What characters do you want more lore for? minor characters included.

The 2 zombies that come with nemesis:
its most likely that they got sucked up when nemmy was captured (accident or not)
but I would like to know how they got infected or whatever, there names and small details about what they were during before or during the outbreak.
Victor: I want to see some lore from his point of view.
Feng: Seriously why has this character gotten so little lore. especially when she is so annoyingly popular
The Jailer, Carnifex, and the Assassin: got almost no lore on these guys, I get they are the knights power but they are different characters.
Minotaur, Krampus, and The Baba Yaga: They may share the same powers but it would be really neat to get some lore on these characters. who they used 2 be. maybe the Baba Yaga is a sister of a set of triplets that is the only survivor of something making her take on the role of 3 people.
Benedict Baker
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I wouldn't be surprised if we got him eventually as a survivor. But then again we haven't heard from him in a while
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Felix and... was it Elodie? Anyway, those two were part of a group of five friends who met through their parents' activities as part of a society fighting the entity.
Everything about that. Other members of the Pariahs, other members of their parents' society.
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To nobody’s surprise
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I don't really think the Minotaur etc really would have much back story, they are just manifestations of people's thoughts and nightmares made flesh. They don't really have their own story.
As far as other characters go, I would love to see some more deathslinger lore and a bit more about the oni too, maybe something that looks at his link to spirit would be kind of cool
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Yun-Jin. They really skipped over her struggles in her lore and went straight to her suddenly being a producer. I wanna see young Yun-Jin being a young trainee trying to support her family!
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I want to learn more about Alex, Cliff as a killer, Saku, and Sam Park.