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Thank you for implementing bots.

I can now, finally, go and play Killer when solo becomes just too much to handle in one play session without the 35 minute long queue times convincing me instead to just close the game and go do something more fun instead.

Best decision DBD's made in all of 2022, easily.

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  • Member Posts: 9

    Now only the killer bots are missing😅. It will seem useless, but it can be useful for a novice player.🙂

  • Member Posts: 2

    Thank you devs for bots - cool addition to the game.. and yeah killer bots i think would be a cool idea in the future please and thank you.. it be fun trying practice as a survivor against killers too..

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Most multiplayer games these days have bots as a way to entice the single player crowd so that way they'll still have a way to play the game.

    This was a long overdue feature. Now we have a way to not only practice, but we can enjoy some chill matches at our leisure. But by far the biggest advantage about this would be that no one's going to disconnect, no one's going to be teabagging and flashlight clicking, and best of all; no toxic end-game chat.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    At least they're easy to kill so are very good for stress relief

  • Member Posts: 378

    I've been wanting a "training mode" for a long time. Now I can try out different killers and techs without getting my face stomped.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I've been derusting my Blight today in customs.

    From pure frustration in online games because I couldn't land a single rush because of my rust, went to smooth bounces and hug techs connecting every hit while autopiloting as Blight.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I have been wanting this in the game for so long and it's a dream to have it. Being able to practice a killer without the stress of a real game is a godsend. Thank you so much, dev team!

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    The bots are nice

    weirdly good at dodging powers, though. Like, of all the things they're disproportionately skilled at, juking powers? lol

  • Member Posts: 454

    Sometimes I feel bad when they get stuck, so I give one hatch.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2022

    Michael Myers bot please for easy mode. Dredge for intermediate AI. Spirit for hard AI. I think these 3 killers should be easy AI to make. their power is not very complex for AI to do much decision making.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Way to go to keep things close to a normal pvp match in terms of realism. Bhvr didn't want to deviate too much from the real deal, right? 😂

  • Member Posts: 871

    It would be very interesting to be able to choose the perks that the bots use, according to which they would act differently; as well as the objects.

    However, I noticed that these bots definitely seem to be in love with the edges of the map 😂

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    no, that's sad if this is true... promoting toxicity even with bots... honestly this is just pathetic

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited November 2022

    I wonder if they collaborated at all with the DBD mobile team--they've had bots (both survivors and killers) for quite a while now, so they probably have some experience in that department.

  • Member Posts: 16,663

    Really, scrap Killer Bots. Just dont bring them, it is not worth the effort. You will not manage to bring 30 Killer Bots to a level that they resemble actual human players so that learning against them will be helpful.

    The ressources can really be used in other areas.

  • Member Posts: 454

    honestly, the bots tbagging me has made me realize its not that serious and makes me laugh, ill try and take this attitude to real matches.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    It’s a great addition. Means I can finally learn killers like twins without feeling terrible every match

    Also since it is customs it can allow you to test perks to see which ones you like and want to buy which is amazing for new players who don’t have dlc unlocked yet

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited November 2022

    Question is: Will now every game be counted for stats, unless the killer DCs?

    And yes, esp. as a solo i highly appriciate bots, even i don't know how good they're yet. From what i've seen in the tuturial, they're already better than some players. And having them over just having a 3v1 is def a good addition.

  • Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2022

    Thank you so much for expanding the availability of bots 🤗

    Here are the suggestions that immediately came to mind, after playing a few games against them:

    Visual aspect

    - having the ability to choose the exact identity of each bot (currently, the game randomly chooses an identity) or letting the game make up a random team (by turning the possibility of duplicate(s) on or off)

    - have the possibility to choose the skin of each bot, or to let the game choose randomly an outfit among the available ones, for each bot

    Technical aspect

    - have the possibility to choose which skills will be used by each bot

    - make sure that, depending on the perks used, the behavior of the bots changes. Example : if a bot uses the skill "Prove thyself", it would be interesting that it stays as much as possible in duo with at least one other person;

    - improve the anticipation of the bots at the dehook, and their reaction when the hook occurs : during my game, I didn't care about the perks I used, I just wanted to test the bots. I happened to have "Dead's man switch" : I hooked a bot, and about 2s later, DMS allowed me to see the THREE OTHER bots drop their generator at EXACTLY the same time. It would have been more interesting if only one of the three; the one closest to the hook for example; came to make the save.

