So when is Dead Hard getting PROPERLY nerfed?



  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Just cause a map doesn't have infinite pallets for you to work with doesn't mean that it's automatically killer sided. I'd suggest exploring other playstyles as pallets are not the only way to win the game.

    Midwich isn't killer sided because of how strong hold W is in that map. A lot of gens are conveniently placed in positions where you can see the killer approaching and can hold W for 10-20 seconds before even getting into a chase. Additionally, there are no good entrance points to the 2nd floor for a killer as you always have to run into a corner to go upstairs. Additionally, some loops are still good (double god windows, some relatively safe loops there and here, obligation to break breakable walls to have chance at loop etc.)

    It's even overrated for Nurses as the line of sight blocking in that map is extremely good. Ormond is literally a better Nurse map than Midwich against good survivors.

    What's your counterargument?

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    The map had official stats with highest kill rate out of every single map in whole game. Yes dude. Stats from devs. That's how delusional you are. I don't need to come to all the other points. Because you called most killer sided map in whole game "not even killer sided". Dude. Stop

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I actually meant to say gen-slowdown. Corrupt intervention and Deadlock are passive perks. The Killer need not do anything for them to activate.

    As for slowdown, kicking a gen isn't hard. It takes at most 2 seconds. And wouldn't you say not being able to get a down to activate a gen perk is a skill issue on the killer's part? I would understand if in some maps that might make it more difficult though. To me you also sound overwhelmingly biased in favor of Killer every time I read a post of yours.

    Sprint Burst is the easiest exhaustion perk to use as well as Overcome, you literally do nothing to activate them.

    But the rest have some requirement.

    Lithe requires a window or a pallet to vault (definitely not that hard).

    Smash Hit requires you stun the killer, which can depend on if the killer respects pallets or not.

    And Dead Hard requires good timing as well as good latency and the killer not to know you have dead hard because they can play around it.

    Of all those exhaustion perks Dead Hard seems to be the hardest to get consistently as it does not depend only on your action but the killer's as well and the killer is not a bot to always hit you when he gets in range of you. If you are successful shouldn't the survivor be rewarded? Killers running Eruption, Pain Resonance and other gen perks are not only rewarded with advancing their objective but also slowing down gens and survivor objective.

    Some of those perks don't even affect only one generator at the time but more (Jolt, Ruin). Which means more reward for the killer. So a weak survivor not only disadvantages their team by gaining a hook state but they also affect their team's main objective by undoing their progress.

    If according to you it is a skill issue that you get exposed after stun and get downed, then can't the same be said about a Killer being looped for a gen's worth of time by the same survivor? (90 seconds). He is probably bad at chasing and knowing when to switch targets. Why should I feel positive about a killer who after getting his first down at 5/4/3 gens because the game IS designed so that the survivor gets downed at some point, he proceeds to camp? Is that somehow skillful. Doesn't he also get rewarded for doing nothing but standing close to the hooked survivor or running around waiting for someone to rescue? Not saying it's an incorrect strategy, but it requires less skill than chasing a survivor i, not to mention it is even more effective if the team is SWF as they don't want to let their friend die and if they do let their teammate die on first hook or after tunneling they just made the game harder for themselves and killer got a huge advantage with one survivor out by doing the least.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Stats from devs also suggest Nurse is weak, and needs a buff. And Sadako is top-tier killer. Dude. Stop.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited November 2022

    Ok. Let me be you.

    Killers have easy games. They 4k every single game.

    Survivors are already so fed up, that Q times are literally instant and it takes 40-60 minutes for single killer game and if that does not happen, then it's DC anyway.

    Killers got so huge buff recently, that survivors are not able to get into next loop after hit.

    DS is a joke of a perk now, because even clown can counter it with single bottle and redown 2s after stun duration.

    DH is 100% useless, because it fully depends on killers ping and works in 1% of all uses.

    Killers got their regressions buffed so much, that most games end at 5 gens and if not, then there is 0 chance to break 3-gen that killers can guard from start of the game.

    I have stats that support it and if you have stats telling otherwise, then your stats are wrong. Mine are fine though.

    Do you have anything to say to this? If yes then you have 0 idea what you are talking about, because you must be low MMR

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    As for slowdown, kicking a gen isn't hard. It takes at most 2 seconds. And wouldn't you say not being able to get a down to activate a gen perk is a skill issue on the killer's part? I would understand if in some maps that might make it more difficult though.

