A humble recommendation for the fine folks who DC or kill selves if they are the first ones hooked

I firmly believe these remarkable individuals should get an option to activate an icon by their name in the lobby. The icon would be a crying baby (no particular reason, just the first thing that popped in my head). This crying baby icon would say the following.
"I am true role model of a person who will immediately DC or kill self on the hook if I am the first one downed, regardless of how many gens are done. It is best if you volunteer to be the first chased/downed if you want a chance of winning. Cherrio."
Better proposition:
Independent of the game just as a general rule of thumb.
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I am partial to the idea that they get teamed up together. I am sure these true scholars understand if another survivor leaves the game prematurely.
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shaming, what a good idea!!!!
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or just stop nerfing survivor to the ground and buffing killers to purposely unbalance the game and therefore make it fair and playable for both sides (solo q and killer)?
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I decline but I offer a counter recommendation.
Get friends.
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Not shaming, these folks would get to choose.
Maintaining an online friend group sounds exhausting. How about we just agree stop DCing or dying on hook if you are the first one downed and we will call it a day.
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Honestly I hate nothing more than this...
Like, you leave them on the hook for one second too much for their liking and they DC or kill themself. All the while I was just doing a generator and waited for the Killer to start another chase so that I can unhook them safely or apply Reassurance if needed.
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My survivors dc when I find them first
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A well-deserved shaming in this case.
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Funny you’re making remarks about crybabies when you actually took the time to come to the forums to cry about about crybabies.
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It's definitely a serious problem with solo queue. I run lethal pursuer in most of my builds & the amount of players that quit after getting downed in like 30-40 seconds at the start is unreal. It's basically 1 perk that allows you to get a fast down and then it's pretty much irrelevant unless you're running more tracking perks. It should be pretty obvious that the killer had that perk when they basically come straight at you. Suck it up and carry on playing, you basically just got unlucky.
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THen freaking fix generator! or unhook me duuuh
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It's rlly not serious and nobody cares.
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Ah, you're right. Why didn't I think of that?
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Pretty much everyone but killer's who want free win's and survivor's who don't care about playing a real game in the first place care's. All of you DC defenders are so nonsensical.
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It’s very serious
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Wanna bet the dc rate would increase cause people want the crying baby face
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If I have a killer roll up on me in 30-40 seconds or less, before I've had a chance to do much of anything meaningful that would make staying in the trial worthwhile, I'm definitely out.
But the OP presents an interesting idea. Adding lobby/in-game icons (or even selectable matchmaking options) that would help notify other survivors of your strengths and weaknesses right away, so others know if they can support the needed roll for the group (or the game can match solos up better).
For example, I suck at looping on survivor. Easily half of the time or more a pallet won't fire for me no matter what I do. However, I can stealth around and ninja both gens and people off of hooks really well, have no difficulty locating/taking out totems, and am down to heal someone anytime. If I can be matched up with someone who's strengths are looping and getting/keeping a killer's attention, it's perfect and I'll stick it out the full trial even if it goes bad in the end.
Coding in player-selectable icons shouldn't be very difficult at all. Taking it a step further and using these selections to code in secondary matchmaking criteria I wouldn't see as being all that more difficult since they have the base structure for it already with MMR. Player type (Survivor/Killer) > MMR > strengths/weaknesses selections.
They could set it up the same as MMR to a limited spectrum, so if there's not an exact match it can grab the nearest one. Many online multiplayer games have done this since the inception of online gaming, and it's standard issue for MMO matchmaking.
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Agree with balancing perfectly those roles. Killer should be as strong as single survivor. Taking into account that they have their powers, their speed could be reduced, and numbers tweaks so that killer should struggle to sacrifice not all survivors, but each one.
But seriously now. I have two ideas:
- Bots replacing dc players. Bots are far from perfect... far from good actually... but its better to have 3 players and 1 bot instead of 3 players.
- What @HarlockTaliesin said: Survs should be able to choose their role, like "looper", "support", "technitian" (names pending), and be match based on that. One decent looper with one stealthy suport and two guys for doing gens... why not? Tho im not sure this would help with players who dc on first hook.
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How would the player selectable icons work? Would we able able to choose which types of people we want on our team?
Because if I could choose, I would always want 3 other people that were good at looping and chases with the killer.
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there should be a point/report system that matches people with similar behavior.
as the actual reason for the people want to leave; i, myself, am only suiciding if teammates are useless so you like crouching in nowhere most of the time or doing useless stuff like looting or cleansing dull totems, you can expect already tilted teammates to suicide/dc, please also consider this as the teammate.
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Bro I get these guys all the time! Like your mindset :)
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Who said I care? I just said it’s not serious.
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On paper its a good idea, on practice it would completely murder the queues, Killers would all want to be in lobbies without DCers so it would make queues even longer. Also it has a bonus track, who are the people who DC/Suicide the most? Solo queue and who rarely DCs or quits on first hook? the SWAT squads able to loop the Killer to the end of the world.