    - dispel the borderline obscene affection the bots have for the edges of maps 😂 they are indeed irredeemably drawn to the perimeter walls of each map, thus sending them into dead zones very often 😁

    - prevent them from fast vaulting outside the chase : I had several times the case where bots did fast vault while they were at the other end of the map, informing me of their position ; while sometimes, during the chase, they have the intelligence to try baits by preferring the slow vault 😲

    - reduce the affection that bots have for bushes and closed areas : if they run into a fence for example, they will stay there, looking at me over their shoulder, waiting, I imagine, for the fence to disappear (same with some bushes or other obstacles) 😅

    - Have an option to determine if the 4 bots "play" solo, or if such bot is "in vocal" with such bot, or if the 4 are "in vocal".

    I'm obviously talking about information sharing, in order to simulate more refined behaviors, and more efficient in game (drop the generators to avoid being tricked by Gift of pain, NOT drop the generators without reasons to avoid Dead's Man switch, etc. in fact, simulate information sharing)

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    I played a handful of matches last night, and I see what they're talking about. The bots aren't really teabagging, the AI is just deciding between whether to crouch and hide or run away (at least to me). Another bot tried to blind me with a flashlight while carrying another survivor, but other than that I haven't experienced any clicking. I have to assume it's the AI deciding whether to use the flashlight or not.

    I will say it was pretty impressive how effective they were, especially at doing generators! I played with sadako for the first time last night, and they were slamming out generators pretty efficiently. I'm definitely glad I didn't play her against a live team because they would have walked all over me, and thus persuaded me not to play another match.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    I agree. I played a handful of matches last night, and the bots were doing a decent job at juking my hits. They would also try to flashlight save survivors I was carrying, and they would group together on generators. It was pretty impressive! And if BHVR decides to tweak the AI even further, it could really mirror an online match.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I played a handful of matches last night, and I see what they're talking about. The bots aren't really teabagging, the AI is just deciding between whether to crouch and hide or run away (at least to me). Another bot tried to blind me with a flashlight while carrying another survivor, but other than that I haven't experienced any clicking. I have to assume it's the AI deciding whether to use the flashlight or not.

    But it's funny, honestly, and knowing there's no malicious and toxic intent makes it so much better than it has any right to be. I really hope they don't fix it, because it allows for so much accidental joy and then the satisfying feeling of effortless curbstomping them on top of it all actually makes me want to play more games.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Knowing that there is no toxic or malicious intent is what entices me to keep playing with the bots. I don't have to worry about survivors disconnecting because they were downed first, and I don't have to worry about anyone reaching out to me to tell me that I'm a terrible person that should end their life.🙄

    As it is right now, the bots are in a good enough state to really help players practice. I hope in the future BHVR continues to tweak the AI to allow the use of perks. I know they plan on doing that when they add the killer bots, but hopefully you can do that for the survivors when you're the killer as well.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    It's pretty impressive how effective the bots can be. Last night I decided to play a match with Pinhead, and the bots waited until I had picked up a survivor to solve the cube. Every time! It's really impressive how BHVR has tweaked the bots to play against certain killers. And if this is just the beginning, then I look forward to seeing what else they can do with the bots in the future.

  • Member Posts: 645

    Implimenting bots into custome helps me a ######### ton.

    Mostly to learn killers tha I haven't played before and to warm up before playing a live game.

    Thanks devs <3

  • Member Posts: 731

    Might as well ask, any bp coming for bot matches. Could be normal or could be capped at max 20k or something. Just something so you're earning while practicing.

  • Member Posts: 687

    I got juiced by a bot for like 2 seconds because they FOV teched me lmao

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    DBD mobile actually allows you to earn a small amount of bp and xp against bots. It would be nice if the main game allows that too.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Sadly I agree with this. As good as the idea sounds, bhvr needs to accept they will never be able to implement something like this, resulting in a huge waste of resources. Just put them elsewhere directly

  • Member Posts: 1,093

    I wanted to test out the bots yesterday just to see how "realistic" an experience they provided, so I played my normal Pig build against them. There were things I wanted to see if they'd do, and I was surprised by how realistic they were in some aspects.

