NEW MORI SYSTEM IS BROKEN AND UNFAIR FOR BOTH SIDES this vidio by NotOzdartva is very good. Killers can No Longer use Rancore and other perks. the new system is just to OP with NOED. Survivers can Pick them selfs up which turns the game into a lose lose situation for Week Killers and a challenge for Strong Killers. (SURVIVER) Survivers can No Longer use last man (Deliverence) EndGame Collaps plays by unhooking them self to escape the Match. they can also Not Crawl to an exit Gate or into the Hatch or even with No Mither or Unbreakble can not Pick them selfs up to escape but instead are Killed Instantly with No Chance. it punishes the last survivers Alive. and the new (PickUp System) Punishes Killers for slugging Griefers that sabo hooks infront of killers and duo body blocker beamer trolls that are out to get a killer DC. (NEW Mori System) Encourages Toxic Behavure and Griefing among both KILLERS and SURVIVERS. [#NO MORI REWORK]
Hopefully they just completely scrap both systems.
unfun unfun unfun
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Seriously. I think I can say most of the playerbase is against the whole idea
If they must do anything at all they can just make cypress mori basekit
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i kinda like that idea. making cypress just an ability in general when the last surviver is downed they can be mori without all the other dumb stuff. basically in simple terms removing the cypress offering and making it a basekit like you said