The pipping system needs reworked

Hello BHVR, I am writing this because I believe that you guys should take a look into reworking the pipping system. Currently, myself and my friends find it harder and harder to pip. I find that if I do not play an absolutely perfect game, I barely single pip. I feel like I have to camp and tunnel every match to try and pip, but if I do that, I don't pip. If a person DCs or kills themselves on hook, everyone else gets punished. I dont want to feel like I have to play a match in a certain way that I find unfun to pip. I dont know what you guys could do, I am not an expert and have no idea about any of the system, I just wanted you guys to know how it has been lately. Thank you guys!


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    I mean they honestly don't care too much about the Emblem System... if they did then that would've been better

    But for Killer...

    Gatekeeper- Gen times matter... so if the Survivors finish a Gen early in the match you lose points

    Deviousness- Use of Killer's power... if you use it a lot then you get points and vice versa

    Hunter- Finding and chasing Survivors...

    Brutality- Injuring and hooking Survivors... plus destroying Pallets and Breakable Walls... Plus Kicking Gens (I think)

    And for Survivor... it's pretty much the opposite but...

    Repairing Gens, Saving and Healing other Survivors, Healing yourself and escaping, Chases (and losing the Killer during the chase) and Totems all matter in the grand scheme of things

    Fixing those will take time but getting it right will help... And each have there own issues

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Yes I know this. I understand how the emblem system works. But if I as a survivor get tunneled out or camped or my team does so well the killer gets no hooks, why are we getting punished for that. And as killer if I end the game quickly because the survivors mess up why am I getting punished for that.

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333
  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    While I agree that if you get hard camped there should be a condition that leads to a safety pip.

    As to your other 2 questions we have to look at the game from the perspective of fun. What makes a fun match for all players?

    Your first example of the survivors dominating the killer, well obviously it isnt gonna be a fun match for the killer, and situationally under the right circumstances it can be fun for the survivors. But more often than not it really isnt, if the killer gets run by 1 person for 5 gens 1 player probably had fun, but i would argue without downs or hooks the match is generally going to be pretty unfufilling.

    The same applies to the killer side, if you completely dominate and down all 4 survivors and 1 hook all of them dead at 4 or 5 gens left, who had fun in that match? The survivors obviously wont have had fun, and again the victory for the killer i would argue again is gonna be fairly unfufilling and probably not all that fun.

    Now there is a bigger problem in the games awful matchmaking that creates alot of these issues, however the pip system works in a way that allows the players to recognize that matchmaking made a mistake and if they so choose decide to play in a way to create a more balanced and fun match, most people don't but if you want to pip sometimes you have to.

    So as an example I as killer get matched up with a bunch of potato survivors, as I realize this I will play a more fair 12 hook style game, whereas if i am against players around my skill I will play a little more sweaty and competitive, and if I realize I am completely outmatched and the survivors dont realize or care about the fun level of the game, I AFK at the gate wait for them to finish the last couple gens and open the door for them to leave and refuse to interact with them at all.

    I use the same logic when I am the survivor, if I realize they are a noob/unskilled killer i will usually try to throw them a hook state before the gens get done, if the matchmaking made a competitive match I really dont have to do anything special, and if the matchmaking really messed up and my teammates are potatoes or the killer is way above my skill level and doesnt care/ realize and wants to end the game at 5 gens in under 5 mins I do my part to get out of an unwinnable scenario and help them with their goal.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    OK that is fine and all but whenever I got 4 iridescent emblems as survivor and depipped, thats an issue. I understand the mechanics of how it works. I understand how the whole game works. Im just trying to point out a flaw. To barely even safety pip I have to play in a play style that I hate. It encourages bad team work. I, as a soloqueue survivor am faced with be nice and going back to help my team or escape and leave them to die. And the pipping system rewards people for being scumbags. If Im going for pips I would never go back for the save because I get ######### out of my pips. I have been Iri 2 for just over a week and in that time, I have pipped once. Im doing literally everything I physically can to ensure my pips. I cant do it in a SWF because the system rewards long games not optimal games which I think is backwards because me and my play really well together and we get punished for playing effeciently. I literally can not win in this situation. I always get the short end of the stick no matter what way you swing it. For a ranking system that only determines how much you play in a month, it sure is hard as ######### to hit iri 1.