    -- They actually used stealth at times, though at other times they tried to "hide" in places that I could obviously see them.

    -- They actually double-backed, stopped running at times to try to hide their scratch marks, and did on a couple of occasions play around my mind-gaming a loop. I never lost one in chase, but they definitely did make a move here and there that was unpredictable

    -- I assumed the teabagging people have said that they do was the AI crouching to hide, then uncrouching when the killer approached them, but a David on death hook absolutely teabagged me after dropping a pallet. As much as I detest BM in the game, I almost rolled out of my chair laughing when I saw it. The same David also took to an edge map Z-wall when I wasn't chasing him and started spam-vaulting it. There was an Ada hooked in the vicinity and I wasn't near, and the David wouldn't unhook her. It took toxic bot behavior to a new level, lol.

    -- The David comp-cornered me, which since for some reason, there wasn't a hook in the corner other than the one that Ada was on, was effective because I couldn't get him to a hook, so I dropped and slugged him. Meanwhile, the other two bots were out there doing bot things, so the Ada died on 2nd hook and the David stayed on the ground for a long time. You know, just like a normal solo queue match!

    -- The bots cleansed their Plaything totems, which wasn't necessary as a bot should never technically be "oblivious". They also removed their RBT's as well, which I wasn't sure they would do, and the one that did, did so before a gen popped (they never popped a gen, or really came close to doing so, though).

    -- They LOVE the edge of the map, as others have pointed out. That said, I actually caught one hiding in a locker, which also surprised me that they'd be programmed to use lockers to try and duck the killer.

    -- Slugged bots do crawl. I wanted to see how a bot would react with a hatch scenario, so I slugged the next-to-last while going after the last one remaining. The slugged bot moved away from their initial position, either to prepare to look for the hatch, to put themselves in a better position to get picked up, or to simply hide.

    All in all, they're what I would have expected, given the AI of Nemesis' zombies. They're decent enough to provide practice for someone who has never played killer and wants to start, or someone playing a brand-new killer out for the first time. None of my chases went particularly long, I downed everyone very easily, and it was a slaughter at 5 gens, but it's not like I haven't done the same thing as Piggie against actual players. While their pathing could be better, overall, I was pleasantly surprised at how they performed, so BHVR gets a big thumbs-up from me on their implementation.

  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited November 2022

    They surprised me as well. Within my Pinhead match they would wait until I had picked up a survivor before solving the box, and they would intentionally run the opposite way from where I was sending out the chain. They also managed to juke a couple of hits. All in all it very much resembled what entire team of solo players would feel like. Not saying it was a one-for-one experience, but if this is just the beginning for the bots, then I look forward to how they continue to function in the future.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Quick question: Does the inclusion of bots still require you to launch the game in online mode on Steam?

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    I'm assuming so. I play on PS5 and it still had to connect online. Could be wrong though.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    Neither Survivor nor Killer bots are intended to play at the same level as a real player. Don't worry, that's not the goal. The goal is to simply teach them how to use their power, even if they don't use them as efficiently as real players. It might seem useless to you since you've already been around for a while and know how everything works, but to a newer player who just wants to practice and learn how the different Killers work before going against them, it can make a world of difference. As time goes on and the roster grows, it's only going to become more important.

  • Member Posts: 454

    Yeah they use flashlights if they find them, its funny & adorable because they're so bad USUALLY. They have got me a few times while kicking a pallet ngl lmao

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    the Bots crawl to exponential boons btw, me and a friend noticed it do it once, and when we tested further it kept doing it. While not programmed to use perks, they will happily take advantage of others perks

  • Member Posts: 93

    I like the bots to figure out how killers work and with what perks, but holy smokes, they are skittish. I was playing Ghostface and if I saw so much as a leg, they book it, so Stalk didn't work for me as well. Another thing is they jump on generators fast. 5 was slow and then pow, next thing I know, they were on 2. Other things I noticed is during a two person chase, David just ran to a locker and hid right in front of me.

    Otherwise, bots are good for trying kickers and not getting dumped in a sweat match from ground zero

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