    Kicking gen wastes a massive amount of time (getting to gen + kicking) plus regression is not guaranteed. It requires massively more skill on the killer's side to effectively use gen regression than on the survivor's side to use exhaustion perks. It's not even comparable.

    To me you also sound overwhelmingly biased in favor of Killer every time I read a post of yours.

    There are plenty of issues on the survivor's side too, but there are more than enough people complaining about them. It's more useful for me to post killer issues since they're not as looked closely as they should be.

    Of all those exhaustion perks Dead Hard seems to be the hardest to get consistently as it does not depend only on your action but the killer's as well and the killer is not a bot to always hit you when he gets in range of you. If you are successful shouldn't the survivor be rewarded? Killers running Eruption, Pain Resonance and other gen perks are not only rewarded with advancing their objective but also slowing down gens and survivor objective.

    Why are you comparing perks which reward you for playing well to perks which don't and literally give you 2nd chance/free ability? A killer has to down survivor, win chases fast, and then gets rewarded for playing well. What is a requirement for dead hard? Get injured lol, here's your free ability. What's the requirement for sprint burst? Literally none. What's a requirement for Lithe? Find a window What's a requirement for BL? Find a high point.

    Additionally, gen regression/slowdown is a must nowadays to have a good chance of winning on average. Running no regression builds is like shooting yourself in the foot and trying to run a marathon.

    If according to you it is a skill issue that you get exposed after stun and get downed, then can't the same be said about a Killer being looped for a gen's worth of time by the same survivor? (90 seconds).

    There are plenty of tiles/loops which have no counterplay and are way too safe. If a killer got outplayed at TL, or an unsafe, or semi-safe loop, then by all means he was bad at chases. But there are still disgustingly too many safe pallets, no player in DBD has a chance to win those tiles unless they play the specific killer and there is no skill at all in using those pallets on the survivor side. It's handholding bad survivors by devs.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Killers have easy games. They 4k every single game.

    Factually incorrect.

    Survivors are already so fed up, that Q times are literally instant and it takes 40-60 minutes for single killer game and if that does not happen, then it's DC anyway.

    ? There are plenty of times when there is a killer BP incentive. And nothing wrong with bad survivors quitting the game, they either have to adapt and move on.

    Killers got so huge buff recently, that survivors are not able to get into next loop after hit.

    Yeah if you mess up your sprint burst and run into a wall, I'd assume you would not be able to make it to the next tile. Easily fixable though.

    DS is a joke of a perk now, because even clown can counter it with single bottle and redown 2s after stun duration.

    I've had a lot of games where I lost purely because of DS mostly because you'd not expect it. It's not a joke perk as it is balanced now. It doesn't always let you get to the next loop but that doesn't mean it's completely useless. Survivors expect a free "get away from jail" card and that's not what DS is. However, when used situationally it can win you games as it can get you to the next loop (especially if you position well). Off the record into DS into DH is very strong strat used in high MMR.

    DH is 100% useless, because it fully depends on killers ping and works in 1% of all uses.

    You should practice against your friends or a custom game to get better at it. Good luck buddy!

    Killers got their regressions buffed so much, that most games end at 5 gens and if not, then there is 0 chance to break 3-gen that killers can guard from start of the game.

    LOL! Most good regression perks were nerfed. All current regression perks are "okay" at best, and they are not even close to what old POP/Ruin did. And well 3 gen is easy to break, I can give you some tips if you want. 3 gen is super healthy thing in the game as it punished mindless genrushing.

    I have stats that support it and if you have stats telling otherwise, then your stats are wrong. Mine are fine though.

    I am glad you don't work for BHVR because you seem like you'd balance the game around only a one-dimensional variable (escape/kill rate).

    Do you have anything to say to this? If yes then you have 0 idea what you are talking about, because you must be low MMR

    Honey, I probably played against more comp survivor players in the last month than you met in your whole DBD playtime.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    You used massive exaggerations and then projected them onto me as if you can read my mind.

    Yes, I am screaming nerf everything survivor and buff everything killer. This is a such pathetic gaslighting attempt, you can do better buddy.

    "You're biased" he says :^)

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270

    When survivors are near a pallet (any pallet), they can time their dead hard in a way that guarantees them either a pallet drop or a dead hard proc.

    That is only true for very specific distances. that is kinda why I wanted dead hard to be 1 second duration instead of 0.5 second duration, since missed attack cooldown is 1.5 seconds. Unfortunately they buffed dead hard before it went to live server to 0.5 seconds creating a very specific lose/lose scenario for dead hard.

