0.4s Blind save buffer? For what reason?

BHVR announced that the 0.25s blind save buffer was going to be buffed to 0.4s.
BHVR also admitted that the 0.25s blind save buffer on the PTB was fully bugged, allowing Survivors to save by getting a blind during any part of the animation.
This therefore means any of the data from the PTB is null and void, completely useless and we have no frame of reference for the blind buffer being too strong/too weak.
Why on earth is it being nearly doubled when they've admitted they have no data to support it needing a buff?
Because survibabies are crying about killer's being op :). Standard.
In all honesty, I don't understand why there should be ANY buffer for it at all, but let's see. Survibabies will go for more flashlight saves and be even less on gens, so I see this as an absolute win.
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"The PTB found a change that was untestable due to a bug, but our testing has turned up the optimum change." We will use that number in this implementation."
Yeah, I was wondering if the PTB is really pointless on this.
I believe that some of the changes regarding the knight are a proper response to the feedback from the PTB, but I'm just waiting for the tweaks after this implementation.
Having said that, I would like to see the PTB split the period into two so that the appropriate data can be fed back. We all know that a bug-free DbD is not even possible with PTB.
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You do realise that after nerfing the flashlight, which is the worst item in the game (although the funniest), they had to buff it to make it more on par with other items?
It's already way too easy to avoid flashlight saves as killer anyway.
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If you read it to the end, you would see they changed it from client to server validation - meaning it's not buff or nerf. It's neutral change moved to server for the sole reason to be more visually fair to both sides.
Oh so survivors removed 2/3 of pallets from all maps, made a lot of loops harder to use (like shack now has only 1 window), removed perma sabotages of hooks or trapper traps, increased gen times from 60s to 90s, nerfed BNP, nerfed instaheals, shortened on hit cd, shorter sprint after hit, shorter pallet breaking, nerfed hatch, ....
All this because it's survivors who non-stop cry on this forum and it's never killers. Wake up already. Survivors were nerfed so many times, that Q waiting times swapped even if incentives are 99% of time on survivor's side - because killer's managed to somehow illogically convince devs 60% kill rate is in some dimension fair play
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If gen times were 60s, faster survivor vault speeds/slower killer vault speeds, perma sabos were still a thing, the absurdly strong loops like two-window shack, instaheals, and 100%-completion BNPs were still in the game, it'd be deader than Elvis. If you think that's just "killlers crying", you're delusional enough to be a US senator.
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Nearly doubled the blind buffer. Absolutely ridiculous.
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Incidentally killer queues are back to where they were before that terrible no good bad patch. 50-100% killer incentive after 8pm. That's pretty dire if you consider how heavily weighted the incentive is toward survivor, seeing as how they need 1 killer for every 4 survivors.
Fact of the matter is, that stuff needed to be changed. Killer was an actively hostile experience and still is to a lesser degree nowadays. Twenty minute queues on the most popular role(survivor) is a good way to kill your game real quick. They needed to be reigned in.
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We are going the opposite direction right now. Soon there will be only SWF and literal masochists that play survivor.
When I play killer, it's at most 2 lost game in a row. I know that 3rd one will be 3-4k. If I play survivor and loose 5 games in a row, then that means nothing.
Also killers cry about all the unfair stuff nonstop to the point that devs think 60% kill rate is actually fair AND the guy that I respond to has the audacity to say survivors are the players that make the inpact on devs decisions? We have still bubba hook camping for literal years now, but we got rid of all the things I mentioned above (most recent change coming up are locker save immunity - something that influenced 1% of players like 1x in a month. On the other hand I have facecamping bubba every week).
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It sounds less like you want a fair game and more like you're whining about things being removed that were used to bully killers; if chain locker saves were such a minimal problem, why are you complaining about it being lost?
I will absolutely and unhesitantly agree camping Bubba's a problem though. That ######### is just boring to play, as or against.
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You missed the point AGAIN. I am complaining about killer mains that say survivors are able to remove unfun stuff from the game, when clearly it's the other way around. And I gave you quite a number of examples, where killer's (understandanle) request is granted, yet facecamping is legitimate tactics that can very easily net you 2+ kills for literal years now.
Also the game is no longer balanced, because killer's - contrary to what @Ssajbambusa said do have devs ears and survivors get their request granted only very occasionally (but thanks for basekit BT).
If killers did not have devs ears all the time, then target killrate would be fair 50% instead of unfair 60% and rare killer's game breaking issues would not be such a priority over standard, widespread issues survivors have.
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What's this unwarranted victim complex do for you, exactly? Pretending like the devs care about "sides" without seeing the game as a whole is demonstrably false.
