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Why should Eruption be nerfed?

Genuine question. I use it myself so maybe I'm biased, but I'm pretty off and on with this game, so when I came back and saw that a lot of people were complaining about Eruption, I was wondering why. The only argument I seem to come across is that solo queue players can't counter it, and I personally feel like that's a pretty weak argument, so I want to see if anyone has arguments other than that.

Granted, the incapacitation time could be reduced down to like 15 seconds or so if the regression is slightly buffed, I'm not totally against the idea of a nerf. But, you'd probably spend about as much time or more kicking the gens, chasing a survivor, downing them, and then bringing them to a hook, as a survivor would spend incapacitated if they happen to be working on one of those specific gens the moment you down a survivor, so I feel like that's a pretty fair tradeoff. The only time I see it being insanely strong is if there is a 3 gen since there's practically nothing you can do at that point, but you won't always be in a 3 gen scenario.

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  • Member Posts: 3,250

    What is needed to combat the SWF can be hard for solocues.

    (Although I still think Ruin was not a problem because it could be disabled by simply breaking a bone.)

    However, I think it is quite difficult to solo against Eruption.

  • Member Posts: 309

    The difference is as surv, especially solo q, it feels super bad to be just standing around being forced to do absolutely nothing. You cant even heal the guy next to you or run off to do another gen. At least the things you mentioned with killer, you are actually doing something productive.

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited November 2022

    Eruption should be changed to hit solo and SWF equally. As is now it punishes solo extra hard but is really weak against SWF groups.

    Personally would like to see incap replaced with entity blockers on every kicked gen, balance from there if necessary.

  • Member Posts: 38

    To be fair, I only opened that thread because I'm new, don't understand the game very well, and was seeking answers. The AoE thing I suggested half way through was a spitball idea based on incorrect perception.

  • Member Posts: 4,155
    edited November 2022

    If people honestly cared about making the perk affect solo q and SWFs equally, then it makes sense to buff the perk to an AoE incapacitate, or make it incapacitate anyone that repaired an affected generator in the last X seconds. This would make the perk the same experience for solo q, and would only affect SWFs using voice communications.

    The problem is people say “eruption should affect solo q and SWFs equally”, but they are really just using solo q as an excuse to get the perk nerfed. This is the reason why the only acceptable solutions for them involving nerfing eruption.

    TD;LR if someone actually cared about making the perk affect solo q and SWFs equally, then they would also be open to ideas where the perk is buffed against SWF but kept the same against solo. But if someone only wants ideas where eruption is nerfed, then they are using solo q as an excuse, and don’t actually care about the solo q / SWF balance.

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2022

    The main problem is that a survivor Incapacitated could just go afk for the duration. Besides, the possible reward for just kicking a gen is incredible (someone made the math and it was close to 45s)

  • Member Posts: 828

    Because that perk does way too many things,,,remove incapacitation effect completely or make it work once per gen like tinky tinky and it becomes much more tolerable,,,

  • Member Posts: 858

    On killers with high mobility it's been slightly problematic, mostly on outdoor maps. But I've never had any other killer feel like they're denying escapes because they used eruption in combination with something else - maybe plague with prayer tablet and overcharge.

    When I go against it, I just tap the repair button like people used to do with original ruin. It doesn't guarantee avoiding it, but at least provides an opportunity for it to miss you. Also, prove thyself combined with cooperative repairs usually prevents it from becoming annoying.

    I still find CoH more annoying when playing killer than I find eruption when playing survivor.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    It's extremely oppressive vs Solo while it barely does anything vs SWF.

    Swf can call out when they go down, solo cannot and being useless for 25 seconds isn't particularly fun either.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    My suggestions are designed to specifically nerf the extra advantages SWFs get when they use voice communications to relay game information. This is an important distinction. This isn't designed to be a nerf to SWFs themselves, and it isn't designed to be a nerf to solo q survivors. It's only designed to affect the survivors that are trying to avoid the perk by using voice communications.

    The healthiest way to bridge the gap between solo q and SWFs is by specifically nerfing the extra advantages SWFs get when they use voice communications to relay game information. This way you aren't nerfing SWFs themselves, because we all know that some SWFs don't use voice communications at all, and some SWFs aren't using voice communications to gain extra game advantages. We don't want to punish survivors for playing with their friends, but it's completely fine to try to reduce the extra game advantages of voice communications.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Here is an idea: introduce a new item, the desinfectant. You can poor it over a gen that you suspect to be harboring an Overcharge or Eruption. This will of course be your item for the match and will take 3-5s, but afterwards you can freely use the gen without fear of getting incapacitated midway. We could probably find a couple more kick perks that could be disabled with it. Maybe Merciless Storm? Or preventing a DMS to throw you off for 25s after its applied?

    This gives you counterplay when you know that Eruption is in the game, it is limited, because its an item, and you won't be sporting a toolbox or medkit, so its a choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    Because most soloQ survivors aren't smart enough to release the gen and predict the down.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    How is solo que not being able to counter it, a weak argument? Thats majority of the playerbase. Its not healthy for the game when solo players can't do anything about it. Its that simple.