    I was not opposed to buff but I did not necessarily agree with dead hard buff from 1 -> 0.5 second.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    It's still picked a lot because noobs still try to use it. Sometimes they are successful and sometimes they are not, kind of like flashlight saves

    Same reason why self care is still used a lot even tho it was nerfed

  • And yet this perk dominates across exhaustion perks, and across ALL other perks. We've had 3 months to figure out the meta, and you think the community still overwhelmingly picks high-skill floor, highly situational and moderate reward perk? Something doesn't align here buddy. What you're saying is the community is dumb, doesn't recognize that DH doesn't give relatively constant value and should choose other exhaustion perks to cause they are more useful on average.

    I'll say this once more then never again because I don't like repeating myself: if you're smacking a survivor with Dead Hard endurance, that's 100% a skill issue on your end.

    You eat pallet stun then.

    I'm not interested in discussing hypothetical ideals in regards to a practical scenario, but as an anecdote, I've walked through a lot of pallets against seasoned survivors that expected me to swing at the drop and used DH instead, then got a down immediately after.

    Idk what MMR you're playing but in my games, players know they can use DH to either gain sprint burst or stun the killer. Seems like survivors on your level just can't use DH properly.

    Considering no one can tell what their own MMR is currently, I'd say the "I play against better survivors than you" is a pretty sad non-argument. If I really wanted to be petty, I'd just flip your logic on its head and call you bad for eating Dead Hards, but I'm not gonna sink that low. Let's try to keep this objective and impersonal, yeah?

    Yeah I swing too sometimes because I know they have DH and they're not looking behind for example. I know that scenario well and used it to my advantage. With that being said, such cases happen rarely. Most of the common use case is where you MUST swing or you eat a pallet.

    Then eat the pallet. You get rid of one pallet and they lose their DH. That's their exhaustion perk out of the way, that you don't have to worry about being a Lithe that'll send them to the other side of the world when they vault a window, or Overcome that will send them running for 10 hours, or a 99'd SB that they'll pop right as you get close, or Balanced that will get them out of an unsafe window vault/drop. You're going out of your way to make special exceptions for why DH specifically is poorly balanced somehow compared to the other exhaustion perks, when the simple fact of the matter is it objectively provides less value than the others, by simple virtue of its value being conditional.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    One of the main uses of DH was using it to make it to a pallet or a window, which you cant do anymore. Honestly i see much more lithes and sprint bursts.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    Dead Hard was treated exactly like Old Ruin

    Its core issue was resolved while still keeping it a strong perk

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Right, pretty sure self-care is definitely not in the top 3, or even the top 5 anymore. And flashlights were never really popular compared to things like med kits. These two are not comparable to DH - vastly different pick rate.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    It is 100% weaker than b4, the usage went down by about half. Whilst its still the most used its considerably closer to the typical perk usage rate.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    It actually is, based on the usage rate

    People still use it, even if it's detrimental to the team

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    I'll say this once more then never again because I don't like repeating myself: if you're smacking a survivor with Dead Hard endurance, that's 100% a skill issue on your end.

    You are correct if the assumption is that I go against the same survivors as you do - i.e. baby survivors. Totally agreed in such case.

    I'm not interested in discussing hypothetical ideals in regards to a practical scenario, but as an anecdote, I've walked through a lot of pallets against seasoned survivors that expected me to swing at the drop and used DH instead, then got a down immediately after.

    DH used at pallets with accurate timing is uncounterable for most of the killers, period. Watch some top-level survivor players and see it for yourself if you never experienced it in your own games. You can look into the killer's POV and into survivor's POV and the conclusion is the same.

    Considering no one can tell what their own MMR is currently, I'd say the "I play against better survivors than you" is a pretty sad non-argument. If I really wanted to be petty, I'd just flip your logic on its head and call you bad for eating Dead Hards, but I'm not gonna sink that low. Let's try to keep this objective and impersonal, yeah?

    Nothing personal, but you can't seem to grasp how dead hard can be used to its full potential which probably means that you have never seen it actually used in that way. This probably also means that you don't play against good survivors. I'm sure Dead Hard in your game looks like a D-tier perk as I can picture survivors just doing most predictable dead hards constantly, but that is not the case on my end. And calling it a "skill issue" is so completely ignorant considering you've never experienced good survivors using it thus who are you to judge what is "skilful" and what is not? The mechanic that I am talking about is very prevalent in top-level play so why does it take so long for me to explain it to you? Pick any top-tier killer streamer and they will get dumped by dead hards constantly even if they are all great players.

