What characters do you want more lore for? minor characters included.

The 2 zombies that come with nemesis:

its most likely that they got sucked up when nemmy was captured (accident or not)

but I would like to know how they got infected or whatever, there names and small details about what they were during before or during the outbreak.

Victor: I want to see some lore from his point of view.

Feng: Seriously why has this character gotten so little lore. especially when she is so annoyingly popular

The Jailer, Carnifex, and the Assassin: got almost no lore on these guys, I get they are the knights power but they are different characters.

Minotaur, Krampus, and The Baba Yaga: They may share the same powers but it would be really neat to get some lore on these characters. who they used 2 be. maybe the Baba Yaga is a sister of a set of triplets that is the only survivor of something making her take on the role of 3 people.
