Do you think Wesker is in a right spot atm?

I think he is mostly fine, but I would change few things about him to make it "perfect":
- That brown addon that increase first dash and lowers second dash (to balance them out) should be base kit. The first dash is too small imo and you almost always want to wait for the second token if you don't use that addon.
- His infection meter on Hooked Survivors should start from the begging and not in the middle, to make tunneling harder.
- Maybe his colision hitbox for objects could be little bit lowered so you can use your power more freely without being stuck next to a small object or something.
I think he is fine as long as they fix the bugs and weird interactions
Like the one where survivor gets in a car or the weird interaction where he makes survivors teleport to the other side of a pallet and get hit or the camera getting crazy after you get hit by a dash.
As for balance, i would enjoy a manual way to cancel the power after the first dash, but making that animation more obvious for survivors so they know whats happening
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well. By that logic Sadako and demo and pyramid head should have lightborn basekit too.
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I would make a bit of reduction getting tokens each time someone cleanse the virus
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Hillbilly too
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no billys eyes are not covered all though its his perk.
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Weskers Compleatly balenced. hes prob one of the most Balenced Killers in the Game. and i Swear if Surviver Griefer Mains wanna Nerf him they should be Nerfed them selfs. im kinda tired of the Toxic side of the community weaponizing "Nerf" as a way to Grief Killers who used to be perfectly Balenced just so they get a good laugh and a DC. there basically no better then Hackers Griefing a Match
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Honestly the hindered upon full infection is just meh and makes tunneling substantially easier, same with the infection being reset to half.
Remove the hindered on full infection, and when an infected person is unhooked then the infection progress is transferred to whoever unhooked them to incentivise the complete opposite of tunneling (at the same rate as current, so up to half infection). And for the love of everything that is holy give us an option to shut him up.
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My only problem with him is the infection meter making it easy to tunnel like you mentioned. There’s a few ways they could address this; they could make it reset to 1% instead of 50% upon being hooked, or they could make it not progress until taking a conspicuous action or something along those lines.
I’m on the fence about Iridescent Vial being a bit too strong for removing sprays early, but other than that he is fine. I actually like the second bound being longer than the first, I wouldn’t want that changed.
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I just don't see the purpose of the hindered and exposed on full infection. Nemesis is weaker than him and his infection barely does anything, so I don't see the logic on a stronger killer having a stronger passive.
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IDK if you think about it in,terms in momentum you don't build it up to lose which why I think the first dash is in a good spot, from the survivors, I have faced.Wesker destroyed swf like I've destroyed a team with two gens left and I was afk for the first two gens.Wesker is a Chad of all Chads.He has that walk, animation which makes him look pretty uptight tho.
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Karu: Loops a Wesker
*3 Gens Loop*
Wesker: downs him "Poor Performance indeed"
Karu: *anger intensifies*
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same logic as the strongest Killers also having the strongest Addons while some weaker Killers have like 2 good Addons.
Wesker is just Build Different.
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I stg I just want an option for him to be silent for half a minute of peace during a chase instead of chatting at every single button press. It makes him genuinely unplayable for me, too.
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yeah i get that it can get pretty annoying after a while. Especially after running into a Wesker 7 Games out of 10 after his release.
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There are two big issues I see with Wesker.
-The first is that the passive Hindered is a pretty unhealthy mechanic and can very easily win you chases that you shouldn’t be winning. I think the instadown on slams at full infection is already incredibly strong; being able to be instadowned by a power as good at countering loops as Wesker’s dash is incredibly scary. It really doesn’t need Clown’s entire power as a secondary effect. Solution? Remove the Hindered.
-The second is that the pallet/window vault ranges from completely useless to borderline uncounterable depending on where it’s used. At regular loops like jungle gyms, rock loops, etc, it pretty much doesn’t do anything since the survivor will run around the loop again before you can hit them. At pallets or windows that are too big to be looped like that, however, it’s a lot stronger, and on pallets or windows that lead to a drop you’re basically guaranteed to get a hit if he pulls out his power—run through the pallet/ignore the window and get grabbed, or drop/vault it only for him to do the same and lose zero distance in the process so he can immediately M1 you. It’s extremely zoney in these instances. Solution? I don’t really know. I think the whole Legion vault thing was a cool idea, but doesn’t really translate too well into gameplay and balance, but at the same time I don’t think it’s so problematic that it needs to be removed or replaced.
One more thing. I would like to give Wesker a singular buff: If he slams or throws a survivor into a breakable wall or dropped pallet, it should break. Would be thematic as hell and a lot of fun to see happen in-game.
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That's a problem with Nemesis tho not Wesker.
They need to buff Nemesis' infection to actually do something and be a threat for the survivors so they're forced to remove it like wesker does.
But I agree the hindered effect could be removed, but keep the exposed.
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Completely removing the hindered would be a flat nerf, which he doesn't need. A healthy solution to the hindered tunneling problem is to transfer to infection to the rescuer.
Let's stop nerfing killers without giving them anything in return. We don't need more Sadako tier killers.
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His only real issue at the moment is that the game outright encourages him to tunnel. If you're infected and get unhooked, you go and use a spray you're basically telling Wesker "Here I am, tunnel me". If you heal first then you'll end up fully infected anyway and are now slower and one-shottable if Wesker does find you.
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Maybe Wesker could keep the exposed and Nemesis could use the hindered then, considering Nemmy suffers a lot with W gamers