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A sad day for me and the 2 other Haddie mains

Member Posts: 11,534

Back again with my annual post about how cosmetic distribution sucks

At least give haddie the prime gaming cosmetic (And the unreleased recolour) in the store. She only has 1 store cosmetic and it’s a locked set which nobody is really interested in

Kinda crazy that an original character for the big anniversary chapter who was teased in the lore for almost a year got abandoned so quickly.

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  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Give my girl some more love and cosmetics !

    I've been playing as her for a few weeks out of sheer spite. (Plus I actually do think she's really cool =D)

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    "But didn't you get a nice masquerade outfit?"

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Higher ups: „yes we will include this character for the anniversary chapter. No she will get less cosmetics on release in the store than usual. Also let’s keep some of the cosmetics locked behind Amazon prime and Event and then completely ignore here going onwards. Like that other dude. James or what’s his face“

    Vittorio would have made SO much more sense for their anniversary plans??

  • Member Posts: 810
    edited November 2022

    i mean personally i find haddie 1000 times more appealing than vittorio. And its not because shes a woman and he is a man. But her cosmetics are kinda boring not gonna lie. Just recolors. (and for vittorio i just find sad how he has not a single medieval cosmetic going for him, while the knights iri cosmetic could straight out be a frozen knight or Game of thrones character.)

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I'm willing to bet that he will get a medieval costume when they do a rift based on this chapter.

  • Member Posts: 810

    and i bet its gonna be iri. Ima not buy cosmetics for vittorio since i wont play him anyway.

  • Member Posts: 810

    also dont forget leather armor. Its the coolest kind of armor you could have. And so many possible variations.

  • Member Posts: 810

    i dont think it ever will tbh. But at least more possible than freddy and quentin i figure XD

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Vittorio could use ONE medieval element on his design.

  • Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2022

    Currently p84 Haddie main... absolutely appalled that she didnt get a halloween event shirt, let alone anything in the current rift. I don't expect she'll even get a christmas cosmetic either because bhvr have just decided they hate her.

    It's absolutely pathetic that the only good cosmetics she has are not even obtainable in game anymore - the masquerade outfit and the amazon prime fit. It just further cements that new players won't buy her - and feeds into the justification that it isn't worth making cosmetics for an unpopular character --- even though her unpopularity is ENTIRELY on bhvr themselves

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    You might be the only Haddie above P20 tbh. I haven’t been playing much but I’m going to get her 100 at some point

    BHVR have more or less abandoned her. Dredge was in the Christmas cosmetic vote yet she wasn’t but mikaela was because money

  • Member Posts: 92

    I can't say I care much about her being abandoned as she has - primarily because the obnoxious things on twitter have really turned me against the whole cause. - But I do think it's sad to see them neglect and misuse things relating to the lore they've been building alongside the game. Haddie is one of those things, at this point I think it's impossible to fix without a complete overhaul of the character we got vs what we read about. I'm sure they will add a skin to appease the Twitter folk eventually though, don't give up too much hope..

    Also, fun fact.. I remember long ago now I used to hate that Feng didn't get many cosmetics compared to Nea and Meg, who were getting them almost every cosmetic cycle, and now look at her. Never say never, even if it looks unlikely.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Why appease the Twitter folk when you can instead make cosmetics for yourself, the associate art director of DBD at BHVR?

    Even the lead character artist agrees with the "obnoxious things on twitter" so...

    Yeah anyway stan Haddie

  • Member Posts: 92
    edited November 2022

    Cool, look forward to seeing what they create for her in that case. And hopefully they fix her default hair while they're at it. (And yes, some of the twitter stuff -is- quite obnoxious and in your face rude, sorry.)

  • Member Posts: 10

    I don't use twitter, so i have no idea what the obnoxious stuff everyone is referring to is... can someone enlighten me?

  • Member Posts: 10

    They've done model reworks before - quentin, cybil, claire etc have had major reworks to improve their facial features... theres no reason other than sheer laziness they couldn't give haddie this treatment if they wanted to

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Yeah, in the end the people angry at BHVR for not releasing cosmetics for the nobodies should be angry at the community because they are the ones voting with their wallets.

    Sure BHVR could increase their manpower hiring more people in cosmetics departament and pump stuff for every character, including the barely played ones, but that would mean investing into something without a huge monetary return, thats how you make your bussiness tank.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    You'll be waiting a while because they don't have any say in who gets what cosmetics

    Or even what cosmetics they get.

  • Member Posts: 2,412

    Haddie head cosmetics: changes the colour of the pendant and earrings. Barely any changes

    They should make the blue of her hair change colour too.

  • Member Posts: 981

    What happened at twitter regarding Haddie?

    Sorry, I live under a rock when it comes things on that platform...

