So no blog post about upcoming changes from PTB? (Forged in Fog)

It's been more than two weeks and in less than a week the Chapter update is coming. Usualy around this time we are getting the update on what's changing from the PTB test. Knight needs some changes and not just bug fixing his guards.
Doesn't that typically appear on the monday before?
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I thought they stopped doing that. They didn't do that for the last chapter did they?
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Since I'm not on Steam I cannot see the PTB. I guess they will release info when they are confident with changes to be released. I am excited to see new Knight show up in main release soon and love to see updates on how the PTB is going. It has been pretty silent lately, though.
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They did one before Wesker’s release.
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Looking at the list of Developer's Updates it looks like they said the October Update would be the last Developer Update of the year, I didn't remember that when it was released.