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I'm going to blind you
Ready or not here I come
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I don't mind this change for two reasons
1) Flashlights are the weakest items in the game and Medkits are undoubtedly the strongest, some medkit combos are straight up overpowered. By making improvements to close the gap at the bottom, it provides room for them to address the other items and their synergy next at the top
2) Good players already have dozens/hundreds of flashlight plays under their belt, this changes nothing for those players or Killers that know how to play around it while buffing the less-skilled players. I don't mind this because if they still struggle to get value out of a beamer now it can be 10000% attributed to skill issue and they now have 0 room to complain
It pains my heart to see other Survivors have such a strong victim complex to the point where they lose touch with reality. Outside of SoloQ RNG and very specific Killer addons Survivor is fine and mostly the same as before. Good players have not had any trouble getting their highlights or win streaks after 6.1 especially not in SWFs (Objectively the easiest role in the game). Those changes you listed about shack window, BNPs, Syringes, Infinites, etc. were all necessary to prevent the game from dying, not random illogical buffs to Killer that BHVR tossed away for free to soothe an angry mob
Complaining about any of those changes during 2016-2018 (Out of alllll the controversial changes that have ever been made for both sides) and using them for whataboutism is the equivalent of a trillionaire crying about people that make under a million getting free daily coffee, an extra 10,000 on tax returns and an extra yearly vacation. There's a lot of advantages both Survivors and Killers have in different aspects, and the fact that you specifically referenced an era of DBD where Survivor was the clear power role with 20 different advantages and that still wasn't enough to satisfy you says a lot. How many advantages do you need? The game was very clearly Survivor sided across all levels, apparently some of you prefer that version of the game because you're incredibly biased and lack top% Killer experience
Seriously...you poor soul. You can no longer stand in front of double shack windows and spam vault back and forth with one finger on the the keyboard as the turtle-speed Trapper spends 15 minutes trying to catch you, you can no longer tap a button and delete a gen for simply bringing an addon and you now have 10 less seconds to eat your gummy worms while you're on a gen. It must be torture playing on Garden of Joy, Haddonfield, Eyrie of Crows, Springwood, Coldwind Farm, Red Forest, Ormond, half of Macmilan/Azarovs and having to hold M1 for a few extra seconds that you don't even notice because most of the maps are so big. You actually have to be decent at the game now, what a tragedy
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Survivor is fine and mostly the same as before.
I just showed you that's not the case. Survivor was OP. Now survivor suffers.
For the changes - I mostly agree. Those things were broken. They needed to go. So should have gone camping and tunneling and nurse in current state, bubba being able to "play" like he plays, wesker being able to tunnel as easily as he can, killers having 1000 different slowdowns and survivors needing to be very good to break 3gen if killer just camps it. Killers winning the game by having internet from mc donalds (the worse ping you have, the easier game you get and it does not matter that survivor is 5m away from that window - you will get that hit anyway).
All I am saying is that survivor was OP. There was real need to remove all the unfair things that had to go. But both sides should have had their problems fixed. Instead of this all I see is addressing killer "problems" to the point that I am not willing to touch soloQ with a long pole. That is absolutely not OK. SWF is also not such a power role as you make it to be. If you pick A+ tier killer, you don't even need good addons to have easy games. Out of 10 games I played today as killer, I won (4K or 3K) 7 of them without strong addons or anything. Just last game was gas heaven (I was told survivor sided map - what a joke) where I ended the game at 4 gens left.
And as for maps - maybe you did not notice 3gen in the open (part of map that has only filler pallets) on haddonfield that survivors can't ignore. It's your fault for chasing in houses if you have any problem with the map. Crows map recently lost like 5 pallets. In 3 days you can start the map with bots and go count it yourself. Front side lost almost all the "filler pallets" (they were actually very strong) between those large blocks. The map is no longer survivor sided. It's large sure, but it lacks resources for easy chaining like it used to have. Coldwind farm has rotten fields and ormond is one of the best map for killers like meyers and nurse (or anybody else that needs to see a lot). McMillans and azarovs all got nerfed heavily by those outright garbage new "tiles" - also McMillan contains one of the most killer sided maps in the game - shelter woods. So the trend is clear - nerf everything killer mains complain about.
also you conveniently miss out on maps like midwitch, saloon, lery's, nerfed RPD with another nasty almost guaranteed 3gen (on both sides) and pale rose. But sure. Devs will also not touch those maps, because they see it the way you see it.
Lets keep it easy for killers from now on till the game starts dying again. It does not matter that they are already winning in 61% in higher elo. That does not matter that Q times clearly indicate there's a problem somewhere out there. Let's nerf survivors even more. Because of posts like @Ssajbambusa are the only things devs will listen. And people like you are doubling down on it.
But I changed the way to play it. From now on I will be part of the problem. So I will be playing only killer or in SWF. Solo has too many issues now
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Would you rather have 4 medkits in a lobby or 4 flashlights?