    Then eat the pallet. You get rid of one pallet and they lose their DH. That's their exhaustion perk out of the way, that you don't have to worry about being a Lithe that'll send them to the other side of the world when they vault a window, or Overcome that will send them running for 10 hours, or a 99'd SB that they'll pop right as you get close, or Balanced that will get them out of an unsafe window vault/drop. You're going out of your way to make special exceptions for why DH specifically is poorly balanced somehow compared to the other exhaustion perks, when the simple fact of the matter is it objectively provides less value than the others, by simple virtue of its value being conditional.

    Are you seriously suggesting for killer just take L and accept that he got outplayed by an uncounterable mechanic? Maybe we should add something the same for survivors - that would be funny to see the reactions. We would call it a "skilful outplay".

    You really remind me of those players who suggest that it's fine if survivors pre-drop the pallets since you keep destroying them. Soon they will have no pallets left and you can win the game! It's that simple LOL!

    Also, your comparison to other exhaustion perks is very ignorant. All other exhaustion perks have clear negatives to them (thus why they are balanced). DH doesn't have such clear negatives as other perks.

    Sprint Burst - has the constraint of constantly having to walk

    Lithe - requires windows or dropped pallets + good positioning + constraint of having to leave the loop

    Balanced Landing - requires a high point + delay before its activated

    Dead Hard - requires pallet? The pallet requirement is so insignificant compared to 3 other things. Finding a pallet is easier than finding a window (a good window too), and much easier than finding a high point to jump from. That's not even talking about the fact that you can also additionally use dead hard against certain killer powers easily.

    I'd play against Sprint Burst/Balanced Landing/Lithe all day compared to DH just purely because they have much more counterplay than DH does. You can telegraph those exhaustion perks rather easily and they have specific conditions with which they can only work with (minus SB, but SB is overrated). DH can be telegraphed too, but there is nothing you can do in certain situations about it. For all other exhaustion perks, you have some counterplay by cutting their path, or anticipating when they are going to use it and blocking the conditions.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Not seen at all in my games and I've been tracking most of my games. It's sitting at the #11 spot. The top 4 are DH, Windows of Opportunity, Off the Record and Adrenaline - in that order.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Since when is being in the top 2 most used survivor perks is "closer typical perk usage rate" lol?

    Why do you guys go so soft on Dead Hard? I don't get it. Sh*t like BT, DS, and Iron Will literally fell from the Top 5 to probably the Top 20 and it's fine, but DH can stay in the Top 2? Especially when it literally wasn't nerfed for 5 years.

    At a minimum, it needs to be in line with other exhaustion perks, which is still a long way to go.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    for you nothing is fair usage when it helps survivors.

    For others if the percentual usage is similar to all the other meta perks - it means there is good alternative to the perk and people use those alternatives.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    for you nothing is fair usage when it helps survivors.

    haha, I can picture you saying this, very funny! Love it.

    For others if the percentual usage is similar to all the other meta perks - it means there is good alternative to the perk and people use those alternatives.

    I am fine with either reducing the pick rate or removing the mechanic which acts as an uncounterable 3rd health state. I'd say the pick rate would probably be reduced by 10 % or more and be in line with other exhaustion perks after the removal of it.

    You're right that other exhaustion perks are more viable now, but that doesn't mean DH is in a fine spot. It still has an unfair mechanic that is aggravated by its pick rate. I probably would never make this post if DH wasn't picked very often, but alas that is the case.

    I guess we will wait again until streamers and content creators start making clickbaity videos where they actually show DH power and soon the community will follow. Then the pick rate increases (even if it's way too high already relative to exhaustion perks, and even to ALL perks) and then the problem actually gets acknowledged haha.

  • You are correct if the assumption is that I go against the same survivors as you do - i.e. baby survivors. Totally agreed in such case.

    Aaaand there it is. The old reliable "I'm a better player so I know more" when you have no real arguments left. We're done here, you're not interested in a conversation, you just want someone to confirm your beliefs and tell you that it's the evil Dead Hard that's causing you to lose chases/games. You have a severe negativity bias clouding your judgement and it's severely affecting how you think about the perk. You're making a special exception for how DH is uncounterable (because it can be set up in a way that it will give guaranteed value) without considering that Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced, and other exhaustion perks are also "uncounterable" (as in, the killer has no counterplay beyond extending the chase once they're used). But good luck trying to get anyone to take you seriously with that attitude.