  • Blink0925
    Blink0925 Member Posts: 49

    Because I have to. I literally have to otherwise I dont pip

  • Lastchild
    Lastchild Member Posts: 333

    I rephrase my question:

     What drives you to play under stress when you can play without any stress?

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 271

    Its pretty fine as it is. They just need to reduce the requirements to pip and remove . They had increased it when rank was tied to matchmaking but didn't revert it when they changed to mmr and added bp rewards. De-pipping is a terrible thing with the monthly reset anyway. Just locks more casual players out of rewards.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Remove depips, that's all

    Then you can naturally get pipped up just by playing the game

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    Thank you for bringing this up. Over the last few months, I have found it painfully difficult to pip up past Gold IV when I could usually reach Gold I or even Iri I.

    I'm not better than average, but I play regularly and find the recent de-pipping for a decent and fun game (for both sides) demoralizing.

    Re-working pip system to reward time in game, not just acutely situational accomplishments, is top of my request list for DbD.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I think your idea is a simple change that would basically fix everything that is wrong with the pip system. I can take it if the Entity decides "no pips for you!" on a game that I did pretty good in, but it is just a kick in the teeth to get a -1 pip for a good, fair, and fun game played.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Agree, and mabye less people would complain about instakill myers too

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Have to disagree here, if you completely remove depips things will definitely get worse, we already have an epidemic of people getting hooked once and suiciding on hook, how much worse would it be if you get rid of the only penalty for it?

    I think the best answer is adjusting the way the safety pip works

    If there is a dc, regardless of the rest of the match everyone should minimum saftey pip except the dc person

    If the killer hard tunnels 1 person, safety pip everyone

    If someone suicides on hook, minimum safety pip everyone but that person

    There are plenty of other situations as well you could account for but im sure you get my meaning.

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    I don't think I understand exactly how complex the pip system is. I just thought it gave you pip(s) if you did some stuff and took one away (de-pip) for not doing enough stuff. I just find de-pipping frustrating and I don't do any of the toxic stuff you mentioned here. So in that case, you are probably right.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    This link explains it in pretty excruciating detail

    Its kind of a sliding scale as you rank up through the season the requirements to pip get harder, if the depip level was set at the silver requirement all the way up it wouldnt be as bad, and still would activate on people who dc and suicide on hook early and stuff.

    No one complains about depips in silver its really only in iridescent that its usually a problem.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    I would remove -1 pips, and i think this would do the trick.

  • MakeThemScream
    MakeThemScream Member Posts: 74

    I also think the de-pipping should be removed. It is not fair right now to get -1 pip because you got hard tunneled out of the game. And I can also understand the killer perspective, I get 0 pips all the time altough I really tried and got many hooks and even 2 or 3 kills.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    I'm pretty sure people that DC or suicide on hook hardly care about their pips or don't have any anyways

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    While you are probably mostly right, they still dont deserve to be rewarded the same as people actually playing the game.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    They aren't being rewarded though lol

    I'm just saying how it would hardly matter anyway and some people might actually get falsely identified as having letting themselves die thanks to a tunneling killer or bad teammates

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Look at it this way, your climbing and trying to pip your way to iridescent 1, and you get hooked and see that your teammates are potatoes, many people are still gonna play and try to at least safety pip. If you remove the depip entirely there is no penalty in just hook suiciding every match until you get a start you like.

    If instead you lower the safety pip requirement to as asn example the silver rank level, there is still a decent chance that someone who gets hooked once and lets go immediately will depip but even against a tunneling killer or with bad teammates a safety pip isnt that hard to get.

    No one ever complains about depips when they are in silver, only when it gets harder to pip in gold or iridescent.

    Removing the depip would just amplify the issue of hook suicides, just like removing the dc penalty always leads to more dc's.

    That is why a lower requirement to safety pip is better than removing the depip

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Hmm yeah I suppose you got a point,at the very least the safety pip has to be drastically lowered and possibly the 1 pip as well

  • MadEyePopo
    MadEyePopo Member Posts: 138

    No one complains about depips in silver? Man, I am struggling with that right now. These de-pips suck and I am not one to face camp (maybe a rare proxy camp) or tunnel (at least not intentionally).