Show the killers PING/Connection in pre-game lobby

My first time posting here, but I've got over 2k hours in the game now and I'm surprised this isn't a feature.
Please hear me out, there's a small percentage of games whereby the killer will either be VPN'ing or connecting to a server they shouldn't (for instance, those who live in the middle east have no local server to connect to so they are forced to connect to the Japan node). I'm not proposing "just add more servers"; instead, for the system to show the killers/survivors PING in the pre-game lobby. This is so survivors and killers are able to decide whether they want to play in that game, or not. I've had games where killers/survivors have had an unfair advantage because of their connection (which sometimes isn't even their fault).
I can see that other people have suggested this before, and I totally stand by it:
I've been very impressed by the recent meta changes and balance changes, it's only a small wish but it'd improve my overall player satisfaction and probably a large percentage of the rest of the player bases.
I'd totally be up for discussion/suggestions on this, love to hear your opinion! :)
Since a bad ping can has advantages wouldn't that mean that people from the middle east who has no other chance get dodged 99% of the time
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Depends on if the person matched against that player cares enough to stay, or not.
Later down the line though, we would hope BHVR will add a node in that region.
For players that don't want an unfair game, I do believe it should be a matter of choice, especially as we're able to see the killers ping in the game...
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Yes no one wants an unfair game where the killer can hit you from 10miles away so I would say no one would go into a game seeing such a ping. We can have that if bhvr provides server for every one cause middle east people could then just stop playing cause they would never get a game