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Grade Progress Error After Nearly Every Match

Penfighter Member Posts: 42
edited July 2023 in Bug Reporting

Platform: Xbox Series X

I'm getting a "Grade Progress Error" in the place where my emblems should be. This issue has occurred in 82 out of 100 of my matches (I've been keeping track) and as a result has become extremely annoying to deal with. It's unclear what is causing this to happen on my end, it just simply does. I can be on survivor or killer and it can happen if I escape, die, or after any killer game.

I'm trying to keep track of my emblems and what scoring is like (especially for my various killers) and this bug is making it impossible to do so effectively. The only fix is to restart my game and as you might imagine, restarting after 80% of my matches feels awful and I'm exhausted with this issue.

Post edited by EQWashu on
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  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I noticed it too for a long time. It happens to me after the dailies are reset or when I change grade. I typically have to close out of the game and log back in to fix it. But I did notice it doesn’t affect my grades. I’m guessing it’s just that they don’t want to load or something.

  • Penfighter
    Penfighter Member Posts: 42

    Yeah, it's been a thing for me since I started playing this game. It's just been happening a lot more lately than it used to. It was something I would have to deal with every time I played but usually after one or maybe two restarts I'd be good for a bit. This time, I've had episodes where even after 5 matches and 5 restarts, the error remains. Ugh.

  • Zozo9011
    Zozo9011 Member Posts: 1

    I’m having this problem at the moment, 8/10 games the error comes up at the end of a match. I lose out on any progress and shard rewards etc. I’ve restarted the game, logged out the game etc and nothing works. I play on Series X and It used to run great but over the last week or so this is happening constantly.

  • SickyScotty
    SickyScotty Member Posts: 23

    Same here on Xbox One. I also think this error prevented me from getting my Adept Plague achievement. I got the text "Merciless Killer" but since the emblems didn't show, no achievement.

  • Penfighter
    Penfighter Member Posts: 42

    I'm still having this issue as well. What I've noticed is that even though the problem persists, when I load back in the game does properly show where I'm at for ranked. So it appears my server details are still getting updated even if my Grade Progress Error prevents me from being able to actually see that progress.

    What an irritant.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499

    It has only been a few years since grade progress error has been a thing. Let's give them some time to fix it.

  • reap_r
    reap_r Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2022

    Yep, this happens every other time I play as well. (I'm on Series X as well)

  • Penfighter
    Penfighter Member Posts: 42

    New update, no new fix. Huzzah.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    I had this issue over the summer on ps4. Made bug report here, Mandy told me to contact support. Support told me to uninstall/reinstall the game and that fixed it for me.

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 828

    Reinstalling did not fix it for me, it was good for a day and than the bug was back.

  • Penfighter
    Penfighter Member Posts: 42

    This problem initially began for me on the Xbox One X. It now continues across three attempts to uninstall and reinstall on my Xbox Series X. Sigh.

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