Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Eruption would be fair if there was some way for soloQ to counter it

Member Posts: 148
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know this topic has already been discussed in other posts, but I want to address this discussion again so that it becomes increasingly clear to devs that this perk is unbalanced and that no mechanic should have a counterplay exclusively available for SWF. If they nerfed Wraith, Stridor, Balanced Landing, Blast Mine and so many other things for a lot less complaints, I'm hoping they can send this perk back to hell.

My suggestions are:

1 – Incapacitated status occurs 5 sec after a survivor is hooked

2 – Effects (explosion and incapacitated status) occur 1 sec after a survivor is downed

3 – In the moment the survivor falls, a hard skill check is triggered and if the repairing survivors miss, they will be incapacitated

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  • Member Posts: 2,065

    I'm inclined towards #2 myself. It gives roughly the same warning you might have to avoid, say, Pain Resonance. I feel a 5 second window would be too big/easily avoidable. Meanwhile a skill check to prevent incapacitation might work against the gen actually erupting.

  • Member Posts: 8,601

    I'd rather see the incapacitated status go away entirely. It's just not good gameplay to put players in timeout. We already have enough of that with the hook mechanic.

    Eruption could still proc on multiple gens for the 10% regression. Nobody is running Eruption on its own anyway after 651 MMR. It still has synergy with other gen kick perks if Incapacitated goes away.

    I feel like BHVR'S huge issue is that they balance perks like Eruption as if players have a single character and 3 perks unlocked, when in reality there are hundreds of perks and players can select 4.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    In order for the perk to work, the killer needs to perform two actions: reach the generator, hit it and catch the survivor. It takes much more time than 25 seconds. No one balances perks for solos or groups, perks are what they are. Some have more influence on solo gameplay, some have more influence on swf.

    From both sides of the game, I can see that the park can be depressing only if the survivors go down every minute or repair the generators very badly. On killers, it can be useless the whole game without a single use, simply because you have to spend all the time in the game catching a survivors. Yes, those 5 minute games on endless maps, love it. In case all the survivors are good at the chase, of course. And please stop crying about solo already. Solo, as a game mode, is totally fine, this is how the game was originally conceived. Your skill and/or your teammates are most often not.

  • Member Posts: 148

    It is not difficult to reach the generator for a considerable part of the killers who have mobility/teleportation powers. No perks or killer powers should exist with exclusive counterplay for SWF. It's one thing to be less effective against SWF and stronger against solo, like stealth killers. It's another thing entirely to be counterplay only if you are in SWF. What brings me hope is that the arguments that try to validate this perk are as ridiculous and disgusting as the arguments that defended the old DH (sToP tO cRy, juSt PlAy BeTTer), so the nerf of this crap will come, sooner or later it will go back to hell.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I would say that the skillcheck would be good... but then it would work like Oppression and Overcharge

    On the other hand how about 5 seconds after a Survivor is downed instead of Hooked... gives time to avoid and get back on the Gen before the Killer can react (depending on where that Survivor went down)

    Or increase the Cooldown on Eruption seems that the effect is good (better the Oppression at this point)

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    The game was also designed with 2 windows in shack, permanent sabotages of hooks, trappers traps could be sabotaged, speed boost after hit was longer, killer cooldown after hit longer, more pallets, darker maps, hatch could be opened with all 4 people alive and everyone could leave with it .... The game changed very much for killer's benefit over the years. If the game was to be played the same way as it was designed, you would 100% not be happy about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    The skill check idea sounds cool, but it would lead to random results for the killer, so maybe not

    Having the effect prop on hooks instead of downs would be fine, it would be kinda like pain res, in my opinion you dont even need the delay. Just be prepared for the hooking animation.

    Another is to just remove incapacitated entirety. Its a terrible status condition, imagine if survivors had a perk that makes killers unable to use their power for 25 seconds everytime a gen is done. Its terrible and should go away from perks and add-ons. Be reserved only for powers like it was originally added.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I am so sick to death of this perk, it makes solo queue miserable and when it is stacked with other gen control perks it creates scenarios where solo teams default lose the match entirely because of perks.

    I used to feel that Pain Resonance may become an issue as it has no cooldown but that perk has at least some counter but solos just cannot do anything about it.

  • Member Posts: 317

    What’s broke is swf telling teammates from across the map there about to go down.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I also like the Skillcheck idea... Or just applying the Incapacitated Status effect onto the Gen itself... Like no Survivors can work on Gens the Eruption has hit... that way the Survivors can still Heal, Cleanse/ Bless Totems, Get chased

    It's called Gen Rush.... there you happy

    There's 4 Survivors to 1 Killer so of course Killer's got to have something extra

    This is a asym game... why are you asking for symmetric stuff

  • Member Posts: 276

    Empathy/Bond. Rotating gens when the killers hits someone after kicking your generator.

    + no one forces you to play alone and not communicate -> you shouldnt force the meta to change around a very unoptimized survivors setup

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    i am not asking for symmetry, i am asking for fun.