    Maps aren't just straight lines, they're boxes filled with bushes, walls, buildings & floor levels that all make it nearly impossible to see when a teammate is about to go down. You're useless once it activates on you, for 25 seconds. You're just dead weight. Dead weight and a person just got hooked. Guess where the killer's coming next? Yup! Right back to the gen he knows you were working on, just to set up another Eruption...which is already off CD and can be used again (combo that with Pain Res and CoB). Its extremely oppressive and we have no answers for it and the people who do try to defend the perk are just unrealistic and clearly biased.

    Reminds me of when I asked Tru3 what a solo player should do to counter it and he seriously said 'just don't go down', lol.

  • I think its biggest issue is less the strength and more the delivery. 25 seconds of incap is EXTREMELY annoying especially in solo queue for when there's little to no tell when a survivor is ever going to go down and cause Eruption to pop. I agree with the take that the regression should be increased but the incap duration should be decreased, greatly so.

  • Member Posts: 69

    It honestly doesn’t need a nerf.. it take a .25 seconds of touching a gen to counter it. If a killer gets more then one gen to pop then it’s 100% lack of play from the survivors.

    balance wise it’s not even in the top for perks for gen regression honestly. There is far better perks with better benefits over this perk. Still a solid perk, very strong when it becomes under 3 players though and that maybe when you see it shine.

  • Member Posts: 10,286
    edited November 2022
  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Eruption is literally the only perk that matters. Call Of Brine/Overcharge can be negated by gen tap.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Because it gives killers worthwhile slowdown from getting downs, which we can't have.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    And what does it do to SoloQ players which are the 60% of the entire survivor playerbase?

  • Member Posts: 995
  • Member Posts: 1,188

    I wouldn't go as far to say they shouldn't have the perk, lol.

    But it definitely needs a looking at. IDK how it got the OK from BHVR and went live. Horrible design.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    They must be truly overjoyed of being left 25sec semi-AFK for a perk made exclusively to screw with them

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Obviously, i dont want to remove the perk entirely. But they need either to tone down the effect or make it so that soloQ has some way to deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 173

    Eruption and Reassurance should both be removed/nerfed. They completely ruin the games balance and don't require any sort of skill whatsoever. I understand that you want a pay to win type of perk like old ds and stuff. But it isn't working, make good cosmetics and we can buy those instead.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    That's all y'all have. Y'all are just gonna hide behind, "Solo is weak" forever.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    When it comes to broken stuff, it takes one to know one, and so no, I haven't once felt that when I was playing killer, "Hmm, this thing I'm using is definitely broken." It hasn't happened yet. And it won't, Y'all have seen to that.

  • Member Posts: 1,411

    I think Eruption on itself is fine. It just shouldn't synergise with other perks, or at least, if you can combine it with other gen regression perks, lower their efficiency. The more gen reg perks you have the less effective they should become together, that might be a solution?

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    You’re right that there isn’t a need for it to affect SWFs and solo q differently. That is why it would be a good idea to make it an AoE incapacitate, or have it incapacitate anyone that repaired an affected generator in the last X seconds, so SWFs can’t bypass it so easily.

    This fixes your problem, and keeps the perk the same for solo q. We solved both problems at the same time!

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    Too many people think everything needs a guaranteed counter. Eruption requires a lot to get it to work. First, it has to be off cooldown, next the killer has to take the time to kick the gen, and finally the killer has to get a down before the gen is finished and only applies the incapacitated effect if there happens to be a survivor on the gen exactly when it happens.

    Eruption is yet another example of something survivors could easily counter by running an information perk like bond or an off-meta perk like repressed alliance but they refuse to do so in favor of stacking the same boring meta 2nd chance perks then come to the forums crying to the devs to change the game for them.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    If you want to be completely unavoidable, or tone down the incapacitation effect, change it entirely or increase the cooldown.

    It is laughable that eruption has a 30sec cooldown while applying a 25sec incapacitation.

  • Member Posts: 4,155
    edited November 2022

    You said your complaint was that it affects solo q and SWF differently, and I made a suggestion that fixes that. If you only want suggestions that involve the perk getting nerfed, it means you are just using solo q as an excuse, and you really don’t care if it affects SWFs equally.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Doesn't matter how many times you suggest it, it will always be a very bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    First of all, as i said before a 30 sec cooldown to a 25sec incapacitation is laughable.

    Next, many fast killers make the 'time' to kick really short. Blights, wraiths, weskers, can all apply multiple eruptions no problem. Even sadakos and freddys can just teleport directly to gens and apply eruption.

    And the getting a down before a gen is repaired is not a difficult as you may think. Remember we are in a gen regressing/slowdown meta so most killers are equipped with a full build focusing on this.

    And for the love of god i have said this like 10 times already: Bond does not tell you when a surv is going down. Empathy does not tell you either. No information perk can tell you exactly when eruption will activate. The only reliable way to prevent this that does not require luck or be clairvoyant is to be on comms or fabricate a situation where you see both the killer and the surv aura at the same time.

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