Please show SWFs

BendIt Member Posts: 104
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just played with a 3 man SWF who I hooked and felt we all played well except when I was hit and hooked for the first time with NoED I could hear on the stream that they didn't care about the random and just left.

Please for the love of god can I see if I'm playing with a SWF or tag players with notes so I know what they have done in the past. Recently we have anonymous setting which has made this even worse

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I agree, that's a great idea and BHVR should implement this

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    You could start lobby dodging if you join as the fourth player. Or if you are first and 3 of them join together. Lame practice but there is only so much we can do unless devs provide other solutions.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    First: Adding who is a SWF in the pregame would resulting in massive lobby dodging by killers. You can work around that by limiting it only survivors but not many people would quit just because their teammates are SWF.

    Second: Those SWF did nothing wrong. People seriously need to understand this, survivor is not team based role. It is every survivor for themselves. a 1v1v1v1. You may choose to work together but it is not an obligation to to save people. You can choose to let people die if you want. if survivor was a team based role you would be scored as a team. But you aren't. Seriously people need to understand this because it demonstrates you don't actually even understand what your role is in the game?

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 749

    The killer should also know (at lrast in the lobby) thst there's a party... Something as simple as having the red lines marking whenfor ready to be a different color for each party (let's say yellow and blue for each possible party, and red for solo players)

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    It's that mindset that brings so many survivor players into the forum to complain that this killer is to strong and that perk needs nerf etc. Cause many people tell this tale that it's not a team and every one is on there own and if that where true a single survivor should be more powerful cause it's a 1v1 but that not the case you got perks for the whole team you got bodyblocks and flashlight saves obviously its not every surv for themselves. Survs should act more like a team and bhvr should boost that with mor info for solos and by actually making clear what is a win a lose and a draw and give bonus points for that. If a 3 man swf would lose on a chunk of points for not saving a guy they could easily save they would think twice about it

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,865

    If there was no NOED, they would have most likely risked coming for you. Even with the recent change, I’m telling my team to leave as well. Not worth risking more players. Now if you stood out for running the killer for 3 gens and then got downed to NOED, I’d be more inclined to search for that totem. I’d tell my team to be super careful while I’d be the one to stick my neck out the most and search aggressively for the Hex.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't think killer should see if it's a swf until postgame.

    As for survivor, I think there would be more information to share that would be more important as a feature. In most cases I feel like knowing you're queueing with a swf would not matter.

    That being said, sometimes the situation just doesn't call for rescueing the last survivor, swf or not. When my teammates have a clear 3 man out (or even 2) that could snowball easily, especially if they're not good with tight rescues, I don't expect them to come rescue me. I tell my buddy to gesture at them to leave and I die on hook.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Playing with 3 SWFs as a solo = me on gens all the time until they somehow managed to get downed all together.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    I agree with this, if the killer could see it was a four or even three stack, they'd just dodge, even if said stack wasn't going to bully or sweat. Showing at the end of the game would certainly be a good change, so that way killer knows that they were up against a swf or just a team of very good survivors.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    The issue is not that killers are too strong. The issue with killers is

    A the power disparity between the strongest vs the weakest

    B The most optimal way to play killer both ruins the enjoyment of others. Majority of survivor complaints come less form too strong bas power, and more the addons. Most of the complaints about powers usually focus on robbing survivors of agency or are just not fun to go against.

    Removing all addons form killers and creating a baseline power would fix the majority if issues with killers TBH.

    No, survivor does not need to be stronger. You do understand the concept of cooperation right? You can work with someone to achieve the same goal because it is in your best interest but are still prioritising yourself. This is a basic concept. If this is a team based game, why do I get 1500 points for a save by myself? Why aren't we scored as a team. Why am I punished for dying while everyone else on my team escapes? The short answer is because you ae not a team. You work together until you don't need one another and its really entitled to feel people are obligated to die for you.

