Seriously Screw 3 gens

Before i go any further and get basically harassed by the killer community I need to get this out, I mainly play killer, although of recent i've been playing a lot more survivor because my killer queues are max 15 minutes, i still do have more time on killer than survivor.

let me give you a bit of background info before going into my full on rant.

a month ago i went against a ghost face who was okay, i could loop them easily and had only gotten 1 hook until we realised me and my teammates were forced into a 3 gen... 35 minutes later of the ghost face just monitoring gens and hitting chasing survivors for 30 seconds, he got a 4k. This has happened a few more times on different killers (mainly doctor) but this leads me into the match i just finished no longer than 5 minutes ago which was against a doctor (on the nurse map idr the name i think it's crotus penn) he was easily one of the worst killers i've been against but he could get some pretty easy hits in near the end (due to no pallets and unfortunate gen palcements) but by the time there's one gen he had only gotten 3 hooks, the first was in basement and the other 2 hooks were trades. i just had a 45 minute game against a doctor running call of brine, overcharge, merciless storm and tinkerer in a 3 gen that he can patrol in less than 30 seconds, even with 3 survivors on one gen and the doctor chasing another survivor we were only still able to get about 60% of the gen done.

I genuinely hate complaining out loud in this game usually i may get upset here and there but i just tell myself to get over it due to there being some counter or a mistake i made but with builds like this where attaining 400% gen regression and 0 ways of stopping said gen from regressing unless you're insane enough to bring repressed alliance, it's impossible to counter, it may seem like i'm just malding and i will agree i am malding a bit BUT in my eyes this is worse than slugging or face camping because with those it actually has good counters such as base kit bt, unbreakable, soul guard. there is no counter to 3 gens and the only way to break a 3 gen is through the killer messing something up SO horrendously that survivors will have enough time to break it. in both examples both killers were bad and had 25% or less of their hook stages but because they ran a perk combo that can cause gens to regress just as fast as they progress, guess what? if the killer catches you they basically face camp the gen and you've now got to restart just to be disappointed again.

i really wanna preface this, i do main killer, i have over 250 hours on sadako alone and hundreds of hours on other killers, i just don't find it fair that there is no way against this way of playing the game and especially for solo queue


  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,286
    edited November 2022

    three gen doctors are among the worst things, I agree. If in swf we usually decide to just collectively dc simply because there is no point in doing that for usually way over ten minutes. At least when a killer played for it from the first minute. Sometimes it just happens, then we call it ggs, accept that we messed up in allowing a three gen, commit to a gen and usually get killed within five minutes ^^

    And I do think that is an important difference: an accidental three gen is on survivors because they didn't keep track of gens. A killer not leaving their three gen zone for more than thirty seconds is, paired with certain perks and a power like doctor's, not just not winnable but also so darn annyoing. I do hope the new perk will help with that. While it means more net repair time the person who has it can drop 20% in at once while the others pressure the three gen normally. You do, of course, have to do that pre-emptively when you're still at at least three gens. Break up the three gen before it happens. And even if there is no three gen looming that perk can come in handy; e.g. spend some more time on a safe gen and instantly progress a gen in a risky zone by quite a bit. So I think while it probs remains a niche perk due to the net increase of repair time it's gonna be more than a meme perk.

  • Rogue_Element
    Rogue_Element Member Posts: 14

    You address a really good point here, and the fact that you predominantly play as a killer makes it even more poignant. I mainly play as a survivor and have found myself in the exact same scenario you've outlined above. The game can take a painfully boring twist when you find yourself stuck between 3 generators that the killer is monitoring on a par with an ICU nurse checking your vital stats. Couple that with the killer hitting the gen to regress it, and you start to appreciate how it would feel trying to push an elephant up a steep incline. This has happened to me on several occasions and I have honestly found myself thinking "surely this is getting as boring for the killer as it is for us." I've even come close to just quitting the game because of how dragged out and infuriating it becomes. Kudos for bringing this up.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Lol. "Killer community"

    Sick rant tho. You got any solutions for this problem that you put yourself in?

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    It's not always the survivors that put themselves in it, sometimes the killer finds a three gen and thanks to overbrine and dragon's grip, can hard patrol 3 gens that are conveniently really close to each other

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    before the gen kicking perks got buffed to the mind-numbingly boring strength they're at now, 3 gens were entirely the fault of survivors, but they're so easy to set up and defend now it's just exhausting. kinda tired of dealing with killers hard defending 3 gens and refusing to take chases at all. like i get why people do it but it still sucks

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,094

    Trappers core gameplay is using the Gen Aura's to find where to place traps to secure a 3-gen. If he gets the ability to pull Traps from Lockers it will be even moreso.

    Seriously, on some maps like Azarov's and Suffocation Pit you can essentially 4-gen depending on gen placement with how those maps are laid out. You'd just have to sit on one side and wait while the other gens are finished on the other side, and never commit to a chase that leads away from the side you chose.

    No one does it because that's generally boring for both players. Doesn't mean someone wouldn't find enjoyment from being a goblin about it.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Deja vu is a great perk lets you find the 3 gen and attack it right away, the new perk that will let you bank progress will also really help with this.

    Once you have better map knowledge you can even do this without deja vu, I make it a point to do this pretty much every game regardless.

    The part that i find amusing about the perk build you complain about is from 99% it still takes a full minute more of regression than time it takes to complete a gen as a single survivor, not even accounting for grouping up

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Depends on skill group. Take less experienced survivors, OC, dragons and eruption and you can give them other 4 gens without ever looking at their location AND still win the game.

    To break 3-gens you need to know how to do that, your whole team must be on a same page, you need to be able to hit OC skillcheck and wait out dragons outside 3gen if it hits you. That's quite unreasonable for low mmr or mid mmr soloQ. (Sure in high mmr you don't even need comms to counter it). The problem is, most people are low-to-mid MMR.

    Thankfully it's so boring to both sides, that it does not happen often.