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Crashing when playing as any killer on PC Steam

Step 1 : Boot the game
Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match
Step 3 : After some minutes of the match... my game just crashes.
Step 4 : It always crashes when im playing around 7/15 minutes with any killer characters and i get dc penalty.
it happens with any killers and any maps and i got dc penalty
My game is crashing while I am playing as "the pig" but it only happens after an action, like when I hook someone or when I break a pallet, game crashed like 4 out of 6 times already, issue started happening yesterday.
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I've been experiencing the same issue starting today and I've never had any crash issues that reoccurred as frequently as this in the past.
It most commonly has been happening a brief moment after I would hook someone.
Post edited by DYoung on2 -
I'm on xbox series x by the way.
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Same here in Xbox Series X. Imposible to play as killer. Bug by Daylight...
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This is happening to me too, and I'm on Switch! I can't get my Ghostface tome challenges done :'( I ended up with a 10min dc penalty before I just gave up and am only playing survivor now. This is frustrating.
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After the recent update it crashes after booting up during the main menu while Steam still thinks it's running and can't close it
So I have to end Steams task, thne relaunching it gives the CreateFile failed with 32. error. But after a while Steam is able to close it. Then it boots as normal.
It never crashed to desktop for me before.
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I've had exactly this on PS5 today. Glad (well not glad but you know what I mean) I'm not the only one
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I suspect this crashing is due to the bloody good challenge, on page 2 on the current tome. hard to test bc of the matchmaking ban though.
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sorry, i meant page 1 on the current tome
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This happens on PC to but with survivors can only play about 5 minutes then I get disconnected and I get a DC penalty on 720p with a i7-4790k and GTX 1070 | Windows 10 | Steam version | Steam launcher option: -high -novsync -notexturestreaming -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -dx12 (Edit:) Removing -dx12 made the game not crash I was also using driver 526.86 and reverted to 515.15. (Edit: 2) It crashed again.
Post edited by Crimson_Lockhart on1 -
i can confirm, its that one challenge i mentioned that fixes it for me.
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30 minute ban this buggy game.
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It seems the latest windows 10 update is to blame (reinstalled DBD and the game froze at the main menu had to hard rest the PC, I tried GTA V the something happened)
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Solved: System restore, reseat ram, gpu and PC wires.
Post edited by Crimson_Lockhart on0 -
Same issue on Xbox too.
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Also started happening to me. Crashed 4 games in a row playing as different killers. I did read in a different post that removing your tome challenges apparently fixes it but that was the whole reason I was playing, to unlock all the tiers.
It's pretty ridiculous that I now can't do any killer tome challenges to complete the Rift.
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Happening on Switch as well. I'm up to a 6 hour DC penalty now, so the game is essentially bricked for me because of this
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Thank you. I confirm it's since I activated this challenge my game crash everytime when i play as killer on PS5.
Also i changed the challenge and activate another page 2 and same problem + crash...
I could play killer with 0 challenge... I don't know if the problem is only with challenges in page 1&2 ??
NB : Sorry for my english