    Who gets to determine what is and what isn't easily a save, that very subjective. Certain killers are better at camping then others, does that allow for it to be too risky to try? What about killer perks? How good the killer is? What about hooks, the post stated that each one of them had been hooked at least once, does that now qualify as to risky.

    Why do I get the feeling that you feel like you get to decide when a save is or isn't too risky, and have no issue abandoning teammates when it doesn't benefit you? Which is fine, but to feel like the game needs to have mechanics in place to force that is very entitled.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I don't want to dictate when it's to risky or not I want BHVR to finally make it so you are judged as a team cause right now every survivor on there own has a power level that matches a 4v1 and that where I see many complaints. Solo q survivor have the feeling they can't fight the killer cause they should not fight him but the game makes no effort to actually treat them as a team

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Loadout display would be a disaster. Toxic wars would be made in lobby chat if someone equips self care or whatever perk someone else does not like. Lobby dodging would skyrocket.

    Displaying swf would be ok.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited November 2022

    If I suspect 3 man SWFs when I'm solo, I leave the lobby. They just ignore you and leave you on hook to die, it's boring/frustrating.

    Post edited by Tsukah on
  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I want this feature but I think it’s gonna lead to a lot of lobby dodging.

  • Goblets
    Goblets Member Posts: 25

    Surely bhvr has competent enough programmers to make it so killer can only see at endgame chat who were SWF or not? and solo queue players see in the lobby.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Oh god, could you imagine the number of lobby dodges if they showed the load-outs? New players or players with not that many perks unlocked wouldn't be able to get a game, as some toxic plays insist that the only "proper" way to play is with XYZ meta perks or would dodge "meme", rift/challenge or even no perk-challenge builds. It'd be totally unfair.

    Displaying who is in a swf and who isn't is certainly the better way to approach it, especially if it's like a team of two 2-mans or a three-stack with a random solo.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    You should have been more clear about when the SWF would be shown as such, because I see all these people strawmanning and assuming you're ONLY talking about SWF shown in pre-lobby for killer as well as survivor.

    At the very least, let both sides see who was SWF in the post-game results screen. I don't care if killers start saying, "See! I only lost because SWF!" They'd probably be right, but if you dislike that sentiment that much, you can just ignore it, as I ignore people who point to the average kill rate to say killer's OP, for example. But we've been asking for this for years. Let us at least know that it was SWF that made us lose, and not just guessing. Because, for example, SWFs do take advantage of that to be deceptive and make you feel worse when you lose: "Lol, no. We're all just solos." Devs hid grades and MMR because of fears of a "toxic hierarchy" or something being formed, but this feature would create no such risk. Just shows teams and no teams.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 433

    Exactly, showing who is in a swf and who isn't is no different than showing a 5-man PvP in a game like League of Legends, CoD, Overwatch etc.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    Rule n. 1 assume the worst :')

    Always expect they are playing at their best. It is how the game is meant to be played.

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    Another case of SWFs, 3 SWF with 1 on hook and 3 survivors left.

    Tried to help and went down whilst other was rehooked and killed... other swf just left.

    Excuse... well you'd have done the same thing!

    SWFs even knowing they are in a SWF and the solo being unaware is an imbalance BHVR!

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 809

    As a solo Q enthusiast, i'd love to either have a separate queue to team up only with solo Q players or i'd love to see when i'm matched with SWFs. Because i know damn well that the SWF is not going to help me at all. I'll get better chances of being saved by a random than a group of buddies that don't give a damn about the 4th person that's not a part of their club.

    (Separate queue would also make it easier to balance the game around swfs and solo Q's imo)

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 570

    As someone who has played this game for almost 6 years & over 10,000 hours across 6 systems (2 swf games ever) I absolutely agree 3 man swf do (quite often) sacrifice the solo player sometimes through lack of empathy, sometimes its just the smart move & of course occassionally purely for their own amusement!

    While I wouldn't be against showing other survivors who's part of a swf I 100% wouldn't care either way & really would only like the info purely for stats analysis.

