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New Hex not working (Darkness Revealed)

Platform: PC
1) Multiple times now - the Hex does not light up but you get the points when you take it out (and sound effect).
2) It appears that Distortion is not blocking it even though we lose a stack - killer has come directly to me in multiple instances after breaking a gen and I'm close but have Distortion just like they can see me.
darkness revaled isint a hex?
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I think you mean "Hex: Face the Darkness"
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Darkness Revealed isn't a new perk nor a hex perk, it's Dredge's perk which reveals survivors near lockers
Are you sure you're talking about Hex: Face the Darkness in 1)? You're talking about the Hex not lighting up, do you mean that it doesn't light up at the START of the trial? If so, that's not how this perk works, it puts up a hex after injuring a survivor and temporarly disables the hex after the survivor is healed/knocked down/hooked.
In 2) I think you're talking about Nowhere to Hide, which is a whole another perk, are you sure he didn't just see your scratch marks, or just notice you hiding?