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Tome 13 Page 3 'Sore Ankles' Bugged

Member Posts: 34

Issue: I have the challenge selected, it does not track any of the times I have fallen off a great height while in chase. Has been 4 - 5 matches now and it's stuck at 0/4

Maps I have tried it on: Ormond, Crotus Prenn Asylum, Forsaken Boneyard

Perks: Used a variation of perks but always have Balanced Landing

To ensure I am in chase I make sure I get hit by the killer first, and the killer continues to chase me up the building. I only jump off the highest level of whatever building I'm on (so not the stairs etc) and Balanced Landing proccs each time so I know it was 'high' enough.

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  • Member Posts: 140

    I completed it. Maybe try unequipping and re-equipping it?

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I am also struggling to get this completed. I have been running balanced landing for 10 games now, getting big use out of it mid chase. Still at 0.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I unequipped and equipped it and immediately finished it the next game.

  • Member Posts: 57

    Heeeey I got some video footage of the challenge not working, stupid me forgot to record audio but you can see that I was in chase when I jumped a few times because of the score event in the corner counting as escaped chase later on. Just thought some footage of the challenge being bugged might be good https://youtu.be/g5uSfnp-qxA

    And if it's important, I'm on Steam and I recently de- and reinstalled the game because of lagging issues that are now fixed. Since I reinstalled some challenges are bugged for me which has never happened to me before and I played the archives since they first came out, so maybe that's important.

  • Member Posts: 34

    I completed a killer challenge and got the sore ankles one done after, for others it seems unequipping it and equipping it again fixes the issue as well

  • Member Posts: 57

    Already tried, didn't work for me. But doesn't really matter since it still needs to be fixed regardless.

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