    However showing survivor load outs pre match would almost instantly kill this game for me despite years of devotion & enjoyment.

    The sheer amount of lobby dodging & queuing up to get 4 players willing to accept the other 3's loadout would be way worse than any match making issue.

    In addition those that only want the very best meta perks will be lumped together destroying most killers who couldn't be balanced to face them because the players who play their own build will most likely be dumped in with others playing similar less optimal builds that would therefore largely get destroyed if killers were buffed to beat the meta only players.

    While it sounds like a good idea only those that are willing to play only meta & with only fellow meta survivors will gain anything & that isn't the player base majority!

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    Easy, I could have avoided playing with them.

    Having a SWF know they are a SWF puts a solo at an even further disadvantage

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104


    Original post was to do with the solo survivors experience, nothing to do with killers. Who are also at a disadvantage to SWFs and could be shown how well they did by showing them endgame as previously mentioned.

    Many people would not quit they would simply find a more balanced lobby to be in, lobby dodgy is not the problem.


    Your view that survivor is not a team based role and is a 1v1v1v1 is wrong, simply having an opinion isn't a 'Second' reason.

    SWFs are another team within a team, for you to say it is 1v1v1v1 is wrong as is the idea it is a 1v1v3. Doing gens and getting out is so easy, the idea of saving someone facecamped on the hook is the challenge which is even easier with the aura of NoEd now.

    The mind boggles where people get these ideas that DBD a 1v1v1v1 and ideas to explain include low skill level, personality, etc

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    Ran that killer, unhooked all of them, etc then yes I did that in the game but that isn't what this is about.

    3 x SWFs are selfish (or are they!) and now I am left to lobby dodge if I suspect they are a SWF.

    Givng NoED the aura nerf is huge and no way would I have left,

    I need a note to apply to players who play like this including the previous commentator who suggests it is a 1v1v1v1, I am happy to leave them on the hook but expect others to treat me how I treat them

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    To finalise, lobby dodging is exactly what what I will be doing now if I suspect a 3 man SWF.

    I need to know my team have my back as I would have theirs

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    No... That is not an opinion. That is a fact. From Mathew Cotte.

    By his own words survivors are not obligated to die for or even assist one another. Yes, it is in your best interest to work together however if an opportunity to escape for yourself arrives and you choose to take it leaving your "team", you did nothing wrong. You cannot report someone for it it, you cannot complain to the devs about it. This was why using keys to escape abandoning your "team" before the key rework was 100% fine.

    You and many survivors like you created the "survivor rule book." Artificial rules that you need in place in order to help you win. So let me ask you this, how do you define a win as survivor? In the original post 3 man SWF left you to die correct? According to you 3/4 of the team escaped. Why would they risk losing a second team member when they had already won? That's not good for the team, you should be glad they made the smart choice for the the sake of the "team." So individually they made the right choice, and as a team they made the right choice?

    Have you played the game left 4 dead? That is a team based game, where one victor can win for the whole team. Even if everyone dies if just one person reaches the safe room then the group wins. So if we apply that to DBD then so long as one person escapes, then the group wins correct? No, because you died? Wow its almost as if you care more about yourself then your "teammates? "

    You want them to play as team? They did. You're welcome. You're just upset because you drew the short straw and can't take it.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I don't know where the sentiment from 3 SWF never rescuing solo comes from. From me personally - if I play 3-man and 4th one does not outright troll (there are people that would hide whole game, not do generators, selfcare in corner instead of finishing that 90% gen, not going for rescue ever, ...) then I (and my team) will go for save even if it's 50:50 (or to be precise, even if it's 70% against us - but anything above this and I just take leave).

    If that solo carried us and looped the killer for say 3+ gens and then gets downed. And I see there's no way for us to all leave (say my teammates are already dead, or they were forced out), I will happily trade myself for that solo.

    I have hard time believing, that I am so special in this. I know that my teammates have similar mindset to my own.