multiple chain hunts even with good survivors. They just trigger on the down instead of the pickup. You just need to be solid at landing your chains.
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I'm pretty sure I have won enough games as Pinhead to do that but I suppose its not possible to actually know :/
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Regardless, If you are having fun with Pinny, keep doing it. Don't let a couple of sour sports ruin your fun.
You have such experiences to show them.
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I'd actually be interested in your tier list. I feel like a good pinhead is incredibly hard to deal with but to be a good pinhead you need to be strong on both a micro level for chases and macro level for interrupting or getting the box.
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Play for your fun
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Hey, maiden also works well on Doc, guarantees everyone can't avoid your shock
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You can't JUST land a possessed chain, at least when you're trying to interrupt the box solver from far away. If they're behind too many obstacles, or just 1 and your range or spawn angle wasn't good, you don't get it. Even if you spot that immediately and try to fix it by cancelling and trying to spawn a new chain, the cooldown literally takes too long for you to spawn another one in time, you lose the box still. The way y'all always talk about these scenarios, it's like your survivors are always out in the open and close to you to where you could interrupt them without even using your possessed chain.
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To me Corrupt Intervention seams better then Lethal Note: I use both perks only on new maps to learn locations for about a week or so.
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For sure! It's also cool how the same perk can have different uses for a killer depending on how it synergizes with them. For Huntress and Trickster, the reloads are quicker and for Doctor, he will always gain the information in the area of the blast no matter what.
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Why do you need lethal pursuer for that? I just always start every match by going clockwise around the map and about 50% of the time I find the box that way.
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Okay, I'll ignore you.
He sucks, sorry. His entire kit is rng. From his Box spawns to his Possessed Chains spawns.
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
This is the thing about having a powerful killer,you have to know when to bare your strength.If you have low to moderate survivors in your lobby you don't have to destroy them.Using your strength is for them.You know who,I'm talking about.The one's who are seemly too fast,some how always makes it to that pallet with no scratch makes,and no sound when they leave your eyesight,we all have face them,the survivors who can make even the best killer main sweat which is me,if it's and easy game,enjoy yourself,enjoy all the little animations and sounds.If it's them
"With great power comes great responsibility"
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Hey how do edit my name,I wasn't sure how I'd be treated so I didn't use my PSN but it's really chill here so I wanted to officially add my username.
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My comment was also removed, what's up with that.
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I think sometimes comments are removed for the mods to check if you have less than a certain amount of posts and edit a comment or comment too fast. At least I recall it happening to me a lot too.
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Ah ok it's really,nice reply and beneficial to other killer mains, I hope it returns,but I can't find the edit name box on the edit profile page?
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Its psuedo-rng. Especially with the box spawn. Its designed to spawn away from survivors and away from you so you can get it pretty solid.
Yes but you curve. Small obstastcles like trees or rocks can be gone around. Large walls you place the chain behind or to the side. The only real difficulty is if you are in an indoor map. because its much harder to pinpoint the right room.
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This. Pinhead is zero fun to play against
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I mean, you can't know where the Box spawns every time because you don't know where the Survivors are.
It doesn't like to spawn within 16m of a Survivor (but still can) or within 40m of Pinhead. That's a lot of ground to cover.
Likewise, his Possessed Chains are totally RNG. They can spawn in rocks and never connect, they can spawn super far away and never connect, they can spawn right on top of the Survivor and cuck them or they can spawn and instantly break.
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If you're going to main a strong killer, you have to know when to bear your strength,if it's a low to moderate lobby, which you'll know the first 20 seconds in the game what you are facing.Then you should take it easy, eliminate them of course but just sit back and don't get sweaty on them.
If it's a SWF aka"thejuicdemons" ,In the immortal words of Pinhead use all your skill and power and "Tear their soul apart"
"With great power, comes great responsibility"
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i like you pulsar but yeah that's not a good take.
his kit is better than a ton of other killers.
skill issue
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Explain to me how having a kit based entirely around RNG makes him good?
Is he better than someone like Trapper? Sure. Is he better than someone like Bubba? No.
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It's not your fault for playing Pinhead well, though I do understand why survivors will give up. Pinhead is one of the most oppressive killers for solo queue and if your find your box straight away it's telling survivors that you're a good Pinhead on top of that. Early game is also when gens get done easier so taking that away and I can see why survivors feel there's no point even bothering.