The game will soon die if you don't adress camping/tunneling

The game has never been in such a terrible state. Finding games as killer are taking longer and longer, and it won't stop because survivors are tired of playing 1 minute games. The game can't survive this. It's not fun to play survivor anymore.

With the patch promising to end camping and tunneling, both have been buffed, With DS removed and generators taking longer to complete.

Camping is a tricky thing to handle. Generators taking longer was a healthy change, but it needed to come with something else to counterbalance. There are so many things that could be done about it, but the general thinking is that the game should directly either punish the killer when camping or reward survivors when one is being camped.

This could be done in multiple ways: Increased repair speed when camping, no hook stage progression when near hook (and not in a chase), the game warning a disconnect penalty (yeah that's an extreme one)... etc...

Honestly My preferred idea would be increased gen speed when a survivor is facecamped solely because it would stop working when all gens are done, which is also the only moment a killer can justify camping.

Tunneling, however, is more straightforward. One change needs to be done:

Decisive Strike needs to come back at 5 seconds AND be made baseline.


Decisive strike stays as a perk with a 7 seconds stun duration.

(either way, it should deactivate in endgame)

Those effects are absurdly strong. Yes. Just like Pig's power to instant kill is absurdly strong. Sadako's Condemn is also absurdly strong.

But they're not because they're not happening. Decisive strike is a perk that isn't designed to happen, it is designed to prevent a scenario from happening. That scenario being tunneling.

An effect that can be 100% avoided can't be too strong.

Now, to prevent survivors for trying to use DS agressively, because although it's still avoidable, body blocking is annoying, I suggest that Decisive Strike gives a visual indicator to the killer knowing they have Decisive strike. (and maybe not work in lockers?)

I know there are some killer mains who actually enjoy facecamping and tunneling the whole game, and they would be very angry at such changes because they know they can't get a single kill without those very viable and non toxic (at all) strategies. So I also have one last suggestion for them:

New game mode: underground Firecamp (you know, cause tunnel and camp):

Killer only mode: You spawn with and next to a single AI survivor already on a hook. Press the second ability button to make another survivor spawn to take the save and vanish instantly.

That sounds fun.


  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    The game will die if you remove completely camping and tunnelling as it will expose how awfully this game is balanced on a base level. Camping and tunnelling existence is a band-aid to this unbalanced game that makes it appear somewhat more balanced. Not even talking about the fact that you'd only get Nurses and Blights after such a change.

    You should be happy that camping and tunnelling exist and if they did not, the killer player base would shrink massively. You got it all wrong buddy.

    It was time and TIME proven again that the best solution to camping and tunnelling is to incentivize the killer to play for hooks/go chase other survivors. That's what old Pop did and so did Ruin, and where are they now? In garbage bin.

  • Tragopan
    Tragopan Member Posts: 25

    The camping and tunneling is the worst it has ever been. Can't speak for others but my own friend base who played the game has dwindled to nothing because it is egregiously bad. 20+ people gone in ONE patch. Who thought that making DS a dead perk would be a good idea? Who thought Scourge Hook: Resonance being reusable on the same hook was a good idea?

    This behaviour needs to be addressed once and for all. I posted a suggestion to punish campers and tunnelers that involved a ticking negative score to discourage camping and make it less rewarding.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    It's not just camping and tunneling. Both are super boring. It's also devs wild idea that 39% surviving rate is good idea. It's getting 4 blights and then starstruck nurse and then tombstone piece meyers. The game is starting to be seriously lacking. And then the game will "compensate me" by 135hrs trapper that ofcourse get totally destroyed in lobby where average survivor hours played is somewhere around 3-4k hrs. And this was "supposed to be fun".

    On the flip side, the game made me revisit some other games that I really loved and I enjoyed them again. Maybe the devs want me to play other games more...

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    OP's post is so wrong, I'm not even sure where to start. Just... wow. Game is not in decline. I don't ever recall the devs promising "the end to camping and tunnelling", and no game ends in 1 minute unless people all DC.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    Right, show the killer that someone has DS and that will counter aggressive bodyblocking. Are you serious? How does that help?

    Right now every killer knows that BT is in play. Does that stop bodyblocking with BT? No. Survivor would need to lose collision and that would be a lot better.

