Pallet and Survivors Spinning

Hey all,
I was recently in a match as killer and while carrying someone to hook I was able to be stunned from behind by a pallet. This is one of those things that makes me wonder and wonder if something as silly as that should be possible. Further, other things that make me wonder are the fact that survivors can merely spin around and that causes the killer to miss hits. These things don't make sense to me!
You probably walked past pallet when getting stunned by it so you just got punished being careless. It's game mechanic and perfectly fine just don't walk past pallet while carrying someone.
Spinning is only problem for console killers whereas pc killers can easily hit spinning survivors. Solution for this is to improve aim assist for console. Unfortunately it's not only advantage pc killers have.
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Well I'm on PC and I find them impossible to hit. I have never once hit a spinning survivor, despite trying.
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Just don't walk through a pallet. But I know some of these pallet hitboxes and placements are stupid, like the one by the back exit on RPD where you can't walk through the doorway without being in pallet stun range.
3k hours+ and I've never been comfortable with the fact that survivors can 360 to avoid an earned hit. It gets easier to counter them over time, but never foolproof. People who don't play on console are generally indifferent to this issue. This could all be solved though if killer attack hitboxes were more generous, or if survivor hitboxes were better and not just pills that hover above their ankle and behind their back as they're running.
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Do you play on controller? Well there is few tricks you can try to counter them one is wait that they stop spinning and then just hit quick m1 or take few step back and then hit. You should check your sensivity settings too put them higher and if you play on mouse you can just follow them while they spin and hit.
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I do play with a controller. I find it much easier than keyboard and mouse, plus it takes up less space.
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Oh so your basically same boat as us console players. Mouse is better if you practise but it's fine to play with controller too just harder. Try tricks I suggest and don't go very big lunges in the open area if the survivor is probably going to 360s.
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You got pallet stunned, that’s a mechanic, it’s not silly for it to be a mechanic. Now spinning I will admit is annoying, but I’m on Xbox and I only found them hard to hit when I was new, afterwards it was easy to predict and hit.
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The big thing about spinning is the decoupling of the survivors model and the actual hit box.
When running the survivors model is leaning forward, but the hit box actually stays the same as if they were standing, ie a somewhat egg shape. Don't aim for a spinning survivors head, but their revolving butt, legs and ankles and you should improve your hit rate by +9000%
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Sadly it's not about using controller or not the "aim dressing" is what causes issues because I have had attacks swing away and hit random objects when I'm directly aiming at survivors...and I'm on keyboard and mouse.
The spinning confuses the aim dressing making it think the Survivors are in one spot when they really never moved a inch. I have done spinning against PC players all the time....that usually gets me hard tunneled though