Eruption is overtuned



  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241
    edited November 2022

    The parallels to old DH are uncanny.

    Allows players to get away with poor decision-making or mechanics? Check. Survivors could path poorly or mess up a loop and get a speed boost to the pallet. Killers can completely overcommit to a bad area of the map, mess up a chase, etc. and be saved by regression+Incapacitated.

    Almost no way for the other side to play around it? Check.

    And Eruption can proc on multiple gens. I genuinely can't fathom how this perk made it out of development and into patch 6.1. I normally give the devs a break when people say "do they play their own game?", but I have to ask in this instance.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    It is exactly the purpose of the skill. The 10% is almost irrelevant as you can chain up to 30% with Jolt

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    You need to commit kicking a generator, or you play with one perk less. It is balanced

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I like eruption and jolt. Fun combo. I like eruption before it was buffed but I don’t feel like I’ve had many issues on the survivor side. I believe the closest issue I’ve had was with a Doc using impossible skill check mess and eruption. It was a long long game.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited November 2022

    Exactly, and I 100% agree with those parallels. That's why I felt the urge to dispute the conclusion and the playing it down. It DOES carry as much as old dh

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    My thought was a buffer between down and explosion that might allow an alert solo queue to get off in time. Something equivalent to the span of time you see a Survivor's aura as the killer hooks them.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    1 killer perk should be as strong/stronger 1x4 survivor perks.

    Compare to surv meta: ex. Dead Hard.

    How is 1 Eruption stronger than 4 Dead Hard ? It is not.

    -> It is balanced.

    Incapacitated 3 times x trial for a total of 75 seconds (around the max you get in worst scenarios) is not a huge deal. Just rotate the hooks.

    It IS a strong perk for a killer, one of the best gen regressing/control perk. But it can be said the same about many surv perks. None should be nerfed. Gens are literally flying :)

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    1. Hook progression: Already exists Reassurance/Kinship.

    2. Blocking hooks: Already exists Saboteur/Breakdown/Toolbox

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Eruption is just another perk that is not as good againts swf,but godlike againts soloq.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    That it IS a perk to make you incapacitated. You are disliking the effect. That's all. Every debuff/nerf to this perk would take away its use. A 15/20 seconds incapacitate would be irrelevant. No one would use it.

    25 seconds of incapacitated is annoying/strong this perk is. And it has an attivation condition with prior commitment which is not irrelevant, for the time it takes away from chases.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    The 1 killer perk needs to equal 4 survivor perks does not make any sense. It is not as killers and survivors share the same objective so you need to balance this around their perks.

    how can you even measure the needed effect of 1 killer perk where the objectives are so different from one another.

    it's not like a killer takes 90sec to hook one surv

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182

    Eruption has been a stupid perk since it's inception because prior to 6.1.0 the values were so low it was literally not worth running compared to other perks. On top of that SWF completely neuters it. It was almost never run and considered pretty trash tier as a result. With 6.1.0 putting an obnoxious 25 second action prevention on it, it is now good but the core of the perk is still the same. It's hard countered by swf and now has the unfortunate side effect of really being brutal vs solo queue.

    There have been several good ideas floated in here but realistically the incapacitate effect should be halved/swapped for something else and the swf counter should also go away. It's just a dumb perk and slapping an overpowered effect onto it makes it good sure but it's still a dumb perk at it's core.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Hey you know what is really overpowered,three boons, resurgence, reassurance, Jill's land mine, having to deal with 4 people running adrenaline,3 people running deadhead,no seriously I've had these type of games. But yeah Eruption is totally the problem.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I would disagree the point of the perk is to slowdown the game and regress generators. Would it be that much weaker, if it just blocked those gens for 20/30/40 seconds

    Some would argue the biggest advantage it has is, while the survivor is Incapacitated they cant tap the gen and it regresses which wouldnt happen if the gen was blocked.

    The best example of this effect would be tier 3 madness of the doctor which requires 12 seconds of survivor action to remove.

    Now while I think blocking the gens would be plenty powerful since it can appply to multiple gens some will disagree. There are a couple other ways to go that would be more interactive to survivors which is the biggest issue with it not that its too strong.

    You could make it just like tier 3 madness that requires maybe 16 seconds of uninterrupted player input to get rid of it. While adding 2% regression to the base effect to compensate for the reduced time of the status effect, which can actually be longer if you chase the survivor.

