The Knight Is Not Very Good At All

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I’m really sorry for the rant for the billionth time. But man he’s not very good at all. Swf not only bullies him but also destroys him. His guards go all over the place.

His perks are not very good either. I get the idea of them. But I feel they don’t really work well. His map pressure isn’t very good also. His guards go over the place at loops. They also get stuck or go back to you even when you order them to take out a survivor.

Basically, I feel this power still needs more buff or some overhaul. I feel that when you order a guard to attack a survivor at a loop or a window they should attack the survivor. Also please fix his guards cause they again super weak and buggy.

Post edited by Robotfangirl67 on


  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    Another flop since blight.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited November 2022

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but:

    • His power utilizes three npcs, each with their own speeds, up-times, and skills, but the killer cannot specifically pick the one they want, they have to cycle between whatever's up next, removing any tactical deployment.
    • He comes to a full and complete stop when he turns on his power.
    • Survivors vanish from his screen as he's using his power.
    • Actually drawing out a patrol path takes time and using anything on the fly leaves the guards basically stationary.
    • His guards have a delay between when they're deployed, when they appear, when they notice a survivor, and when they actually start moving.
    • The survivor can see the spawn-spot where the guard will (eventually) spawn
    • Survivors see the radius the guards can detect them at, allowing them to stay 100% safe at all times.
    • Survivors move faster than 2 out of 3 of the guards, making it impossible to hit them with the guards unless the survivors run directly into them (despite being able to see where the guards are from a great distance).
    • The guards have extremely short uptime AND have a "turn off" button in the form of a banner that can be tapped to instantly dispel the guard.
    • If the survivor DOES tap the banner, they gain both Sprint Burst AND Endurance, making them both invulnerable to damage AND lets them get away from any possible repercussions
    • The AI on all the guards is exactly as bad as the Nemesis Zombies - a killer released a year and a half ago and STILL not adequately fixed
    • If you have one guard deployed, you cannot deploy another guard and there's a delay between when the original guard goes away and when you can deploy the next one. Which kind of makes it COMPLETELY pointless to have three of them and EXTRA absurd that you can't pick which one you're going to deploy.
    • His knights make a tremendous amount of noise, broadcasting their presence to all survivors, even if they ignore the visual warnings, and preventing the killer from listening to the survivor noises they need to track.
    • The knight can't actually enter his power whenever he wants to, you have to tweak your physical location slightly to be able to enter it, making things even more difficult to do on the fly

    Does that about sum it up? Am I missing any other weaknesses his power has? Am I mistaken on any of those?

    Post edited by Adjatha on
  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I think you sum the Knight’s issues pretty well. But hopefully he get some more buffs to help him out.

  • BastardKing
    BastardKing Member Posts: 784

    That is a good summation. Honestly, I think the whole survivor seeing his light is one of the worst ones. If the survivors couldn't see the path, you could do a spirit bluff where they have to guess if you are using your power. And even if you are, they know where it is pretty easily. They have way to much information on how he is using his power, on top of having plenty of counters.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    Yes, all of these were brought up multiple times in the PTB forums for weeks. Behavior did not listen. They did not fix the problems we pointed out. Many people offered many different solutions, all of which would have been better than minus 0.5 seconds on his killer power activation time.

    This killer is F tier. I think they just need to see the killer totally flop before they do anything? I'm not sure what their reasoning is because they don't share it with anyone.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Turns out I forgot one. I've updated the list to include "you can only have one guard out at a time."

    12 extremely punishing restrictions/weaknesses on an already questionably useful power. This really is a new low.