    As a parting note, I'll leave you with this thought: even if Dead Hard's sole mechanic was reworked to give you those extra 10 inches to reach a pallet safely, removing all its other possible utility altogether, it would still be completely fine. Stew on that for a while.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced, and other exhaustion perks are also "uncounterable" (as in, the killer has no counterplay beyond extending the chase once they're used).

    First of all, they have clear disadvantages to survivors themselves - so even if it was uncounterable, there are negatives which survivor has to endure. Starting with maps, and ending with conditions. The negatives are not comparable to DH as it can be used pretty much universally on most maps and requires a pallet.

    Second of all, there is more counterplay than you seem to acknowledge.

    Sprint Burst - you can drop chase immediately when they let go of gen and sprint burst and then come back again with minimal repercussions.

    Balanced Landing - you can zone people off high points/chase them in certain areas where they cannot proc it (you can't zone dead hard, there is no such thing)

    Lithe - same story with BL, except that you can also make them take bad pathing after their vault which means that they get little to no value of it (you can't zone dead hard, and most paths that they can take after pallet are still decent for them because there are more pallets than windows and usually pallets are placed in better positions than windows for further routing)

    Lastly, you also seem to ignore the fact that a lot of exhaustion perks are used before the first hit is delivered. Sprint burst, balanced landing and lithe are usually used before the first hit. Dropping a chase in such scenarios is much less expensive to the killer, than chasing + getting a hit + dead hard proc + dropping chase. It's not even comparable. The closest you can compare this is if you hold 99 Sprint Burst which is used very rarely. In that case, I agree that it's on equal footing with dead hard in terms of time waste.

    The old reliable "I'm a better player so I know more" when you have no real arguments left

    You haven't answered any other arguments, why should I provide new ones?

    We're done here, you're not interested in a conversation, you just want someone to confirm your beliefs and tell you that it's the evil Dead Hard that's causing you to lose chases/games. You have a severe negativity bias clouding your judgement and it's severely affecting how you think about the perk

    Why would I want you to confirm my beliefs when I don't even acknowledge you as someone who has experience at the top level? XD It literally does not matter if you agree with me or not, all I care about is a logical discussion. 10/10 projections though.

    And while DH is very strong and overly used, it doesn't lose me games most of the time - DS probably lost me more games % wise. It's simply an unfun perk with an unfun uncounterable mechanic attached to it that is picked excessively. A free 3rd health state is a disgusting mechanic that is still alive somehow after so-called "rework". Do other exhaustion perks also waste my time? Absolutely, but there are fair negatives attached to them and conditions in which they can be used thus I never complained about them in my 4 years of playing this game. Not only you have to constantly take the L with Dead Hard because of 0 counterplay, but you also have to always care for this perk "in case they have it" meaning you waste at least 2-4 seconds naturally on every down. It's a disgusting perk that needs to be either removed from the game or completely reworked.

  • Why did you bother typing all this up when you knew in advance I wasn't gonna read it? Is it really that important for you to have the final word to feel like you won? Fine, go ahead and get the last word in.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Because it is a discussion, and you're not the only one participating in it? You're not that important, so don't respond if you don't feel like responding and/or don't have counterarguments. Enjoy your day psychologist, lol.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited November 2022

    Dh is perk that I never use, because it's unfair. Unfair in a way, that it does NOT work as it should. Because it does not proc when you use it, but when the server decides you pressed it. Meaning if killer has unstable network, you can be super pro player with perfect timings and everything and it will still proc as hit and you'll go down. And as I play on EU - you can very easily get people from asia or bordering asia as well as people from same city - so you can't even predict it (because in same situation it can proc one time and not the other time).

    For a perk that is "guaranteed 3rd state without any counterplay" I don't like that it's "worst counterplay" is outside of gameplay intentions. Also DH has also quite a few conditions - same as any other exhaustion perk. You need to be not exhausted (so no fearmonger) and you need to be not bleeding AND you need to be already injured - so no legion, no original pain on pinhead, no BT hit, no OTR hit, no insta down killer or insta down effect .... the list is quite long for a thing that has no counterplay and 0 conditions.