    Or have it be a unique effect called Broken Fingers that only prevents working on gens and using items for that time but also causes survivors to reveal their location if they complete an action like a heal/totem or if no action is completed the next time they touch a gen they scream giving it extra tracking utility and letting you know exactly where you can reapply the effect.

    The point is there are ways to go other than completely disengaging the player to the point that the only action they can do is basically hide in a locker, and the incapacitated effect is not too strong, but just plain boring.

  • Jackal7879
    Jackal7879 Member Posts: 121

    Well that’s like saying people shouldn’t have whined about circle of healing because it was meant to heal survivors when it was at 100% but everyone knew that it was it was a problem

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    I think that this would be a very reasonable nerf. Its this "being removed from the game entirely for 25s" that feels somewhat out of place. When I run eruption I always feel elated when it goes off, because quite a few times you either take too long to down someone and a previously kicked gen gets finished or no one is at the gen when you kick it. A successful Eruption gives you some breathing room and allows you to ignore that gen for a short while, but honestsly if that survivors healed up in the mean time or booned something I wouldn't mind. To me the 25s safety net for the gen feels more important and I would appreciate a gen-only incapacitate like effect instead of just lowering it so something like 15s.

  • NoirGhost
    NoirGhost Member Posts: 42

    Honestly I feel like incapacitated shouldn't be put on any perks besides maybe hexes.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,166

    Indeed. In general a killer perk should trump an equivalent surivor perk, because of the 4v1 nature, but besides that its not an exact science. I bet that most killer perks would be grossly "underpowered" if you applied this metric, so this shows that its bogus.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    Let me guess, you never played as a killer. Of course, killer perks need to be MUCH stronger than survivor ones. How would a killer even menage to get 4 people if you were to consider 1:1

    I agree the ratio cannot always be a consistent 4:1 but this is way some perks are ''HEX''.

    Example : Devour Hope. Devour Hope is insanely oppressive and it will generate much more value than 4x Dead Hard.

    So it is bound to an action, which, if performed cancels it (the totem).

    This are the conditions of activation.

    Eruption has its condition which is ''kicking a generator''.

    You can commit to kick a generator and the generator been done before anyone is downed, resulting in 0 value. It is a gamble.

    It doesn't work ''passively''. Like aura reading ones.

    Yes it DOES feel oppressive and strong, when it works. But when and how many does it work ? 2-3 times x trial

    GENS FLY. If they don't, you are playing bad. 4 people in the trial, every 2 minute is an easy 2 gen done. Some times you can do 2 generator before the killer can spot you by simply bringing 1 offering and 4 items. Not even builds about that. A good team should do 5 gens between 5 and 9 minute. That's why perks like Eruption exist.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,265

    It has counter-play. its called finishing generator and being successful at the chase. The perk requires the killer to kick a generator and it awards 10% regression and refunds their time spent walking+kicking a generator. Its like survivor want to go down in 30 seconds chases and still escape every trial.

    your suggestion is similar to what i suggested on the perk which is AoE incapacitation so swf cannot rob the killer off their perk value. your not suppose to be able to avoid the incapacitation.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited November 2022
    Post edited by Pulsar on
  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Let me guess, you never against a killer with eruption.

    Now jokes aside, the effects of a killer perks have to, really needs to be balanced around their consistency and the time/effort you need to activate it.

    As you say, Hex Devour hope gives you a massive advantage and is balanced around the fact than its consistency relies on people cleansing the totem.

    If they find it quickly, you get little value.

    If you get Backwater Swamp totem spawns, survs are f####.

    Now take a look at eruption, this perk gives you the chance to blow a gen for 10% (probably, didnt check) of progress while applying 25sec of total shutdown of any actions.

    This Is Strong. This. Is. Really. Strong.

    Now consider the only requirement for this is to kick a gen, which is something that is normal to any game, more than ever since Brine/overcharge meta. As you also said, GENS FLY so as long as survs keeps repairing, you have less gens to kick, therefore survs are more likely to be in a 'kicked for you' gen, so its consistency rises up as long as time passes.

    Now also consider that you cant prevent this effect unless you are in comms.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    I well know Eruption. And as I said before the 10% is almost irrelevant. It becomes good as 2 or more gens are erupted. A 10% on 1 generator is nothing particular. Compared to scourge choices that are much more oppressive. And Jolt on some maps.

