Is this reportable?

I just played a game as Wesker with one gen remaining, and i really wanted to get a 4k. I kept finding the Mikaela and slugging her to try and find the Dwight (last person) so i could end the game with my 4k, but i could barely find the Dwight, so I unfortunately bled the Mikaela out. I apologized to both and one of the other teammates said what I did was holding the game hostage; is this true?
I feel really bad about slugging the Mikaela though and i should have just ended the game a lot sooner but opinions are much appreciated
I don't want to get banned :(
Thank you so much for responding! I did end up making the match at least a while longer for the other teammates who were dead however they gave up kind of early and i guess my slugging the Mikaela made it even longer for them so that may be what they think is holding it hostage
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I doubt Mikaela had a very fun game, but no. It isn't reportable.
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if you just wait sth out the game put there (be that a bleedout timer, or a slowed egc timer etc.) it's not holding the game hostage. It's sweaty, try-hard and imo somewhat cringe and it won't make you any friends / lead to friendly endgame chats but it's not against the rules.
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It's not reportable, just bad sports.
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Is it nice to be the third survivor? No but I wouldn't say it's bad sport cause the killer clearly won the game but his 4k hangs on that stupid gamble mechanic that's called hatch.
I don't want to act super entitled but when I am down to one survivor and his team hasn't done the gens I should get all 4 kills I don't know how many adept got ruined cause the hatch is a little..... And spawns often near either the killer or the surv and I don't like losing a kill to something 100% out of my control
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Bad sport doesn't mean it's not efficient or that the killer didn't win the game. It means they didn't care at the time about the other player's experience. Had this Mikaela been a bot, sure, that would have been unreproachable. But we're matched against actual people and a lot of players on both sides are quick to forget that.
Survivors also lose from things outside of their control. It's not specific to killer.
I'm pretty sure we already had the hatch&entitlement debate on another thread though, and neither of us could change the other's mind. A repeat of it is not necessary =)
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It is unfun but I have to say that I understand if you are in a situation where you need a 4k for a challenge/achievement/merciless pip. I would almost never slug for the 4k but I had to for my adepts. I've always explained this afters s actually have to say most people were understanding and congratulated me on the achievement.
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I don't want to forget there is an actual human on the other side but pvp games are kinda bound to being a bit frustrating for one side when they are losing but the round is not finished yet. A few years ago I was a big fan of pvp in world of warcraft and you often got pushed into spawn if your team was losing and all you could really do was sitting there blizzard tryed to fix that to make it easier to come out of the spawn without being killed to atleast try to fight back even if you lose.
BHVR should work on it so it is less frustrating when you lose as survivor and at the same time give the killer a fair chance to get the 4k without losing to rng
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I really did not want to keep slugging her until her bleedout timer expired, I was going to give her the hatch if I had found the other person first but he would not show up and she was the only person I found :(
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Thank you! And I feel like had the other two survivors not given up, I think everyone would have made it out and everything would have gone wasn't really my decision that they gave up and decided to keep watching the game go on
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I know that feeling of wanting someone you think "if someone deserves hatch this match this is the one" ... and then the other one just won't die for one reason or the other 😅
If I have that feeling during the trial at some point I usually go out of my way to not cross paths with the person I want to give hatch to as soon as they got their two hook stages. Usually it works out.
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exactly!!!! I really didn't want to keep going for her but her teammate did absolutely nothing for her except keep picking her up; no heals or anything
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You did nothing wrong, you wanted that 4k and you got it. You dont need to justify it even. Looping, getting stunned and having your hook bodyblocked isnt fun for the killer either, yet survivors do it all the time.
Basic rule is: as long as you dont cheat, its viable. ANYTHING. "Slugging", "genrushing", "tunneling", bodyblocking etc. Both sides have playstyles that taste bad for the other side and yet they are viable strats. People need to finally learn to just take the L and move on into the next round. What really should be bannable is trying to shame people for the way they play.
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Thank you :") i felt real awful after because one of the teammates who gave up told me they were a swf and that what i did 'ruined the dbe vibe' for them :(
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they only try to make you feel bad, which is highly toxic. They dont want you to be happy about your win because they are very bad at loosing. You can be sure the next killer they go against would face brand new parts, bodyblocks, maybe even some sabo plays. All of which is fine. But then they cant be entitled to have a "fair" killer player you know?
so dont worry ;) Its the nature of a PVP game that your opposing player might not feel to happy with how the game goes, just as you will have rounds yourself that will taste bad to you. Diffrence between good sportsmanship and bad one is if i am going to blame the other player for my mistakes or if im just moving on.
I got tunneled yesterday by a demogorgon, because appearantly i was the weak link and maybe also i got hook farmed, but i felt like that round in particular i just did very bad. And he took FULL advantage of it. I shouted, yes i did. I was mad like hell and super salty XD but i didnt write anything to them, instead i choose to take a short break, eat something and then after cooldown try again. The next rounds alredy were better.
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exactly!!!!!!!!!! i just apologized and moved on although afterwards i started getting anxious that maybe the salty person reported me even though i didn't really do anything super super wrong and like half the swf literally gave up at like 2 gens so what else was i supposed to do lol
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You shouldn't even have apologized people like this are the problem, it's a horror video game putting two sides against each other, why should either side care about how the other feels? People are way too sensitive these days
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You cant be banned for slugging for the 4k.
Or hard tunneling someone early.
Or face camping at 5 gens.
Just dont expect nice, respectful comments out of any of these.,
Now, i said in another thread and i say it again here, the killer should not be able to force a four min stalemate where the last surv cant repair their way out and the only option it has is to hide or give up.
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exactly! i had no intention to hold the game for very long, i was just trying to find the last person but i unfortunately kept finding the Mikaela so i just had to kind of wait for her to either keep getting picked up or bleed out while the last guy does whatever
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The "2 survivors/too many gens" needs to be addressed.
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So first you say you bled her out because you needed the 4k but then it becomes you were gonna give her hatch? If you planned on giving her hatch you could have picked her up and let her walk around until you found Dwight. As for getting banned? You won't. They don't even ban actual hackers half the time. Keeping up with their guidelines is not behaviors strong point. Survivor mains(including me) would call you a sweat in that scenario and obviously behavior doesn't like people being bled out since they're considering base kit unbreakable. But if it was an accident and you apologized then who cares. Mikaela definitely isn't sitting in their room staring at the wall thinking about how she was bled out in dbd a few months ago. Don't let it stress you out anymore. Maybe just picture yourself as a survivor and if you feel like the situation sucks for them and they don't deserve it. Change it. If a killer has a bad game with no hooks I will always give them kills, even in rank reset because in the end there's a human with actual feelings on the other side of that game and I want them to not have a completely miserable experience. I'm still iridescent 1 by the next day everytime. The situation sucked for the Mikaela. The way you handled it rectified it.
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thank you :) i know how it feels to get slugged for a lot of the game so i felt so awful and really hoped i could find the other person just so she didn't have to stay on the ground anymore but at the end she was a very good sport about it and i hope i didn't ruin anything
(im aware im a yucky little sweat too sometimes wesker just hits different lol)
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exactly! its unfun for both sides if the killer has to keep running around a 3-gen and the survivors just have to hide or give up that's never my intention to force someone to give up