    Incapacitated is not fun. Its a dont play the game button for 25 seconds.

    If you want it just make it block the gen, basically deadlock on downs. I dont know, i have seen so many suggestions, ideas. But the perk doesn't get changed and any suggestion, even if buffs the perk in many ways, just gets called a nerf to killers and whiner

  • Member Posts: 489

    I'm sorry but I can't agree with this, and this doesn't account for 3 gens.

    Empathy can work better than people expect. but rotating gens is not good counterplay. Better to just tank Eruption at that point.

  • Member Posts: 489

    Eruption's value comes from Incapitation. Even 1 second is too easy to counter.

    I'm sorry, but it's obvious that this community views DBD as a 1v1 game and don't like the team getting punished for their teammate's failures, despite this being a team game.

    Contrary to what people think, Empathy semi-counters Eruption if you watch Survivor auras. You can actually tell when someone is getting chased AND when someone is going to go down based off of movement.

    Eruption definitely needs to be nerfed in 3 gen scenarios and buffed so SWF can't just shut it down easily though. it should definitely be changed if it can't be buffed to punish SWF as well.

  • Member Posts: 496

    Why there should be a way to counter it in a first place? Does every thing survivor could bring as a perk have counter?

  • Member Posts: 3,250

    The most problematic is the 25 seconds of time when nothing can be done. For Solo.

    I think 10 seconds is a safe nerf.

    I also like the idea of 3. But even in that case the incapability time should be nerfed to 15 seconds.

    I don't like ideas 1. and 2. due to the fact that SWF already has voice chat to counter Eruption. Because that would mean that no incompetence would occur. As long as it is a decent survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    Increasing the regression will make it better vs swf while lowering the incapacitated seconds so it more fair for solo.

    siDe n0tE......just because a perk can counter something doesn't mean it's viable

    ●no I'm not gonna run a useless shatter hope just to deal with a COH you may not even have.

    ●NOT gonna waste a perk slot on bond just so it can MAYBE (jUsT maYbE) help a bit with predicting eruption going off.

    ●I'm not gonna run around the damn map looking for every dull totem so noed don't activate.

    ● last Franklin demise Although a decent perk! I'm not gonna mess up my synergize build because the lobby got three medkits.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    Revert gen times yo original 60s (yes it used to be 60 once) and you can keep your unbalanced uncounterable and super strong perk. DH got nerfed because there was no counter for using it for distance. Eruption does decent regress + insane timeout on survivors. If 1 perk (behind paywall - making it p2w btw) gives disproportionally more value without any counter (for main way how this game is played) to the point that it wins you the game you had no agency to win otherwise, then this sounds like the perk is very badly designed

  • Member Posts: 148

    Empathy and bond dont say nothing about when a survivor will be downed. Nobody should be forced to play in SWF to counteract perks, by the way, the game was not even designed to play in communication.

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited November 2022

    Plus the whole point of this thread is to offer a way for solo queue to be able to cope with the perk.

    That's why I favor idea 2 with the small window between down and explosion. It changes nothing about SWFs' ability to counter the perk while offering an alert solo queuer a chance to react.

    Honestly? Kinda, yeah.

    Not everything needs a hard 1:1 counter like Shattered Hope vs Boons, but a major element of this game is figuring out what your opponent(s) have and adjusting tactics accordingly. Knowing what perks the opposition has should also afford you some means to respond to, if not counter it.

    That's a big part of what got Dead Hard changed, there was no way for a Killer to respond to a Dead Hard For Distance besides hope they screw it up. Its current form offers a degree of move/countermove. A Survivor guesses a hit is coming, or rigs a situation to prompt the hit on their terms, and uses Dead Hard. The killer takes the shot or doesn't.

    You see a Killer has Starstruck, you know it's risky to be close during a pickup. You can't do much to counter the perk, but knowing it's there at all gives you a way to respond to it.

    Likewise Jolt, you realize the Killer has it then you may want to take chases away from where gens are being worked on.

    You see Survivors going out of their way to gain height or aim for a window, you know they likely have Balanced Landing/Lithe and can plan accordingly. You can go for hits you might hesitate on because of Dead Hard, for example.

    A Survivor gets you with Deception you know to be more careful of potential locker plays.

    Eruption doesn't really offer a way to do this sort of thing. Your only warning is if you know the Killer kicked a gen, but knowing the perk is there does nothing to allow you to respond to it. Solo queuers in particular have no way to reliably know when a teammate is about to go down.

    The main issue I've seen people remark on is the Incapacitated effect and/or its length. If that stays, the Incapacitated should probably be shorter. If it's kept there should be some means to allow a survivor to potentially dodge it and provide John Q Survivor some way to respond to it.

    Post edited by Zeidoktor on
  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2022

    I like the idea of the skillcheck that if missed gives incapacitated... at least if you get the status it's on you.

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