    Yes it is about those 25 seconds incapacitated. But it's not a direct attack to you as a survivor. You are free to wait the person to get downed (easily done on the call), or rotate hooks.

    No, kicking a generator is not a free thing. Everything takes time. And efficient teams don't camp gens to do them, no matter the progress. It is important to work on the "right" gens. Otherwise you end up on impossible 3 gens situations.

    If you don't play with friends it is your choice. The less you cooperate and comunicate the more you deserve to loose. A 0 communication should be close to a 100% defeat. The game is balanced around the idea of 4 people squad winning by communicating. If being decent at looping and holding one button for 4 minutes was enough to win it would be totally unplayable as a killer. And a totally not enjoyable experience as well. You win when you create the conditions to win. You are not entitled to.

    Eruption is a wonderful perk. It is strong. But it is not unbalanced. I expressed myself, the same, for many survivors perks. So, don't come to write here as I am some sort of killer fanatic. I play mostly as a survivor. (I really do)

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    ######### everyone who plays anything but 4-man SWF ig?

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    The game cannot afford to have people play by themselves to escape consistently. It cannot be balanced like that. Because people communicating are a thing. And it would be too easy to win.

    Survivors CAN escape. If they are good, they will. The 50-60% kill rate is based on the average. Solo Q is the other side of swf. It is right that the less you cooperate, the more you get **** :) no one forces you to play this game. And, fun and winning are too different things. You play by yourself you can focus on other things. When you want to play your cards properly you use your brain with other people. Killers are supposed to be scary.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241

    I don't know how else to frame this. Eruption is causative, not symptomatic. Players are saying "do the right gens" and "don't 3 gen". Eruption is literally the reason those 3 gens happen in the first place when it's combined with other gen kick regressions. It's not symptomatic of survivors 3 gen'ing themselves.

    The alternative to not working on the kicked gens is to 3 gen yourself. You either have to eat repeated Eruptions trying to break the 3 gen, or do every other gen and 3 gen yourself.

    It's not reasonable for me to load in, kick every gen on repeat in a 4 gen with Eruption/CoB, and then say "why didn't you guys just break the gen cluster???"

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,265

    you could at least say something more constructive. I am just saying that eruption does have counter-play. The killer is possible to defeat.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    I hope you realize that for every whining survivor main like you there is the same amount (in ratio, probably more) killers complaining its a "survivors sided game". To me, you people can spend all the day thinking this game is not balanced (and in search of its balance). When I play as a survivor I try to win and as a team we escape half the trials (at least). When I play as a killer I win most of the time (I would say more than 70%). I m not a particular good dbd player but I like to try to win when I play a game.

    If it makes you happy complaining about every existing perk and developer choice :) see you in another post where you attack another in game mechanic. I prefer to support a positive vibe for "both sides".

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    It in unbalanced, and it is strong and meta because it is unbalanced.

    You can't have a perk that punish you for not playing with friends. It is common sense. And the fact that you only need a gen kick for a perk that has no counterplay for like 60% of surv playerbase that does not play on comms is laughable.

    Plus you have to consider that while you can argue that eruption cant stall and win the game for itself, killers have no restriction against how many regressing perks they can stack.

    So the combination of this uncounterable, very strong incapacitating effect perk with the other regressing perks leads to the destruction and punishment soloQ teams.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    real rap

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    Cool. Nerf Eruption then. New killer comes out. It's not particularly strong in chase. Enjoy being camped and tunneled even more all your trials ^^ Hope you guys enjoy the new meta ahah

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    Killers will always camp and tunnel when they need it.

    At least they wont tunnel while proc'ing explosions across the map

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Sorry, but that doesn't make sense. There are things in the game that are imbalanced. The devs are not infallible. Just because it is in the game doesn't mean it is balanced. Players on either side should not have to play a game where the chances of 'winning' are stacked to one side.

    You are not supporting a positive vibe for both sides, you are supporting keeping the status quo despite it needing to be fixed.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    Do so. I have been playing games for 20 years and I have never judged or dramatized for nerfs and DEVELOPERS DECISIONS.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    The perk has little impact on me due to the solo loadouts I use. The biggest hindrance I get from it is the teammates that continually fall victim to it. Worse yet is when they are on the gen with me and ignore my warnings to let go.

    A major factor of its success (just my opinion) is that even after knowing the killer is using it, survivors will still recklessly allow chases to start and just shift w until downed without even attempting to break away.