  • Mollinator72
    Mollinator72 Member Posts: 7

    Well said and I totally agree, the game is getting to be a massive with in the arse with all the pathetic campers and tunnellers who can't be bothered to play the game properly and actually go and hunt for survivors, I've spoken to a number of people who have all said the same, and who are all just as fed up as I am, and looking for other games to play as DBD is just to mind numbing now, Also, the only people to support campers and tunnellers are the actual idiots that do it, usually children, as this is another problem for me, to many god damn kids playing the game!!

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Technically DbD is on a long term decline the same as almost any game that’s 6-7 years old would be. But yeah, it’s not dying any time soon.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Camping and Tunneling on both sides need adjustments

    Survivors who Camp around Gens and hope the Killer doesn't see them... and Killers whom stand nearby the Hooked Survivor waiting for the other Survivors to attempt a save

    Survivors whom want to finish the Gen they are on (From 0% to complete)... and Killers who chase down and hook a single Survivor till death

    So... we have problems in the game

    Maps- are so big that Corrupt is needed to get started (Red Forest)... Spawns are bad, Tiles aren't given enough credit (In the algorithm)

    Killers- Some powers that have soft counters and no hard counters (Nurse, Blight, Oni... ETC) I.E. Don't get seen isn't a hard counter... While others have hard Counters to them (Pig, Sadako, Demo, Clown... ETC)

    Gens- 90 charges is too long and 60 seconds is too short, 80 seemed reasonable but here we are... Gen regression being 1/4th progression so Gen regression perks are needed

    The gameplay loop has become stale... and hoping that new Killers, Perks, Maps will fix it isn't enough

  • Rogue_Element
    Rogue_Element Member Posts: 14

    Sadly there are far too many of us that know EXACTLY how you feel, yet it seems like FA is being done to combat it. I can honestly say that never in all my years as a gamer have I ever rage quit an online game, that all changed when I started playing DBD. Now it's an all too frequent occurance, and not just for me, but for other players too. I've been in many a match where a tunneled survivor has disconnected. And I don't blame them at all. I used to love playing this game, now it just infuriates me. The amount of lazy players that camp and tunnel seems to have quadrupled in the recent months. It really is getting out of hand. I'm sick of being robbed of all my objective points because some kid has managed to hook me and is now standing right in front of my hooked character repeatedly swiping at me so that none of my team mates can rescue me. It's hard for me to digest that winning a game is that important to some people, but there you go. This was once such a cool game to play, now I seem to spend more time yelling profanities and waiting out disconnection bans for rage quitting. No game should be this stressful. But like I said, earning them blood points and winning seems to be the be all and end all for the many children playing this.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    This post is so wrong the game wont die just of camping and tunneling

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    All I can say is that frustration from all the camp and tunnel already lowers my play time. I am already in a state where if I see another new trash loop or notice another pallet missing, there's a good chance for a very long break

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,383

    People have been complaining about how Camping and Tunneling will kill the game for years. Yet the game is doing just fine.

    The fact is that camping and tunneling are here to stay. It's a 1v4 asymmetrical elimination game. The killer can simply chose to focus on removing one of the survivors as there's no inherit benefit to spreading out hooks. The only way this would ever change is if the devs removed the elimination aspect which would be a whole rework to the game at it's core that will never happen.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    The difference is, that the game used to be in huge favor to survivors. So even if it was boring, people would understand the necessity when playing both sides.

    Also tunneling used to pose quite a substantial risk with the way how much harder it was to catch survivor and how punishing DS used to be. So you had a good chance to loose the game thanks to deciding to tunnel. At the current state killers can easily win even without it AND if you don't tunnel, you are handicapping yourself every single time.

    Camp also used to pose more risk as gen times used to be shorter. So it used to be that hard camper would usually end the game with 1 kill, maybe 2 at end game (still the chances were more in favor of 1 kill and 3 out via hatch) - making it bad tactics. Now you take deadlock and camp 2 people to death and remove the 3rd one at endgame with NOED. The only thing that can destroy your plan is never catching 1st survivor or someone having reassurence.

    These changes made both things mindlessly good tactics woth very few conditions - and so they are employed WAY more then they used to. The end result is, that now I have fun enjoyable game like 3 games out of 10 at most. 5 of those are outright frustration with possesively hard tunneling guy (I use reassurence so people tend to stop camping against me), or tombstone piece meyers, or alch ring blight, starstruck nurse, mdr spirit, ... And quite frankly I found myself being so fed up with it that I changed my brown medkit for BNP toolbox (after which I get 100hrs trapper on the game). The frustration is starting to be above those good games. So it starts to be matter of time until something less frustrating (like killer, but that one is no fun because I don't want to wait that long) goes my way.