Should Dbd Allow Bot Mode For Blood Points ,Shards, And Rift Fragments?

I think by allowing blood points, Shards, and Rift Fragments be in earn in a new mode can be super helpful. I say that because it can help lead to less stressful games especially against toxic players. It also helps with some players who just want to farm points. It also makes it a another play mode for those who just want to play chilled and have fun.
Should Dbd Allow Bot Mode For Blood Points ,Shards, And Rift Fragments? 20 votes
Yes on all 3
i'd say yes on all 3, but unless they'd have bot matches with difficulty that actually outmatch players and stay unpredictable, which is about as likely as every feature in dbd being balanced, it'd have to be reduced rewards like 75% or 50% the normal rewards
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I agree Dbd does definitely has it’s moments. Since sometimes the balancing can be crazy. I like your idea of getting smaller rewards in bots and bigger reward in live matches. I think that by doing that it encourages those on what type of rewards they want from each game mode. While also giving option on what type of difficulty they want to play in as well.
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No on all 3
As much i would want for it to be the case, there would be no gain for BHVR to allow players to earn playing against bots