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I think the simple answer is that the fanbase is obviously way hornier for vittori than for haddie.

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    I wouldn't feel so bad for Haddie. At least she's unique still.

    Jeff has been in the game for 4 years and has a total of 36 cosmetics and he just got straight up replaced with a newer, hotter model.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    If the character don't sell / isnt played.... Thats what happen.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    I made a post in the Feedback section about the same thing. People go straight to the "she isn't played enough for cosmetics" while completely ignoring that she started with less cosmetics than Vittorio, has nothing to do with her being played less when it was an issue at release.

    It's so weird that BHVR spent multiple tomes building up her character's lore but then at release totally screwed her over with cosmetics by given her below the bare minimum which discouraged people from playing her.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    If I remember correctly, some people from Haddie's origin and faith have felt disrespected by the lack of authenticity in her character design : few symbols from her heritage, missed opportunities, and moslty, she wears symbols that are a mismatch of several different Indian cultures instead of the one she's supposed to come from.

    Basically, Haddie's design is like an undercover cop at pride. Fake trinkets and thoughtless association of symbols, that hopefully will make sense and make them seem legit.

  • Member Posts: 1,742

    She had the event tome for her, which allowed to unlock cosmetics for free. Vittorio is just another strategy of release, mainly oriented around thirst to make cash. I think they know what they're doing, and anticipated that Haddie wasnt going to sell well.

  • Member Posts: 3,011

    True and i am happy for that but i also really wanted the adam outfit and the meg outfit. I seriously don't get why people want fairytale outfits in what is supposed to be a horror game. I thought people would want outfits similar to how the default looks of the original 4 survivors are.

  • Member Posts: 92

    Nothing to do with what the other person said, at least in reference to mine. Just a constant barrage of tweets and memes about the lack of Haddie stuff, and a lot of it reads quite obnoxious and without any actual reasoning to the arguments they're giving. Haven't seen anything about people from Haddie's background, however I would not be surprised at all if that's the case.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    You're right saying that isn't toxic. But having the mindset that your image of a woman is the right one and that a character that isn't holding that standard but is liked by many people should just change is toxic.

    What you want another soul les blonde or a cute Asian in cute outfits. Maybe we go with a hot readhead. Maybe bhvr should just pick up a copy of the lasted playboy to designe the next female character

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    Atleast BHVR is aware of Haddie's issues and some do seem to care.

    Maybe it'll go somewhere.Oh and I main her 🔦

  • Member Posts: 2,171
    edited November 2022

    A lot of people also say Nea is ugly and she's one of the most popular characters in the game (and had been for a long while before the visual update to all characters).

    Ugliness isn't an objective trait. Some people may think Haddie is ugly, but other people will disagree.

    And as Nea proves, you don't need to be considered attractive by the majority of the community to be a popular character.

    I think the problem is more that there are too many Survivors and not enough reason to play them.

    At the end of the day, Survivors are just a skin with lore. You never have a reason to play them outside of random dailies or archive challenges IF you already own them for their perks.

    And with 27 (25 on console) Survivors you have to purchase, as well as most Survivors having really weird or lame perks, people ARE going to skip buying certain Survivors.

    Haddie isn't played because she's the 31st character added to the game, and was nearly immediately overshadowed by Ada and Rebecca, who are characters from a very popular pre-existing franchise and already have an existing fanbase.

    Vittorio just came out and he seems poised to succeed by virtue of having a very striking visual design (his crazy outfit and magic tattoos) as well as being a conventionally attractive character with a shirtless skin.

    But give it 2 months, and let's see how he compares to Haddie. No matter how many skins he gets, I personally doubt he's gonna be seen more often than Mikaela or Dwight, let alone established favourites like Feng, Meg, Claudette, or Nea.

    Not because he's ugly or badly designed: but because he's the 34th Survivor on the roster, and so has to compete with all 33 Survivors before him.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    today i learned bhvr appealing to the thirst crowd is a mandate

    hate to say it, but

    that's pathetic

  • Member Posts: 93

    The only reason I'm tempted to even play as Jeff is the fact that the rat on the back of his jacket looks like Godzilla and I just think that's the neatest look in the game.

    I want more Kaiju themed clothes...

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited November 2022

    I think when the hype settles down Vittorio will join most of the DLC characters in not being played all that much. I mean Felix has a lot of thirsty fans and yet how often do you actually see him in game? How often do you see Jane despite all the comments she gets? DLC characters in general are gonna see FAR less play than the free characters, and very few of them are frequently seen.

    In my experience it's only really the Resident Evil characters, Kate and Mikaela that are popular and almost all the rest are only seen now and again. Heck certain characters like Yoichi and Jonah are practically extinct.

  • Member Posts: 1,104

    I'd rock a freckled ginger all day long, that's an awesome idea!

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