    Admit it. You can't chase well and are searching for shortcuts and instead of admitting that you are just not good enough - you instead look at the forum so that devs do the work for you.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,486

    Every time I hit in dh, I tunnel him off the hook. So if you want to have three health stages, don't complain about tunneling. Dh makes bad survivors even worse because instead of looping, they're just waiting for an opportunity to press E. For good survivors, it's still a free-mistake perk. In any case, in my matches he is still taken by 60-70% of survivors, so he definitely needs another nerf. Yeah, it's not so strong as before, but there shouldn't be a perk in the game that should ALWAYS keep all the killers in fear of swinging.

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Dh is perk that I never use, because it's unfair. Unfair in a way, that it does NOT work as it should. Because it does not proc when you use it, but when the server decides you pressed it. Meaning if killer has unstable network, you can be super pro player with perfect timings and everything and it will still proc as hit and you'll go down. And as I play on EU - you can very easily get people from asia or bordering asia as well as people from same city - so you can't even predict it (because in same situation it can proc one time and not the other time).

    If you're complaining about latency then it's all I need to know about your DH usage. Learn to time it. DH was hard messed up when dedicated servers came out, that's when latency was an issue. Now you just need to adapt, it's not an excuse.

     same as any other exhaustion perk

    DH is usable literally anywhere, as long as you can time it right. And even if you cannot time it right, you can still use it near a pallet.

    you need to be not bleeding


    no BT hit, no OTR hit,

    Good, at least they had the sense to put this one.

    no insta down killer or insta down effect

    ? You can use it against GF, Myers, Bubba (after 1st charge likely, not before 1st one), Hillybilly, Oni, etc. Literally what?

    the list is quite long for a thing that has no counterplay and 0 conditions.

    Yes, it does not have counterplay if used properly, but I never said its conditions. DH conditions are simply not even close to other exhaustion perks conditions. It's far too universal and easy to use for the effect it gives.

    You can't chase well and are searching for shortcuts and instead of admitting that you are just not good enough

    My chases are better than yours ever will be, and I run 3-4 antigen perks constantly universally on almost all killers. Meaning my chases are more than good and I can in chases even with the weakest killers. Nice try at projecting though - you so desperately want this to be true, I can see it.

    you instead look at the forum so that devs do the work for you.

    Don't need dev help to win the game, mate. I can win against 4 men dead-hard team constantly, but that doesn't mean the perk is fun to play against or fair. You're so desperately trying to project onto me that I am a bad player, but it just doesn't work, unfortunately. Meanwhile I look into your post history and there are 2 posts asking devs to add insane changes to counter-camping and tunnelling. Really? This is very ironic now. Also that "Slugging for 4K" post is amazing lol! 🤭

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    ahahahhahaa. I can win. I am best. But please please please please please nerf this thing that is so unfair and unfun and overall is killing all the kittens in the world every time it's used. It does not work when you are healthy, exhausted, bleeding, in the open, if the killer has bad ping, if servers are overburdened, but otherwise it has 0 counterplay. naaaaaaaa mommmeeee please nerf those dead hards for meeeeeeee....

    Thanks mate. You made my day :D

  • almofan1001
    almofan1001 Member Posts: 291

    Says the guy who complains about "4K by slugging". You guys always find ways to somehow beat the low lows. "Servers are overburdened" LMFAO.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,270
    edited November 2022

    The other exhaustion perks are too weak in my opinion to be used. The only perk comparable to dead hard in strength is 99% sprint burst but what holds SB from being overpowered is its trigger condition. Its trigger condition is running. If its trigger condition was press E, it would be strongest perk for survivor.

    The problem with other exhaustion perks is that other exhaustion perks are suppose to be second-chance perks in specific situations, but many of situations are largely avoidable, so its like.. why use other exhaustion perks when you can avoid situations altogether? you do not need an exhaustion perk to bail you out in fabricated situations if the situations are avoidable in the first place.

    Dead hard second-chance is most applicable second-chance for survivor because what perk counters is lunge attacking and since every killer lunge attacks, its has universal application as a result of every killer lunge attacking.

  • Whoudini
    Whoudini Member Posts: 309

    Its really not that far, people debated on old dh vs sprint burst for years, now its weaker its defo in line. Also its still the most used, but by a considerably less larger degree (it had a 70% usage rate and now its something like 30% according to nightlight). That is a drop by more than half.

  • TTV_Monstarella
    TTV_Monstarella Member Posts: 5

    The new Dead Hard is even unbearable and unbalanced.

    I came back to worse game then when I left.

    Somehow I'm suprised.