A change like this would pour almost every single Killer against tough SWFs and increase their queues exponentially since a huge chunk Solos would be tossed into the quitters queue, then the Killer either has a huge queue only to face the sweatiest of sweatlords or has another huge queue and faces 4 DC trigger happy Solo players who will concede the match in 2 minutes sending you to queues that could very well be 5 minutes or even more.
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I was thinking each player would select what role they're playing, or specifically what they're good/bad at. This would appear as a menu in any survivor character screen. Could be universal or per survivor, depending on what works best or what most people prefer. UI layout and whatnot would be whatever fits the theme and functionality of the existing UI.
If it works out to code in a Looking for Group/Looking for Player option, you could select what you/your group needs.
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When you think about it, dying on first hook in record time (meaning escape attempt and then two failed skill checks) when other survivors aren't incapacitated should be easy to detect.
Putting these guys together or giving a "DC" ban should be possible.
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1) How would we stop people from lying? Would lone wolf survivors, or other survivors that know their strategy hurts their team, lie on their role so people won't lobby dodge them as much?
2) What happens if some roles are way more desirable than others? I would always want three other survivors that are good at chases, and that would always be preferable over people that are good at hiding. Most people with a stealth build aren't good at chases, and they are a risk to their team if the killer does find them.
3) What happens if some of the roles are a bit useless? Unless someone brings a full hyperfocus build to a game, then the "I'm good at repairing" role is a bit useless. We all can repair generators, and "I'm good at repairing" is usually just another way of saying "I'm terrible at chases with the killer, and will likely lose chases very quickly"
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What happens if some of the roles are a bit useless?
Anyone who has played a game with roles and pick up group matchmaking knows what happens after a month when meta arises and what happens to players who go for the "less than optimal" roles/specs/weapons/classes...
Edit: Not sure if its an urban legend as I never played Overwatch but I heard people would just report you for selecting a hero even if it was a desired role like "we need support but you chose X support instead of Y support so we report you for throwing the match".
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Well if we implement this as an actual thing, then you'd have to include the killer side of it. If a killer dcs for reasons like the survivor that dont make sense, then that needs to be punished. Or is this a survivor only thing that needs to be shamed.
Also you're suggestion is incredibly vague. If a hacker is force dcing people out of games, does that count? If someone goes through a power outage/weather issues and the game dcs, does that count? You can't enact a shaming system without considering these situations at hand
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He wasn’t crying about it he came up with a solution.Dc is hurting game for both sides.You probably dc if you don’t like the outfit of one of your fellow survivors.
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i get pissed off by these guys. DBD should definately add it 😀!
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Thats why the system would be ineffective and make ppl mad, but its still fun to think about
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I get that but the phrasing of it sounds so bias and weird
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I know you are just using it as an example. But here is some honest advice. Windows of Opportunity helped me massively with taking the Killer on a chase, recommended it to a friend who had similar results. Eventually you will learn where the pallets and windows are and can drop it (or keep it).
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This is like saying "We should use water hose to soak people who are screaming and running out of a burning building".
How about we just extinguish the fire instead ?
As long as killers tunnel the survivors will DC.
After being tunneled for a few games in a succesion the players will get annoyed and just dc until they get a game where they can actually do something in. "But hide" "But loop better" ... trust me , even I have been evasive, used offerings to keep me far from the killer, avoided starting the gen before they pass and still sometimes ended up first on the hook despite the long chase. Face camp and tunnel were common to follow up. As long as tunneling is a valid strat , people will do it and so it will have its consequences . Nothing you say in here will change that. DC epidemic will be here to stay for a long time.
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Valid ways to combat tunneling include perk combos from any of OTR, SB, Deliverance, Renewal, DS, speed boosts from basekit BT that can be enhanced if the unhooker has either BT, Guardian and NOLB as well as your teammates taking hits for you. Other than disabling collision for survivors for the first few seconds off hook I don't really see what else BHVR can do.
Valid reasons to DC are real life issues and avoiding hackers. What people who DC for other reasons should do is either join up with a 4 person SWF so they only hurt their own SWF and not people expecting a normal game or, alternatively, not log in as survivor.
Besides, most DCers don't DC because they're being tunneled. They DC because they're selfish and immature.
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Yeah, worked great in DotA 2. /s
Yeah, role queue is how you kill your game any% speedrun style. It'll just create longer queues, more lobby dodging and more salt towards people who don't perform well.
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I will talk about this with every opportunity i have, ncluding this one:
Survivors group suppouse to be a team that cooperate with common goal. If that would be the case, then even death of one of them would not ends with dc (in most cases), even if this was tunneling.
But survivors are not cooperating, they have individual goals that is "to escape" and cooperation just helps with this, but overall everyone works toward itself.
Game needs drastic changes to survivor team to make them really cooperate so that death of one of them will not equal to lost mach for that person, and then even tunneling would not be a problem, and people will not dc as often.
Survivors needs common goal AND something to do after death to help other survivors finish their goal. Win and loose should be clear and survivor win should means loose for killer and vice versa
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I hace a counter offer make comms basekit and buff killers.
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This idea only further promotes toxicity that this game doesn’t need without fixing the actual problem.