Eruption is overtuned



  • Jackal7879
    Jackal7879 Member Posts: 121

    the devs can’t just ignore soloq it’s what makes the majority of their game that’s why they are trying to buff soloq to be close to swf because the “core game mechanics” are outdated because remember this was supposed to be a stealth/hide and seek game so soloq needs some QOL improvements and buffs before they make perks that heavily punishes them for just for being soloq

  • Jackal7879
    Jackal7879 Member Posts: 121

    The devs can’t just forget about soloq it’s what makes majority of their player base and remember when the game first came out this game was supposed to be a stealth/hide and seek game so the “core game mechanics” are outdated that’s why they are giving QOL improvements and buffs for soloq

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    It doesn’t matter if you think the core game mechanics are outdated. They are still in the game, and SWFs are still bypassing them.

    And eruption existing doesn’t mean BHVR “forgot about solo q”. It just means the perk was designed to be a surprise, and SWFs are bypassing the intention of the perk.

  • Jackal7879
    Jackal7879 Member Posts: 121

    So then by that logic boon:COH (100%) wasn’t busted because it was supposed to make you heal faster

    MOM that wasn’t op it was supposed to give you a free health state

    DH it was supposed to make you avoid damage and give a dash for distance that was the point of the perk

    So why were killers complaining about all this perks they did what they were supposed to do so why did get nerfed

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    Let’s recap…

    ”A perk shouldn’t get buffed just because it’s easier for SWFs to deal with it”

    Perks getting nerfed have nothing to do with the above statement.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 367

    I was thinking that maybe a solution could be that every time someone gets down, the people working on the generator gets a hard skill check and if they fail, they get incapacitated for 15 seconds, but only the person who fail, if you don’t fail you get nothing, but the regression still there

  • Jackal7879
    Jackal7879 Member Posts: 121

    They point off that post was if you’re up against something that you feel has no counter play that match just leaves a boring bad taste in your mouth like for example old DH MOM COH it feels unfair and bad to go against like old DS and unbreakable for killer eruption COB SH:Pain Res because if the killer has a 3-gen with this perks the game is gonna last forever and there is nothing for the survivors can really do in a swf and most importantly soloq depending on some other variables like the killer or add-on or other perks as mentioned and whichever side had to go through that and won they can’t even be happy about because at that point it feels like a chore then playing a game for fun

  • HagAdamMain
    HagAdamMain Member Posts: 43

    Eruption is strong but it's not overturned, y'all just want every killer perks to be bad and every survivor perk to be overpowered, if your teammates don't go down constantly then Eruption doesn't get much value and it's easily countered by SWF.

    If you just want to gen-rush then open the gate to escape after a 5 minutes match you can just say that, killers need good gen slow-down perks because killer players cannot rush hook states, maybe you should get better at gen-rushing or bring toolboxes, stop crying because it isn't a cakewalk for you.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,297
    edited November 2022

    As far as i understood, the old DH was just a placeholder that was just ment to be a temporary solution. They just "forgot" to change it within a fair time.

    Also the new DH is actually better, but it do require some skill to use, i see a lot of people successfully use this still.

    Regarding Eruption, its fine as it is... Stop trying to nerf anything that blocks the genrushing just a bit, gens are flying really fast as it is.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    The argument shouldn't be

    "Nerf it because it affects solo Q more than swf"

    The argument should be

    "It should be changed because the main way of avoiding it mostly comes from being in a SWF".

    Like I understand the rationalte some people have put forward about not going down, but that's an unrealistic expectation. Nobody plays perfectly. Ever.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    It still means the solution is to buff eruption so it affects SWFs as much as solos.

    The main way of avoiding eruption involves third party software that bypasses core game mechanics. That should never be used as an excuse to nerf a killer perk.

  • I'm a killer main with 90/10 time on killer/survivor. I'm just dropping my opinion in here: yes, Eruption is absolutely overtuned. I believe that quad slowdown in general is a particularly aggravating build to go up against on most killers, and can carry even some terrible killers to victory if they camp a 3 gen against an uncoordinated solo Q, but I also believe that individually, a lot of the gen regression/slowdown perks are entirely fine. To include COB, Overcharge, Pain Res, Jolt, Ruin (this one is actually underpowered imo), Pop, and Oppression. However, Eruption is far too powerful, even on its own, but becomes ridiculously oppressive when combined with some of the above.

    The current optimal gen regression meta has evolved from having passive regression to active regression in the form of kicking gens with Call of Brine/Overcharge and topping it off with Pain Res. This playstyle is fine enough to go up against: Call of Brine/Overcharge can be pressured by tapping the gen, and Pain Res requires a hook. Eruption, however, synergizes far too well with these perks, on top of being very powerful on its own. 25 seconds of slowdown per person hit by the explosion, on top of the 9 seconds per generator kicked, is simply far, far, far too punishing. The cooldown is essentially meaningless as well; by the time you pick up, walk to a hook, hook the person, and get back into position to kick a gen, you're likely at 10-15 seconds left and can afford to wait it out. It's a perk that is far too oppressive on its own, and becomes absolutely busted when combined with other gen reg perks.

    The solution, in my opinion, is to slightly crank up the gen regression portion (12-15%) and either drop the Incapacitated down to something very small (5 seconds at most) or remove it entirely.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 306

    This perk is not the problem. The problem is that solo q needs a buff and swf needs a nerf. I almost always play on solo q and the difference between this and swf is as big as a whale. I have no idea of how to do it though, except for the in-game voice chat.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168
    edited November 2022

    Playing a game with your friends does not bypass core game mechanics

    And It's not an excuse to nerf a perk, the perk itself is just badly designed; the only way you can reliably avoid a crippling penalty is by either sitting around doing nothing until a teammate goes down or playing the game with friends who also happen to be on voice comms

    That's hilariously bad design imo

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,687

    Playing a game with your friends does not bypass core game mechanics. Using voice communications to relay game information to your teammates is bypassing core game mechanics.